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The world map tends to be very slow and unresponsive for me, not to mention it fits very awkwardly on my monitor and I'm just not into the navigation.

I needed to have all the territories listed out with close up images and descriptions for each of them, but I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I'm making it myself.

(if I give up on this I might delete this lol)

Used FR image assets guide for some of these images
The world map tends to be very slow and unresponsive for me, not to mention it fits very awkwardly on my monitor and I'm just not into the navigation.

I needed to have all the territories listed out with close up images and descriptions for each of them, but I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I'm making it myself.

(if I give up on this I might delete this lol)

Used FR image assets guide for some of these images
85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Sornieth[/size][/center] ------ [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] -----

85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Dragonhome[/size][/center] ------ [center][img][/img][/center] [center][i][b]Domain of the Earthshaker[/b][/i] The Earthshaker stood alone at the plinth, alone at his altar, a singular figure to match the Pillar he was charged to maintain. Yet not to his task did he watch, for his moist eyes saw only the diminishing shapes of his siblings, gone, on the southern horizon, never to return... ------- [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Cairnstone Rest[/b] An ancient burial ground, once possessing the richest gem deposits in Dragonhome. Prospectors take care to avoid imposing obelisks, heeding well the warnings left for tomb robbers. More than one clan has been driven from the area by skeletal wyrms keen on defending earthbound hallows. Creatures and dragons have been drawn to the battleground, calling for more to take arms either to defend their living and dead kin, or cull the intruders before too much harm is done. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Shattered Plain[/b] A rocky, barren expanse of skittering stone and parched, packed dirt lined and featured with innumerable cracks. It is amongst the larger rocks that the dragons here choose to roost, away from the shards of dancing stone. The difficult labour required to dig and sustain a lair in the Plain is the worst of the area's challenges, however, making it an ideal training ground for those intending to carve a living in the more dangerous parts of ancient Dragonhome. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Pillar of the World[/b] The sorrowful, crumbling remains of the final vestiges of peace between the elemental flights. It is this monument alone that towered above the world, acting as the base of a great magical shield whose purpose was to protect the land from the roaming Shade, a devouring plague of darkness. The Earthshaker has existed here for time immemorial, both guarding and mourning the structure that once held his brothers and sisters together. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Colonnades of Antiquity[/b] The workings of the Dragonhome Preservation Guild have drawn the merchants, buskers, researchers, and thespians of Sornieth, all eager to make their mark in the region. Springing up around the dig sites, the Colonnades of Antiquity represent the very best and very worst of a new golden age of archaeological discovery; each new find feeds the sprawling bazaars and shops now crammed fang-by-jowl among the ancient architecture. [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] [b]Highland Sanctum[/b] An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout Dragonhome. The Highland Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent earth magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Greatwyrm's Breach[/b] A mighty break in the eggshell-shaped mountain range surrounding the Pillar, named for its visual allusion to the hatching of a new-born dragon. It is said that its westward gorge housed the first clans, and the intricate series of networked caverns that dot it support this claim. A storied realm for dragonkind, many of the old lairs here are known for their murals and cave-paintings telling of the ancient feats performed by the elemental deities in the shaping of the world. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Parched Canyonwalks[/b] A series of well-maintained stone archways and wooden footbridges built to accommodate a recent interest in tourism, immigration, and commerce in the arid north. Though masonry and carpentry have improved movement throughout the highlands, many merchants and travelers still avoid these passages, content to stay as far away as possible from the deadly, yawning chasms that fracture the landscape. A sharp increase in tectonic activity may also be hurting matters. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Terraclae[/b] This cave city was once a grand quarry, priding itself on its bounty of rich minerals and ores. As sites and digs were depleted, laborer clans took root in the empty spaces, carving out permanent homes to create an expansive self-sufficient community. The network of long-established clans that inhabit the city have significant clout in the region, holding sway over the construction of bridges, the operation of gem mines, and acting as the de facto voice of the earth flight. [img][/img] ------

Domain of the Earthshaker
The Earthshaker stood alone at the plinth, alone at his altar, a singular figure to match the Pillar he was charged to maintain. Yet not to his task did he watch, for his moist eyes saw only the diminishing shapes of his siblings, gone, on the southern horizon, never to return...


Cairnstone Rest
An ancient burial ground, once possessing the richest gem deposits in Dragonhome. Prospectors take care to avoid imposing obelisks, heeding well the warnings left for tomb robbers. More than one clan has been driven from the area by skeletal wyrms keen on defending earthbound hallows. Creatures and dragons have been drawn to the battleground, calling for more to take arms either to defend their living and dead kin, or cull the intruders before too much harm is done.


Shattered Plain
A rocky, barren expanse of skittering stone and parched, packed dirt lined and featured with innumerable cracks. It is amongst the larger rocks that the dragons here choose to roost, away from the shards of dancing stone. The difficult labour required to dig and sustain a lair in the Plain is the worst of the area's challenges, however, making it an ideal training ground for those intending to carve a living in the more dangerous parts of ancient Dragonhome.


Pillar of the World
The sorrowful, crumbling remains of the final vestiges of peace between the elemental flights. It is this monument alone that towered above the world, acting as the base of a great magical shield whose purpose was to protect the land from the roaming Shade, a devouring plague of darkness. The Earthshaker has existed here for time immemorial, both guarding and mourning the structure that once held his brothers and sisters together.


Colonnades of Antiquity
The workings of the Dragonhome Preservation Guild have drawn the merchants, buskers, researchers, and thespians of Sornieth, all eager to make their mark in the region. Springing up around the dig sites, the Colonnades of Antiquity represent the very best and very worst of a new golden age of archaeological discovery; each new find feeds the sprawling bazaars and shops now crammed fang-by-jowl among the ancient architecture.


Highland Sanctum
An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout Dragonhome. The Highland Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent earth magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars.



Greatwyrm's Breach
A mighty break in the eggshell-shaped mountain range surrounding the Pillar, named for its visual allusion to the hatching of a new-born dragon. It is said that its westward gorge housed the first clans, and the intricate series of networked caverns that dot it support this claim. A storied realm for dragonkind, many of the old lairs here are known for their murals and cave-paintings telling of the ancient feats performed by the elemental deities in the shaping of the world.


