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TOPIC | [COLI] Jungle Juggernaut - RJ/low venues
[b][size=5][size=5]Jungle Juggernaut build[/size][/size][/b] ------------------- Do you hate the Rainsong Jungle bosses? Do you hate how they whittle down your team's health? Do you wish you could just continue grinding forever without resetting? Then the Jungle Juggernaut is what you're looking for! It's a coliseum build specifically made for the Rainsong Jungle, capable of defeating bosses before they get even a single turn. This can also be done in all venues below it, and works well as an alternative build for level 1-20 venues (more on that [url=]here[/url]). It works best in a team of three. [columns] [color=transparent]x[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]xxxxx[/color] [nextcol] [color=transparent]x[/color] [img][/img] [/columns] [b]Basic info:[/b] 126 STR | 49 QCK | 29 VIT Eliminate Berserker x3 Ambush x2 [b]Reasoning:[/b] [LIST] [*]With [b]126 STR[/b], you'll be able to 1-hit eliminate, scratch + elim or 3-hit scratch any enemy except for the bosses. Just like your standard 133 STR glass cannon, except you're saving on stat points! [*]With [b]49 QCK[/b], your Juggernaut will get 3 starting turns against any enemy, including bosses. A team of three means 9 starting turns. [*]Putting as many of your remaining points into VIT will grant you [b]29 VIT[/b], which means your dragons can survive up to 5 hits from a boss each! [/LIST] You'll be left over with 4 stat points, which you can spend however you please. Sap is optional, but nice to have. Might not even need it though, while testing I went 300+ battles without a single one of my dragons getting hit even once. I highly recommend using a [b]full team of three Juggernauts[/b]. This build can take on the Rainsong Jungle with a team of two, but only with a full team of three will you be able to make use of the build's ability to go on indefinitely. If you can't do that, adding a regular glass cannon to your team works, but I haven't tested how well it stacks up to a three-Juggernaut team. The best element for the Rainsong Jungle is [b]fire[/b], but since you're working with at least 2 dragons (and you shouldn't get hit much with this build anyway), element shouldn't matter too much. [b]Some cool extra facts & elaboration:[/b] [LIST] [*]With a team of three Juggernauts you'll get 9 starting turns against every possible pack, so you won't take any damage against a 3-pack even if you do nothing but scratch (provided your enemies don't dodge). Theoretically, you wouldn't need an eliminate if you didn't mind the slow speed. [*]This build can defeat bosses easily! With a team of three Juggernauts, you can kill the bosses before they get a single turn. You should be able to kill them with: [LIST] [*]Elim x3 & scratch x6 (boss gets 0 turns) [*]Elim x2 & scratch x9 (boss gets 1 turn) [*]Elim x1 & scratch x12 (boss gets 2 turns) [*]Scratch x15 (boss gets 2 turns) [/LIST] [*]As I said before, 126 STR works the exact same as 133 STR in this venue. The difference in amount of damage you deal is not noticable against regular enemies. The only difference is that defeating a boss takes 1 turn more than with a team of three 133 STR glass cannons, but you'll take less damage doing so. [*]This build should work just fine in lower venues, but this still needs more testing (more on that [url=]here[/url]). [/LIST] [b]Tools & guides used:[/b] [LIST] [*]Sylvandyr's [url=]Skills and Enemy Stats[/url] tool [*]Sylvandyr's [url=]Coliseum Stat Preview[/url] tool [*]PigeonPhD's [url=]Coliseum Turn Order Calculator[/url] [*]Amayai's [url=]Element per Venue[/url] guide [/LIST] Big thanks to them!!
Jungle Juggernaut build

Do you hate the Rainsong Jungle bosses? Do you hate how they whittle down your team's health? Do you wish you could just continue grinding forever without resetting? Then the Jungle Juggernaut is what you're looking for! It's a coliseum build specifically made for the Rainsong Jungle, capable of defeating bosses before they get even a single turn. This can also be done in all venues below it, and works well as an alternative build for level 1-20 venues (more on that here). It works best in a team of three.

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Basic info:
126 STR | 49 QCK | 29 VIT
Berserker x3
Ambush x2

  • With 126 STR, you'll be able to 1-hit eliminate, scratch + elim or 3-hit scratch any enemy except for the bosses. Just like your standard 133 STR glass cannon, except you're saving on stat points!
  • With 49 QCK, your Juggernaut will get 3 starting turns against any enemy, including bosses. A team of three means 9 starting turns.
  • Putting as many of your remaining points into VIT will grant you 29 VIT, which means your dragons can survive up to 5 hits from a boss each!

