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TOPIC | League of Legends anybody?
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I just started out not too long ago, and I'd love to make some new friends! Have an all flight rising team? Heck yeah! Sadly, I'm not even close to the level needed to be in ranked, but having a close knit group of friends to exchange tips and tricks sounds fun! Uhm, I dont know what else to say, but other than giving out my summoner's name!

I'm Rat Punk! Usually at the start of a match I /all a corny joke to set the mood. I'm also stupidly positive.

I also main Twitch, Tryn, Rumble, and Veigar (mostly because I dont have other champions, haha.)

Man I really shouldnt of done this sick. Its a train wreck.
I just started out not too long ago, and I'd love to make some new friends! Have an all flight rising team? Heck yeah! Sadly, I'm not even close to the level needed to be in ranked, but having a close knit group of friends to exchange tips and tricks sounds fun! Uhm, I dont know what else to say, but other than giving out my summoner's name!

I'm Rat Punk! Usually at the start of a match I /all a corny joke to set the mood. I'm also stupidly positive.

I also main Twitch, Tryn, Rumble, and Veigar (mostly because I dont have other champions, haha.)

Man I really shouldnt of done this sick. Its a train wreck.
Add me haha im simzie
Add me haha im simzie

Diddly done did.

and Kog on a cracker you're level 30.

Diddly done did.

and Kog on a cracker you're level 30.
@Punk yup o3o dont mind me any xD
@Punk yup o3o dont mind me any xD

I am not worthy. All I do it play AI and ARAM. D:

I am not worthy. All I do it play AI and ARAM. D:
Feel free to add me. I'm still Xeka over there.
Feel free to add me. I'm still Xeka over there.
aaa my username is tea and i play on the philippines server. i main support and a few mids but im learning jungle and im forced to play adr a lot. lux is my babe and my main :) currently gold 4 hell ye
aaa my username is tea and i play on the philippines server. i main support and a few mids but im learning jungle and im forced to play adr a lot. lux is my babe and my main :) currently gold 4 hell ye
How hard is it to learn LoL? I've put 50+ hours into DOTA 2 and now my boyfriend wants to flip to LoL. I'm not sure I can handle another steep learning curve @_@
How hard is it to learn LoL? I've put 50+ hours into DOTA 2 and now my boyfriend wants to flip to LoL. I'm not sure I can handle another steep learning curve @_@

I found once I'd learnt Dota 2, it was just a matter of applying the things I'd learnt to League. It's DIFFERENT, but the basics are still the same. (Csing, no denying in this game so wave control by killing opponent minions is harder. Same three towers per lane, three lanes. Barracks are Inhibitors and only one building, and there aren't a ton of buildings lying around to be destroyed. No secret shop, you can go straight back to base like with a tele scroll but without, but you don't get tele scrolls to go back to lane with. YOU DON'T LOSE GOLD WHEN DYING. IT's a much less snowbally game.)

It's essentially the same game with differences. That's the reason I don't understand the hate between the two communities. I'm happily a member of both. Probably the BIGGEST learning curve, and it is kinda big, is learning the champions. Same as with Dota, 3 skills, 1 Ult, 1 passive. Except you don't level up your passive in League and you cap at 18th level.

Anyone on NA feel free to add me, I'm under the IGN SilverRayn

And yes I am stuck in Gold V, I've been there for half a year, I don't want to talk about it. :

I found once I'd learnt Dota 2, it was just a matter of applying the things I'd learnt to League. It's DIFFERENT, but the basics are still the same. (Csing, no denying in this game so wave control by killing opponent minions is harder. Same three towers per lane, three lanes. Barracks are Inhibitors and only one building, and there aren't a ton of buildings lying around to be destroyed. No secret shop, you can go straight back to base like with a tele scroll but without, but you don't get tele scrolls to go back to lane with. YOU DON'T LOSE GOLD WHEN DYING. IT's a much less snowbally game.)

It's essentially the same game with differences. That's the reason I don't understand the hate between the two communities. I'm happily a member of both. Probably the BIGGEST learning curve, and it is kinda big, is learning the champions. Same as with Dota, 3 skills, 1 Ult, 1 passive. Except you don't level up your passive in League and you cap at 18th level.

Anyone on NA feel free to add me, I'm under the IGN SilverRayn

And yes I am stuck in Gold V, I've been there for half a year, I don't want to talk about it. :
Sniping Shop - Currently inactive
I've been playing on-and-off for over a year, but I have a ways to go. Only level 24, haha! I think my UN on there is Nysah as well. Feel free to add me! I play a lot of Summoner's Rift and ARAM! I main mostly top lane/support. :)
I've been playing on-and-off for over a year, but I have a ways to go. Only level 24, haha! I think my UN on there is Nysah as well. Feel free to add me! I play a lot of Summoner's Rift and ARAM! I main mostly top lane/support. :)
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