Parched Canyonwalks
A series of well-maintained stone archways and wooden footbridges built to accommodate a recent interest in tourism, immigration, and commerce in the arid north. Though masonry and carpentry have improved movement throughout the highlands, many merchants and travelers still avoid these passages, content to stay as far away as possible from the deadly, yawning chasms that fracture the landscape. A sharp increase in tectonic activity may also be hurting matters.




This cave city was once a grand quarry, priding itself on its bounty of rich minerals and ores. As sites and digs were depleted, laborer clans took root in the empty spaces, carving out permanent homes to create an expansive self-sufficient community. The network of long-established clans that inhabit the city have significant clout in the region, holding sway over the construction of bridges, the operation of gem mines, and acting as the de facto voice of the earth flight.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Ashfall Waste[/size] -------- [img][/img] [i]Domain of the Flamecaller[/i] The tumultuous, heated lands of the Flamecaller are the heartbeat of the world. It is said that whenever the land is pained, searing canyons and geysers emerge from the bedrock, and it is the Fire dragonflight that exploits this unrest, shaping and manufacturing the terrain however they see fit. They are hardened and relentless in their industry, filling the skies with an acrid haze of smokes and steams. ------ [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Cinderslag[/b] Many of the dragons who did not defect to the Magmablood Rebellion have settled in the undesirable lairs of Cinderslag, a metal-built ramshackle town nestled in the oppressive heat of a crater near the Great Furnace. Seeking to combat rebels across the water, forgemasters drive the dragons here to an endless toil of forging tools, weapons, and armor. [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] [b]Magma Sanctum[/b] An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Ashfall Waste. The Magma Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent fire magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Great Furnace[/b] Anchored into the thick, glassy obsidian by immense drills, a mighty platform perches over the crater of the continent's largest and most active volcano. The intricate architecture is shrouded in a billowing cloud of ash and acrid smoke, but the glowing lava powering the forge workshop highlights the fire-tinged silhouettes of the furnaces and smelters furthering the Flamecaller's efforts. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Blacksand Annex[/b] This obsidian coastline is blanketed in flowing lava and a scalding steam at the water's edge. The land is fluid and soft: an open canvas - unmolded clay needing a crafter's hand. The Annex beckons to those flights eager to make a lasting impression on the landscape and thus to cement their places by the Flamecaller's side. However, this builder's paradise is marred by inexplicable events and dreadful shapes moving deep in the pervasive mist. [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] [b]Molten Scar[/b] From above, the Molten Scar appears as a fiery, violent wound gouged relentlessly into the landscape. It reaches eastward and is comprised of disjointed tectonic plates that crash thunderously into one another as they drift on the liquid rock. Rare metals are revealed in this back-and-forth exchange, and the open gaps are alive with dragons eager to plunder the veins before the next collision knocks the unclaimed ore into the melting pot below. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Emberglow Hearth[/b] In the eastern region of the Ashfall Waste, magma vents are gentle and free of the volatile pressure troubling the rest of the realm. Small fiery pools form, attracting edible salamanders and fireflies and providing natural open-hearth furnaces, ideal for apprentice metalworking dragons. Able to supply both utility and sustenance in vast quantities, the Emberglow Hearth is a popular starting point for fledgling lairs. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Flintlock Fumaroles[/b] Tectonic activity and a surge in scorching subterranean magical essences have devastated the coastline through a series of cascading fissures, cracks, and geysers that continuously spew volcanic gases into vibrant orange skies. Plumes of thick, toxic smoke cling to the area, making breathing extremely dangerous for dragons not born of fire. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Magmablood Rebuke[/b] Sornieth's youngest geological phenomenon bubbled out of the sea, spurred by surging magical forces beneath the planet's surface. Despite seeking to claim and control the powerful fiery essences that birthed the mountain, the affluent forgemasters of the region were forced to yield this young volcano to an organized sect of rebel blacksmiths who now defend it as their base of operations. [img][/img] -------
Ashfall Waste
Domain of the Flamecaller

The tumultuous, heated lands of the Flamecaller are the heartbeat of the world. It is said that whenever the land is pained, searing canyons and geysers emerge from the bedrock, and it is the Fire dragonflight that exploits this unrest, shaping and manufacturing the terrain however they see fit. They are hardened and relentless in their industry, filling the skies with an acrid haze of smokes and steams.


Many of the dragons who did not defect to the Magmablood Rebellion have settled in the undesirable lairs of Cinderslag, a metal-built ramshackle town nestled in the oppressive heat of a crater near the Great Furnace. Seeking to combat rebels across the water, forgemasters drive the dragons here to an endless toil of forging tools, weapons, and armor.


Magma Sanctum

An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Ashfall Waste. The Magma Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent fire magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars.


Great Furnace

Anchored into the thick, glassy obsidian by immense drills, a mighty platform perches over the crater of the continent's largest and most active volcano. The intricate architecture is shrouded in a billowing cloud of ash and acrid smoke, but the glowing lava powering the forge workshop highlights the fire-tinged silhouettes of the furnaces and smelters furthering the Flamecaller's efforts.


Blacksand Annex
This obsidian coastline is blanketed in flowing lava and a scalding steam at the water's edge. The land is fluid and soft: an open canvas - unmolded clay needing a crafter's hand. The Annex beckons to those flights eager to make a lasting impression on the landscape and thus to cement their places by the Flamecaller's side. However, this builder's paradise is marred by inexplicable events and dreadful shapes moving deep in the pervasive mist.


Molten Scar

From above, the Molten Scar appears as a fiery, violent wound gouged relentlessly into the landscape. It reaches eastward and is comprised of disjointed tectonic plates that crash thunderously into one another as they drift on the liquid rock. Rare metals are revealed in this back-and-forth exchange, and the open gaps are alive with dragons eager to plunder the veins before the next collision knocks the unclaimed ore into the melting pot below.


Emberglow Hearth

In the eastern region of the Ashfall Waste, magma vents are gentle and free of the volatile pressure troubling the rest of the realm. Small fiery pools form, attracting edible salamanders and fireflies and providing natural open-hearth furnaces, ideal for apprentice metalworking dragons. Able to supply both utility and sustenance in vast quantities, the Emberglow Hearth is a popular starting point for fledgling lairs.


