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TOPIC | The awesome people thread~
Well, thanks to @MonkeyDLuffy for a ping, though I don't know why... (here, have some more confusion fuel!) But really, if we're going to talk about how awesome I am, I gotta ping my mom @Shewatcha, since she's a good part of why I'm as awesome as I am.

*sits back to wait* This'll be a good test of her navigation skills. :D Maybe I should set odds for her finding this, I could make some treasure!
Well, thanks to @MonkeyDLuffy for a ping, though I don't know why... (here, have some more confusion fuel!) But really, if we're going to talk about how awesome I am, I gotta ping my mom @Shewatcha, since she's a good part of why I'm as awesome as I am.

*sits back to wait* This'll be a good test of her navigation skills. :D Maybe I should set odds for her finding this, I could make some treasure!
@RainingSparkles Thank you! I'm glad you consider me awesome. :D

I would have to say that @Disco and @Win are definitely awesome.
As well as @Celwina and @Gucci and @FioFioFio, of course.
@RainingSparkles Thank you! I'm glad you consider me awesome. :D

I would have to say that @Disco and @Win are definitely awesome.
As well as @Celwina and @Gucci and @FioFioFio, of course.
@MonkeyDLuffy Not sure why you declared me awesome, but thanks! :D
@MonkeyDLuffy Not sure why you declared me awesome, but thanks! :D

Pinged for being too awesome to fit on a long list of awesome people.

Pinged for being too awesome to fit on a long list of awesome people.
[quote name="MonkeyDLuffy" date="2014-10-23 10:56:50"]@Kompy Are you insinuating you taste good?[/quote] .... .... [img][/img]
MonkeyDLuffy wrote on 2014-10-23 10:56:50:

Are you insinuating you taste good?




Well, I don't really know why I'm awesome, but thank you! You're pretty awesome yourself, and you've got quite an interesting lair going there!

Well, I don't really know why I'm awesome, but thank you! You're pretty awesome yourself, and you've got quite an interesting lair going there!
~~~~~~~~~~~ Awaken to your Fate ~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you :D It's nice to know I've helped in some way ^.^

Thank you :D It's nice to know I've helped in some way ^.^

You must have run into me when I wasn't cranky! ;)

Awesome people hm? Let's start with...

@MythrilMidnyght For being a terrifying and affectionate mama dragon. And also incredibly dedicated and stubborn.

@HarunaRei For being logical when most people lose their heads. Completely amazing when you manage to get her into the Suggestions forum. Never argue with her.

@littlepandade For putting up with me when I gave up. For being kind. You put other red pandas to shame!

@RandyPandy For being awesome even when I probably annoy you half to death with my rants and crazy, scattered ideas and clingy characters. For being my main RP partner, through all the tears and frustration and embarrassment. You're supportive of me even when you probably should find the nearest hard object and whack me over the head with it.

The lot of you all put me to shame with your skills and dedication to your RPs and muses. You've been good friends, no matter what.

You must have run into me when I wasn't cranky! ;)

Awesome people hm? Let's start with...

@MythrilMidnyght For being a terrifying and affectionate mama dragon. And also incredibly dedicated and stubborn.

@HarunaRei For being logical when most people lose their heads. Completely amazing when you manage to get her into the Suggestions forum. Never argue with her.

@littlepandade For putting up with me when I gave up. For being kind. You put other red pandas to shame!

@RandyPandy For being awesome even when I probably annoy you half to death with my rants and crazy, scattered ideas and clingy characters. For being my main RP partner, through all the tears and frustration and embarrassment. You're supportive of me even when you probably should find the nearest hard object and whack me over the head with it.

The lot of you all put me to shame with your skills and dedication to your RPs and muses. You've been good friends, no matter what.
Pard-ra? Par-dra? I sound like a Thundercats character. Click please? .gif.gif
@Kompy [img][/img]

Thank you @skeletonwitchery !
Thank you @skeletonwitchery !