Flintlock Fumaroles
Tectonic activity and a surge in scorching subterranean magical essences have devastated the coastline through a series of cascading fissures, cracks, and geysers that continuously spew volcanic gases into vibrant orange skies. Plumes of thick, toxic smoke cling to the area, making breathing extremely dangerous for dragons not born of fire.


Magmablood Rebuke

Sornieth's youngest geological phenomenon bubbled out of the sea, spurred by surging magical forces beneath the planet's surface. Despite seeking to claim and control the powerful fiery essences that birthed the mountain, the affluent forgemasters of the region were forced to yield this young volcano to an organized sect of rebel blacksmiths who now defend it as their base of operations.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Windswept Plateau[/size] ----- [img][/img] [i]Domain of the Windsinger[/i] Here exists a peaceful highland of steppes and fields, the terrain itself swaying to the tune of the endless plumes and currents of warm wind that caress the region. It is a world of rushed merriment, as dragons dive through and curl around gigantic clouds, racing one another through pockets of swirling cool air. The messages of the world all pass through this plateau, with each dragon traveling somewhere, and for some reason, guided only by the direction of the wind and a sense of exploration. ------ [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] [b]Aergate[/b] Spurred to action after the Twisting Crescendo temporarily halted its eternal churn, wind dragons revitalized this once ruined temple to its former glory. Beyond its role as a bustling city, Aergate played a pivotal role while the region was devoid of its signature gusts and zephyrs. The magically-rotating ring apparatuses provided dragons with a path to higher currents, allowing crucial couriers and travelers the needed boost to traverse the plateau during a time of crisis. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Gale Sanctum[/b] An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Windswept Plateau. The Gale Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent wind magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Millmeadows[/b] The ever-turning windmills that dot this landscape have multiple purposes. From grinding to sawing to irrigation, the traditionally laidback dragons of wind earn their keep on these farms—with a little help from the gusts, of course. Most impressive are the windmills' unique magical ability to efficiently recycle their source of power. Not only do they benefit from wind, they also help contribute to it! [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Twisting Crescendo[/b] The final trial of the Windsinger's children is a powerful vortex on the western shore. This great storm has raged for thousands of years, and is said to be the residual effect of an ancient time in which the gods of air and ice quarreled. Torrents of angry air pull clouds in an aggressive spiral, and even the most adept wind dragons avoid the eye, a place from which many rarely return. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Zephyr Steppes[/b] The most peaceful place in all the world. Fledgling clans and families nestle within the bushes that line each grassy steppe, and calming breezes coax hatchlings to learn to fly much earlier in their life than other dragons. These plots of terrain physically embody the first chapters of each dragon's rite to become closer to the sky. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Singer's Brook[/b] Nestled in a low pocket of coastline beneath towering cliffs, Singer's Brook is a place of tranquil stillness in an eternal storm. The contrast is clear when one visits the area; the howls and gusts fall away, replaced with the serene calls of birds and the babbling of streams that meander between the rocks and trees . [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Reedcleft Ascent[/b] The bridging test of wind dragon's aptitude towards adulthood is the Ascent, a series of reed-covered cliffs through which the strongest of the region's air currents pass. Each pillar is higher than the one before it, creating the illusion of a fractured slope. These stairs are separated by open air, and rushing rapids can be seen far, far below. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Cloudsong[/b] A floating array of kites and platforms, crafted and maintained by the oldest clans in the region. Of the set, the largest kite resembles the Windsinger himself, his laughing visage constructed out of leather bladders and sturdy paper sails. Reed balconies and walkways connect each disc to the next, creating a giant slithering community in the sky. [img][/img] -----
Windswept Plateau
Domain of the Windsinger
Here exists a peaceful highland of steppes and fields, the terrain itself swaying to the tune of the endless plumes and currents of warm wind that caress the region. It is a world of rushed merriment, as dragons dive through and curl around gigantic clouds, racing one another through pockets of swirling cool air. The messages of the world all pass through this plateau, with each dragon traveling somewhere, and for some reason, guided only by the direction of the wind and a sense of exploration.


Spurred to action after the Twisting Crescendo temporarily halted its eternal churn, wind dragons revitalized this once ruined temple to its former glory. Beyond its role as a bustling city, Aergate played a pivotal role while the region was devoid of its signature gusts and zephyrs. The magically-rotating ring apparatuses provided dragons with a path to higher currents, allowing crucial couriers and travelers the needed boost to traverse the plateau during a time of crisis.


Gale Sanctum

An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Windswept Plateau. The Gale Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent wind magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars.


The ever-turning windmills that dot this landscape have multiple purposes. From grinding to sawing to irrigation, the traditionally laidback dragons of wind earn their keep on these farms—with a little help from the gusts, of course. Most impressive are the windmills' unique magical ability to efficiently recycle their source of power. Not only do they benefit from wind, they also help contribute to it!


Twisting Crescendo
The final trial of the Windsinger's children is a powerful vortex on the western shore. This great storm has raged for thousands of years, and is said to be the residual effect of an ancient time in which the gods of air and ice quarreled. Torrents of angry air pull clouds in an aggressive spiral, and even the most adept wind dragons avoid the eye, a place from which many rarely return.


Zephyr Steppes

The most peaceful place in all the world. Fledgling clans and families nestle within the bushes that line each grassy steppe, and calming breezes coax hatchlings to learn to fly much earlier in their life than other dragons. These plots of terrain physically embody the first chapters of each dragon's rite to become closer to the sky.


Singer's Brook

Nestled in a low pocket of coastline beneath towering cliffs, Singer's Brook is a place of tranquil stillness in an eternal storm. The contrast is clear when one visits the area; the howls and gusts fall away, replaced with the serene calls of birds and the babbling of streams that meander between the rocks and trees .


Reedcleft Ascent

The bridging test of wind dragon's aptitude towards adulthood is the Ascent, a series of reed-covered cliffs through which the strongest of the region's air currents pass. Each pillar is higher than the one before it, creating the illusion of a fractured slope. These stairs are separated by open air, and rushing rapids can be seen far, far below.



A floating array of kites and platforms, crafted and maintained by the oldest clans in the region. Of the set, the largest kite resembles the Windsinger himself, his laughing visage constructed out of leather bladders and sturdy paper sails. Reed balconies and walkways connect each disc to the next, creating a giant slithering community in the sky.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Sea of a Thousand Currents[/size] ------ [img][/img] [i]Domain of the Tidelord[/i] The largest body of freshwater in the realm. The sea rises and falls each day, bringing all manner of sea life to the shores of the regions surrounding it, providing sustenance to clans of all elements. So vast is this sea, that the shorebound observer would see only the faint silhouette of the surrounding lands on the horizon. It is beneath this colossal well that water dragons spend their lives, traversing the deeps and sharing visions of the futures they foresee. ----- [img][/img] [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] [b]Flotsam Town[/b] After having their coastal lairs destroyed by a powerful hurricane, dragon clans came together and constructed this sprawling town from the wreckage of their former homes. Those that live, work, and play here have a tremendous bond forged from the collective loss they endured and are among the most welcoming communities in the realm. It may not be the tidiest village on Sornieth, but the tenacity and kindness of its denizens has made Flotsam Town a badge of pride floating in the midst of the central sea. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Churnscar Wharf[/b] Nestled on a previously submerged tropical peninsula, this bustling harbor now acts as a vital shipping port and go-between for seafaring dragons of every stripe. Seeking to repair and revitalize what was lost during the destruction wrought by an elemental maelstrom, water dragons use this centralized location to provide invaluable services to a growing realm. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Shoredeep Presage[/b] Every burgeoning oracle has made a pilgrimage to the Shoredeep Presage. A network of sea caves lead would-be seers to deep ritual chambers where their desperate pleas usually yield the first of many prophecies from the Tidelord himself. Silence now grips these tunnels, and those who venture there emerge only with disappointment. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Tsunami Flats[/b] A becalmed coastal stretch of shoals and giant tidal pools. Dragons occupy the pools, burrowing into the loamy sand and shaping half-submerged underwater caves with their small, but growing magics. Sustenance, in the form of amphibious reptiles and fish, is abundant. Although seemingly a frontier, it is at these shores that the Water God is most able to protect his charges, employing tidal wave defenses to menace away aggressors. [img][/img] ------------ [img][/img] [b]Drowned Sanctum[/b] An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The Drowned Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent water magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars. [img][/img] -------------- [img][/img] [b]Leviathan Trench[/b] The deepest part of the world. The sea beneath the sea is a treacherous and savage place possessing of an unforgiving undertow and precious little light. Many wonders are said to exist here - more relics of prehistory - shrouded, even from the Tidelord's gaze, by a silty, unbroken twilight occupied by alien fish, and far worse. It is in the safety of the cliff faces that the flights dig their homes, and into the unknown that their bravest dare dive. [img][/img] ----------- [img][/img] [b]Fishspine Reef[/b] The coral here roots deep into the dried marrow of gargantuan bones left behind from an ancient battle in a forgotten era. Whether these remains are of monstrous fish, dragons of yore, or something completely other, the Fishspine is crowded by a lost history, sunken artifacts, and drowned spirits. [img][/img] ---------- [img][/img] [b]Spiral Keep[/b] An immense conch, settled and pressed into the very bottom of the seabed. The pressure here is so intense, that the integrity of this mysterious structure is pressed to its limit, nearly imploding under the weight of the water churning overhead. Within this dreary coil, the Tidelord bellows and moans his prophecies, which are carried to the surface by way of billions of tiny bubbles. [img][/img] -----
Sea of a Thousand Currents
Domain of the Tidelord
The largest body of freshwater in the realm. The sea rises and falls each day, bringing all manner of sea life to the shores of the regions surrounding it, providing sustenance to clans of all elements. So vast is this sea, that the shorebound observer would see only the faint silhouette of the surrounding lands on the horizon. It is beneath this colossal well that water dragons spend their lives, traversing the deeps and sharing visions of the futures they foresee.

Flotsam Town

After having their coastal lairs destroyed by a powerful hurricane, dragon clans came together and constructed this sprawling town from the wreckage of their former homes. Those that live, work, and play here have a tremendous bond forged from the collective loss they endured and are among the most welcoming communities in the realm. It may not be the tidiest village on Sornieth, but the tenacity and kindness of its denizens has made Flotsam Town a badge of pride floating in the midst of the central sea.


Churnscar Wharf

Nestled on a previously submerged tropical peninsula, this bustling harbor now acts as a vital shipping port and go-between for seafaring dragons of every stripe. Seeking to repair and revitalize what was lost during the destruction wrought by an elemental maelstrom, water dragons use this centralized location to provide invaluable services to a growing realm.


Shoredeep Presage

Every burgeoning oracle has made a pilgrimage to the Shoredeep Presage. A network of sea caves lead would-be seers to deep ritual chambers where their desperate pleas usually yield the first of many prophecies from the Tidelord himself. Silence now grips these tunnels, and those who venture there emerge only with disappointment.


Tsunami Flats

A becalmed coastal stretch of shoals and giant tidal pools. Dragons occupy the pools, burrowing into the loamy sand and shaping half-submerged underwater caves with their small, but growing magics. Sustenance, in the form of amphibious reptiles and fish, is abundant. Although seemingly a frontier, it is at these shores that the Water God is most able to protect his charges, employing tidal wave defenses to menace away aggressors.


Drowned Sanctum

An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Sea of a Thousand Currents. The Drowned Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent water magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars.


Leviathan Trench

The deepest part of the world. The sea beneath the sea is a treacherous and savage place possessing of an unforgiving undertow and precious little light. Many wonders are said to exist here - more relics of prehistory - shrouded, even from the Tidelord's gaze, by a silty, unbroken twilight occupied by alien fish, and far worse. It is in the safety of the cliff faces that the flights dig their homes, and into the unknown that their bravest dare dive.


Fishspine Reef
The coral here roots deep into the dried marrow of gargantuan bones left behind from an ancient battle in a forgotten era. Whether these remains are of monstrous fish, dragons of yore, or something completely other, the Fishspine is crowded by a lost history, sunken artifacts, and drowned spirits.


Spiral Keep
An immense conch, settled and pressed into the very bottom of the seabed. The pressure here is so intense, that the integrity of this mysterious structure is pressed to its limit, nearly imploding under the weight of the water churning overhead. Within this dreary coil, the Tidelord bellows and moans his prophecies, which are carried to the surface by way of billions of tiny bubbles.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Tangled Wood[/size] --------- [img][/img] [i]Domain of the Shadowbinder[/i] A cursed, murky wood of rail-thin evergreens, enveloped by an impenetrable mist. Within the thickness of this twilight, the Shadowbinder and her ilk sneak unseen, skittering and laughing at one another through gnarled brambles, and among glowing shrooms and tree roots. The earth here is literally sunken, as if half of the Sunbeam Ruins fell away into darkness willingly. ------ [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] [b]Murkbarrow Close[/b] Nestled in the hollowed trunk of an ancient, colossal pine, Murkbarrow Close is a hive of shadowed activity. Tightly-packed hovels and shacks are crammed together in the perpetual shade cast by the corpse of the old tree. The only vestiges of light come from lanterns that glow turquoise and purple dotting the narrow alleyways. To the casual onlooker, the crowded abodes almost look empty, until the glowing eyes of the hermits who inhabit them blink on and off from the shadows. [img][/img] ---------- [img][/img] [b]Dusk Sanctum[/b] An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Tangled Wood. The Dusk Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent shadow magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars. [img][/img] --------- [img][/img] [b]Foxfire Bramble[/b] The gnarled, twisting shapes of the Foxfire Bramble are sinister against the moonlight, and provide excellent defense to the clans that have painstakingly dug themselves hearths within. Beneath the crushing, thorny knots are some of the darkest places in the realm, and it is nearly impossible for even nocturnal creatures to see more than a few feet in front of them. [img][/img] ----- [img][/img] [b]Wispwillow Grove[/b] If any part of this darkened land can be called beautiful, it is the grove. All manner of giant glowing fungi dot the terrain, providing the only light that does not fight its way through the murk that hangs above. Among these mushrooms, trickster dragons chase firebugs and faeries, content to capture some for the eerie lanterns that illuminate their hovels and caves. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Driftwood Drag[/b] Hollow, rotted logs line the banks of the river delta, the silty flow impeded further by haphazard dams of wood, bark, and leaf-litter stuck together. The fertile lands and abundance of food to be found in the region attract all manner of local wildlife, and dragons are no exception. Roosts are routinely built using the natural dams, expanding heavily into above-ground draconic habitats. [img][/img] ---------- [img][/img] [b]Forum of the Obscured Crescent[/b] A dirtied, muddied hovel, deliberately piled with debris from all the surrounding areas. It existed before the land was enveloped in shadow, constructed by an ancient civilization who, perhaps aware of its nature as a potent weapon against deception, built an open air temple around the pool. The Shadowbinder now claims the Forum as her fortress, fouling the pool with spoils and junk, rendering it useless as a clairvoyant tool. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Sunportal[/b] The enduring stone arch of the Sunportal was once submerged beneath the shadowy pools in the center of the Thorndark Altar, hidden and forgotten. Having been reactivated thanks to a magical keystone, its true purpose was revealed as a transfer device to and from the Tangled Wood reconnecting it to its sister arch, the Moonportal, which resides in the daykissed meadows of the Sunbeam Ruins. Many shadow clans have taken an interest in watching the Sunportal and guarding against any who would pass through its arch. [img][/img] -------- [img][/img] [b]Thorndark Altar[/b] This foreboding amphitheater was used for centuries' worth of shadow clan rituals; zealots sacrificed many of their treasures and belongings to the impenetrably stygian pool at its heart. Currently, the altar has taken on a new purpose as a fixture for the stone arch that now stands in the depression once filled by shadowy pools. This one has me confused, I believe it may be a misplaced map marker. I'll put the marker here and you can decide for yourself, but I'm gonna put 3 places here. [map poi=144 view=land width=480 height=240][/map] [img][/img] This field inbetween the Obscured Crescent and the Sunportal is where the marker itself directly points. It could be referring to the stair area on the Sunportal and it was just moved there because it couldn't fit both. [img][/img] But if you look at the icon, it perfectly depicts this area on the Obscured Crescent, down to the placement of the moss and the nook in the stairs. I believe this is where it's supposed to be, but that's up to interpretation. [img][/img]
Tangled Wood
Domain of the Shadowbinder
A cursed, murky wood of rail-thin evergreens, enveloped by an impenetrable mist. Within the thickness of this twilight, the Shadowbinder and her ilk sneak unseen, skittering and laughing at one another through gnarled brambles, and among glowing shrooms and tree roots. The earth here is literally sunken, as if half of the Sunbeam Ruins fell away into darkness willingly.


Murkbarrow Close

Nestled in the hollowed trunk of an ancient, colossal pine, Murkbarrow Close is a hive of shadowed activity. Tightly-packed hovels and shacks are crammed together in the perpetual shade cast by the corpse of the old tree. The only vestiges of light come from lanterns that glow turquoise and purple dotting the narrow alleyways. To the casual onlooker, the crowded abodes almost look empty, until the glowing eyes of the hermits who inhabit them blink on and off from the shadows.


Dusk Sanctum

An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Tangled Wood. The Dusk Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent shadow magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars.


Foxfire Bramble

The gnarled, twisting shapes of the Foxfire Bramble are sinister against the moonlight, and provide excellent defense to the clans that have painstakingly dug themselves hearths within. Beneath the crushing, thorny knots are some of the darkest places in the realm, and it is nearly impossible for even nocturnal creatures to see more than a few feet in front of them.


Wispwillow Grove

If any part of this darkened land can be called beautiful, it is the grove. All manner of giant glowing fungi dot the terrain, providing the only light that does not fight its way through the murk that hangs above. Among these mushrooms, trickster dragons chase firebugs and faeries, content to capture some for the eerie lanterns that illuminate their hovels and caves.


Driftwood Drag

Hollow, rotted logs line the banks of the river delta, the silty flow impeded further by haphazard dams of wood, bark, and leaf-litter stuck together. The fertile lands and abundance of food to be found in the region attract all manner of local wildlife, and dragons are no exception. Roosts are routinely built using the natural dams, expanding heavily into above-ground draconic habitats.


Forum of the Obscured Crescent

A dirtied, muddied hovel, deliberately piled with debris from all the surrounding areas. It existed before the land was enveloped in shadow, constructed by an ancient civilization who, perhaps aware of its nature as a potent weapon against deception, built an open air temple around the pool. The Shadowbinder now claims the Forum as her fortress, fouling the pool with spoils and junk, rendering it useless as a clairvoyant tool.



The enduring stone arch of the Sunportal was once submerged beneath the shadowy pools in the center of the Thorndark Altar, hidden and forgotten. Having been reactivated thanks to a magical keystone, its true purpose was revealed as a transfer device to and from the Tangled Wood reconnecting it to its sister arch, the Moonportal, which resides in the daykissed meadows of the Sunbeam Ruins. Many shadow clans have taken an interest in watching the Sunportal and guarding against any who would pass through its arch.


Thorndark Altar

This foreboding amphitheater was used for centuries' worth of shadow clan rituals; zealots sacrificed many of their treasures and belongings to the impenetrably stygian pool at its heart. Currently, the altar has taken on a new purpose as a fixture for the stone arch that now stands in the depression once filled by shadowy pools.

This one has me confused, I believe it may be a misplaced map marker. I'll put the marker here and you can decide for yourself, but I'm gonna put 3 places here.

This field inbetween the Obscured Crescent and the Sunportal is where the marker itself directly points.

It could be referring to the stair area on the Sunportal and it was just moved there because it couldn't fit both.

But if you look at the icon, it perfectly depicts this area on the Obscured Crescent, down to the placement of the moss and the nook in the stairs. I believe this is where it's supposed to be, but that's up to interpretation.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Southern Icefield[/size] ------ [img][/img] [i]Domain of the Icewarden[/i] The massive, frosted expanse of the Southern Icefield once enveloped the entire lower hemisphere, rivaling the size of the continents watching from above. The Icewarden and his brood now resist northern threats from the glacial prisons that they maintain at the bottom of the world. This harsh landscape has embittered generations of its denizens over time, lending to increasing hostility towards outsiders as the landmass continues to shrink. ------- [img][/img] --------- [img][/img] [b]Rimebone Stockade[/b] Carved vertically into the dark stone, the deepest layers of the Rimebone Stockade entomb many of the ice flight's most important treasures. Utilized more as a storage vault than a prison, the relics and wonders within are protected by the region's artificers and researchers, who make their lairs in the uppermost cells of the pit. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Frozen Sanctum[/b] An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Southern Icefield. The Frozen Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent ice magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Fortress of Ends[/b] A frigid, unforgiving monument to the archaic past. From out of craggy, inhospitable terrain grow spires of impenetrable ice, covered in hoarfrost. Within these looming towers exist creatures, horrors, and even the ice flight's own denizens, trapped forever in unending preservation. And they are being watched... [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Reclaimer's Glacier[/b] Desolation extends across this seemingly endless expanse of hardened ice. Named for its tendency to prematurely end the journeys of the brave travelers that attempt to traverse it, this blizzard-battered glacier is among the most unforgiving places in the realm. The brutal temperatures that never reach above freezing and distance from the sea mean that food and shelter are resources that dragons must prepare in advance. [img][/img] -------- [img][/img] [b]Dripcave Dregs[/b] The most widely-used entry point to the hidden domain of the Gaolers, the Icewarden's first children. This gateway is staunchly guarded, even with the breed's efforts to integrate with the rest of Sornieth. Down here, the mandate of their deity still carries tremendous weight, and only those with express clearance are permitted to enter these lonely pathways. [img][/img] -------- [img][/img] [b]Cloudscrape Crags[/b] This jagged string of mountains overlooks the frozen waste, and are among the tallest in the world. Even the hardiest of the ice dragonflight keep their clans safely below the harshness of the peaks, as those who have ventured upward never return. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Snowsquall Tundra[/b] The only pockets of what can pass for wildlife now huddle themselves into the brush of the tundra, which blankets the heart of the icefield. Dense evergreen forests skirt the mountain ridges, and many dragon clans huddle in wicker caves and huts nestled deep in the trees for the better part of each year. [img][/img] --------- [img][/img] [b]Frigid Floes[/b] This gleaming field of floes is a fleeting reminder of the former size and glory of the Southern Icefield, which once rivaled expanse of the northern continent. Recent warm weather and intrusions from the children of Fire and Lightning have contributed to the fractured landscape, each conflict pushing the puzzle pieces further apart. [img][/img] ---------
Southern Icefield

Domain of the Icewarden

The massive, frosted expanse of the Southern Icefield once enveloped the entire lower hemisphere, rivaling the size of the continents watching from above. The Icewarden and his brood now resist northern threats from the glacial prisons that they maintain at the bottom of the world. This harsh landscape has embittered generations of its denizens over time, lending to increasing hostility towards outsiders as the landmass continues to shrink.


Rimebone Stockade

Carved vertically into the dark stone, the deepest layers of the Rimebone Stockade entomb many of the ice flight's most important treasures. Utilized more as a storage vault than a prison, the relics and wonders within are protected by the region's artificers and researchers, who make their lairs in the uppermost cells of the pit.


Frozen Sanctum

An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Southern Icefield. The Frozen Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent ice magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars.


Fortress of Ends

A frigid, unforgiving monument to the archaic past. From out of craggy, inhospitable terrain grow spires of impenetrable ice, covered in hoarfrost. Within these looming towers exist creatures, horrors, and even the ice flight's own denizens, trapped forever in unending preservation. And they are being watched...


Reclaimer's Glacier

Desolation extends across this seemingly endless expanse of hardened ice. Named for its tendency to prematurely end the journeys of the brave travelers that attempt to traverse it, this blizzard-battered glacier is among the most unforgiving places in the realm. The brutal temperatures that never reach above freezing and distance from the sea mean that food and shelter are resources that dragons must prepare in advance.


Dripcave Dregs

The most widely-used entry point to the hidden domain of the Gaolers, the Icewarden's first children. This gateway is staunchly guarded, even with the breed's efforts to integrate with the rest of Sornieth. Down here, the mandate of their deity still carries tremendous weight, and only those with express clearance are permitted to enter these lonely pathways.


Cloudscrape Crags

This jagged string of mountains overlooks the frozen waste, and are among the tallest in the world. Even the hardiest of the ice dragonflight keep their clans safely below the harshness of the peaks, as those who have ventured upward never return.


Snowsquall Tundra

The only pockets of what can pass for wildlife now huddle themselves into the brush of the tundra, which blankets the heart of the icefield. Dense evergreen forests skirt the mountain ridges, and many dragon clans huddle in wicker caves and huts nestled deep in the trees for the better part of each year.


Frigid Floes

This gleaming field of floes is a fleeting reminder of the former size and glory of the Southern Icefield, which once rivaled expanse of the northern continent. Recent warm weather and intrusions from the children of Fire and Lightning have contributed to the fractured landscape, each conflict pushing the puzzle pieces further apart.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Shifting Expanse[/size] --------- [img][/img] [i]Domain of the Stormcatcher[/i] The dry, rolling dunes of the Shifting Expanse are defense enough for the wicked, industrious dragons that call the desert their home. Under the employ of the Stormcatcher, the inhabitants of this land carve their roosts deep into the earth and on the hollowed insides of the towering mesas and buttes that line the coast. Miles of wrapped cables criss-cross valleys and canyons, linking harnessed electricity to unseen machines. --------- [img][/img] -------- [img][/img] [b]Turrets of Goldensparc[/b] Set atop an island plateau, these gleaming towers represent the lightning flight's breakneck race to stay on the cutting edge of technology. An array of mega-factories and elite high-rises encircle its perch like a brilliant crown, broadcasting the flight's utmost superiority to all who step within its walls. Despite this ostentatious display, Goldensparc generates almost no power of its own, relying instead upon a steady stream of energy directly from the Source. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Wiretangle Walk[/b] Snaking their way amidst the great desert plateaus of the Lightning Farm hang countless conductive cables. This chaotic tangle of wires carries power between storm-charged generators and the various machines and devices of the region. The denizens of this copper jungle defy order and safety standards in favor of efficiency and throughput. Any visitor to the region should take extra caution where they step. [img][/img] --------- [img][/img] [b]Tempest Spire[/b] A large, central tower scraping the bottom of the stormclouds that scream and roar overhead. The air is deadly up here, torrents of powerful lightning clapping the metallic framework that holds this feat of technology together. It is from this conductor that the Stormcatcher bellows instructions to his employees below. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]The Lightning Farm[/b] An impressive array of rods and spires, thrust into the static-charged, superheated air. Atop these flats, lightning strikes these coils thousands of times an hour, providing energy to machines unseen. Hundreds of cables drape from mesa to mesa, like a vibrant, deadly spiderweb of concentrated energy. [img][/img] (I think this is a large enough area to give a good context, but these spires span half of the map, all of them can be found on screenshots of areas on this half though.) ------ [img][/img] [b]The Source[/b] Constructed directly on the site of the now-decommissioned Stormcatch Sanctum, the power cells of this colossal reactor thrum with immense amounts of electric energy. Torrents of lightning magic pour from the leyline intersection below the imposing structure, a rich resource of usable power that surges along the various wires and conduits that make up the infrastructure of the region. [img][/img] --------- [img][/img] [b]Charged Barrens[/b] This high voltage heartland is the natural expulsion point for excess energy generated on the industrious coastline. Arcs of angry electricity careen through the rolling dunes. Travel through this barren desert is deadly for the unprepared, and only the hardiest and most ingenuitive nomads in the realm choose to make their homes here. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Carrion Canyon[/b] On the edge of a crackling thunderstorm, this great canyon carves the region in two, providing a natural defense for the clans that live among the mesas to the east. This large divide is nearly devoid of life, with only the bones and corpses of creatures long dead to remind travelers that the cross is plenty dangerous. [img][/img] ------- [img][/img] [b]Highland Scrub[/b] An arid stretch of land that can be considered the region's most "docile" area. Low shrubbery clings to life in a place where moisture is precious, and hundreds of species of lizard and carrion bird clamor for supremacy in the wind and heat. Cactus plants provide well-wandering dragons with water enough to find the next shady spot. [img][/img] --------
Shifting Expanse
Domain of the Stormcatcher

The dry, rolling dunes of the Shifting Expanse are defense enough for the wicked, industrious dragons that call the desert their home. Under the employ of the Stormcatcher, the inhabitants of this land carve their roosts deep into the earth and on the hollowed insides of the towering mesas and buttes that line the coast. Miles of wrapped cables criss-cross valleys and canyons, linking harnessed electricity to unseen machines.


Turrets of Goldensparc

Set atop an island plateau, these gleaming towers represent the lightning flight's breakneck race to stay on the cutting edge of technology. An array of mega-factories and elite high-rises encircle its perch like a brilliant crown, broadcasting the flight's utmost superiority to all who step within its walls. Despite this ostentatious display, Goldensparc generates almost no power of its own, relying instead upon a steady stream of energy directly from the Source.


Wiretangle Walk

Snaking their way amidst the great desert plateaus of the Lightning Farm hang countless conductive cables. This chaotic tangle of wires carries power between storm-charged generators and the various machines and devices of the region. The denizens of this copper jungle defy order and safety standards in favor of efficiency and throughput. Any visitor to the region should take extra caution where they step.


Tempest Spire

A large, central tower scraping the bottom of the stormclouds that scream and roar overhead. The air is deadly up here, torrents of powerful lightning clapping the metallic framework that holds this feat of technology together. It is from this conductor that the Stormcatcher bellows instructions to his employees below.


The Lightning Farm

An impressive array of rods and spires, thrust into the static-charged, superheated air. Atop these flats, lightning strikes these coils thousands of times an hour, providing energy to machines unseen. Hundreds of cables drape from mesa to mesa, like a vibrant, deadly spiderweb of concentrated energy.

(I think this is a large enough area to give a good context, but these spires span half of the map, all of them can be found on screenshots of areas on this half though.)

The Source

Constructed directly on the site of the now-decommissioned Stormcatch Sanctum, the power cells of this colossal reactor thrum with immense amounts of electric energy. Torrents of lightning magic pour from the leyline intersection below the imposing structure, a rich resource of usable power that surges along the various wires and conduits that make up the infrastructure of the region.


Charged Barrens

This high voltage heartland is the natural expulsion point for excess energy generated on the industrious coastline. Arcs of angry electricity careen through the rolling dunes. Travel through this barren desert is deadly for the unprepared, and only the hardiest and most ingenuitive nomads in the realm choose to make their homes here.


Carrion Canyon

On the edge of a crackling thunderstorm, this great canyon carves the region in two, providing a natural defense for the clans that live among the mesas to the east. This large divide is nearly devoid of life, with only the bones and corpses of creatures long dead to remind travelers that the cross is plenty dangerous.


Highland Scrub

An arid stretch of land that can be considered the region's most "docile" area. Low shrubbery clings to life in a place where moisture is precious, and hundreds of species of lizard and carrion bird clamor for supremacy in the wind and heat. Cactus plants provide well-wandering dragons with water enough to find the next shady spot.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
[center][size=7]Sunbeam Ruins[/size] -------- [img][/img] [i]Domain of the Lightweaver[/i] It is in the mysterious voided empires and monuments of this sun-specked land that the Lightweaver and her children have made their homes. These structures, which have existed since before dragonkind, are still the subject of study for many fascinated archaeologists and scholars. Crumbling ruins are all that visibly remain of the world that came before. ---------- [img][/img] --------- [img][/img] [b]Lanternlea Port[/b] The greatest discoveries of the region's lightsworn scholars are archived in this quaint coastal village. Unlike most areas within the Sunbeam Ruins, Lanternlea Port spends most of the waking hours drenched in the shade of the oceankissed cliffs and the day-to-day bustle is illuminated by bright glass orb lanterns, maintained to a brilliant sheen. [img][/img] -------- [img][/img] [b]Daylight Sanctum[/b] An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Sunbeam Ruins. The Daylight Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent light magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars. [img][/img] --------- [img][/img] [b]Beacon of the Radiant Eye[/b] A crumbled, but welcoming tower that resides on the eastern seaboard. From this cliff, the Lightweaver watches and waits for any dragon that may be making a trip across the sea. It is an important vantage point; she can survey the golden rolling hills speckled with ruins and redwoods, and see everywhere the light touches. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Sundial Terrace[/b] Little is known about the original architects of the giant sundial, but many continue to study feverishly to understand its origins. Each summer, on the longest day of the year, dragons from all over the world gather around the monument and etch the outline of its giant shadow into the stone floors of the terrace, an activity that has been practiced since before the Light dragons ever settled. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Mirrorlight Promenade[/b] A massive, decorative expanse of ancient architecture, angled to perfectly line up with the rising and setting of the sun. Hundreds of crumbling pillars exist as totems to families and clans that call this platform home. Adolescent dragons practice taking flight and landing along its narrow walkways, and hatchlings play in its many crevices and on its majestic stairwells. [img][/img] ---------- [img][/img] [b]Emperor's Wake[/b] A fusion of the dessicated Imperial corpses foolishly left unburied, Luminax is the first risen Emperor to roam Sornieth in centuries. Within the chunks of dredged earth created by the monstrosity's march through the ruins, crafty adventurers and archaeologists brave enough to explore this dangerous and menacing area continue to uncover valuable relics and traces of civilizations past that might have taken years to find otherwise. None linger too long, though, keeping their eyes on the horizon for the trampling behemoth. [img][/img] ------ [img][/img] [b]Hewn City[/b] A ruined, skeletal landscape of shattered structures, gripped by a shade that boggles even the Light dragonflight's most studious archaeologists. In this broken city lay secrets that are too mysterious to unearth, and even the bravest dragons are given pause when approaching its haunted outskirts. [img][/img] -------- [img][/img] Moonportal The crumbling stone arch of the Moonportal has lain dormant for millennia. Once a lonely monument decaying in the long march through time, its true purpose recently revealed itself. Blazing back to life as a transfer device to and from the Sunbeam Ruins, the Moonportal has reconnected with its sister arch, the Sunportal, which is located at the bottom of a shrouded pool in the Tangled Wood. [img][/img] --------
Sunbeam Ruins
Domain of the Lightweaver

It is in the mysterious voided empires and monuments of this sun-specked land that the Lightweaver and her children have made their homes. These structures, which have existed since before dragonkind, are still the subject of study for many fascinated archaeologists and scholars. Crumbling ruins are all that visibly remain of the world that came before.


Lanternlea Port

The greatest discoveries of the region's lightsworn scholars are archived in this quaint coastal village. Unlike most areas within the Sunbeam Ruins, Lanternlea Port spends most of the waking hours drenched in the shade of the oceankissed cliffs and the day-to-day bustle is illuminated by bright glass orb lanterns, maintained to a brilliant sheen.


Daylight Sanctum

An ancient magical apparatus built to monitor the ley energies flowing throughout the Sunbeam Ruins. The Daylight Sanctum provides invaluable analysis on the strength of latent light magic and relays it directly to the Oculus of the Eleven, where it is monitored and researched by skilled magisters and scholars.


Beacon of the Radiant Eye

A crumbled, but welcoming tower that resides on the eastern seaboard. From this cliff, the Lightweaver watches and waits for any dragon that may be making a trip across the sea. It is an important vantage point; she can survey the golden rolling hills speckled with ruins and redwoods, and see everywhere the light touches.


Sundial Terrace

Little is known about the original architects of the giant sundial, but many continue to study feverishly to understand its origins. Each summer, on the longest day of the year, dragons from all over the world gather around the monument and etch the outline of its giant shadow into the stone floors of the terrace, an activity that has been practiced since before the Light dragons ever settled.


Mirrorlight Promenade

A massive, decorative expanse of ancient architecture, angled to perfectly line up with the rising and setting of the sun. Hundreds of crumbling pillars exist as totems to families and clans that call this platform home. Adolescent dragons practice taking flight and landing along its narrow walkways, and hatchlings play in its many crevices and on its majestic stairwells.


Emperor's Wake

A fusion of the dessicated Imperial corpses foolishly left unburied, Luminax is the first risen Emperor to roam Sornieth in centuries. Within the chunks of dredged earth created by the monstrosity's march through the ruins, crafty adventurers and archaeologists brave enough to explore this dangerous and menacing area continue to uncover valuable relics and traces of civilizations past that might have taken years to find otherwise. None linger too long, though, keeping their eyes on the horizon for the trampling behemoth.


Hewn City

A ruined, skeletal landscape of shattered structures, gripped by a shade that boggles even the Light dragonflight's most studious archaeologists. In this broken city lay secrets that are too mysterious to unearth, and even the bravest dragons are given pause when approaching its haunted outskirts.



The crumbling stone arch of the Moonportal has lain dormant for millennia. Once a lonely monument decaying in the long march through time, its true purpose recently revealed itself. Blazing back to life as a transfer device to and from the Sunbeam Ruins, the Moonportal has reconnected with its sister arch, the Sunportal, which is located at the bottom of a shrouded pool in the Tangled Wood.


85212510.pngjeremy says hi
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