You'll be left over with 4 stat points, which you can spend however you please. Sap is optional, but nice to have. Might not even need it though, while testing I went 300+ battles without a single one of my dragons getting hit even once.

I highly recommend using a full team of three Juggernauts. This build can take on the Rainsong Jungle with a team of two, but only with a full team of three will you be able to make use of the build's ability to go on indefinitely. If you can't do that, adding a regular glass cannon to your team works, but I haven't tested how well it stacks up to a three-Juggernaut team.

The best element for the Rainsong Jungle is fire, but since you're working with at least 2 dragons (and you shouldn't get hit much with this build anyway), element shouldn't matter too much.

Some cool extra facts & elaboration:
  • With a team of three Juggernauts you'll get 9 starting turns against every possible pack, so you won't take any damage against a 3-pack even if you do nothing but scratch (provided your enemies don't dodge). Theoretically, you wouldn't need an eliminate if you didn't mind the slow speed.
  • This build can defeat bosses easily! With a team of three Juggernauts, you can kill the bosses before they get a single turn. You should be able to kill them with:
    • Elim x3 & scratch x6 (boss gets 0 turns)
    • Elim x2 & scratch x9 (boss gets 1 turn)
    • Elim x1 & scratch x12 (boss gets 2 turns)
    • Scratch x15 (boss gets 2 turns)
  • As I said before, 126 STR works the exact same as 133 STR in this venue. The difference in amount of damage you deal is not noticable against regular enemies. The only difference is that defeating a boss takes 1 turn more than with a team of three 133 STR glass cannons, but you'll take less damage doing so.
  • This build should work just fine in lower venues, but this still needs more testing (more on that here).

Tools & guides used: Big thanks to them!!

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Jungle Juggernaut in other venues

The Jungle Juggernaut build is useful in lower venues too, and provides an advantage over the 133 STR build in some of them.

It's slightly tankier due to the higher vitality, and gets a couple more starting turns in Volcanic vents, Arena and Boreal Wood due to higher QCK (a consistant 9 in all three venues except against the VV bosses, compared to 6 or 9 with the 133 STR build).

It also defeats bosses faster in the former two venues. Here is a guide on how to defeat those bosses!

Volcanic vents:
  • Elim x4 & scratch x2 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x3 & scratch x5 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Elim x2 & scratch x8 (boss gets 2 turns)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x12 (boss gets 3 turns)
  • Scratch x15 (boss gets 3 turns)
Note: the bosses in this venues have higher QCK than those in RJ, so your team will get only 6 starting turns against the hydras. However, these bosses meditate for their first turn, so you won't get hit if you let them have 1 turn.

  • Elim x3 & scratch x5 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x2 & scratch x8 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x11 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Scratch x14 (boss gets 2 turns)

Waterway (has no advantage compared to 133 STR build):
  • Elim x2 & scratch x7 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x11 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Scratch x14 (boss gets 2 turns)

Redrock cove (has no advantage compared to 133 STR build):
  • Elim x2 & scratch x7 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x10 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Scratch x13 (boss gets 2 turns)

The build works in Boreal Wood as well, and gets more starting turns than a regular glass cannon build in some packs as stated above. Just be aware you can't 1-hit elim the walrusses and elephants (compared to a 133 STR build that only can't 1-hit elim the elephants). The yetis need scratch x2 and elim x1, which is the same for both builds.
Jungle Juggernaut in other venues

The Jungle Juggernaut build is useful in lower venues too, and provides an advantage over the 133 STR build in some of them.

It's slightly tankier due to the higher vitality, and gets a couple more starting turns in Volcanic vents, Arena and Boreal Wood due to higher QCK (a consistant 9 in all three venues except against the VV bosses, compared to 6 or 9 with the 133 STR build).

It also defeats bosses faster in the former two venues. Here is a guide on how to defeat those bosses!

Volcanic vents:
  • Elim x4 & scratch x2 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x3 & scratch x5 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Elim x2 & scratch x8 (boss gets 2 turns)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x12 (boss gets 3 turns)
  • Scratch x15 (boss gets 3 turns)
Note: the bosses in this venues have higher QCK than those in RJ, so your team will get only 6 starting turns against the hydras. However, these bosses meditate for their first turn, so you won't get hit if you let them have 1 turn.

  • Elim x3 & scratch x5 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x2 & scratch x8 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x11 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Scratch x14 (boss gets 2 turns)

Waterway (has no advantage compared to 133 STR build):
  • Elim x2 & scratch x7 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x11 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Scratch x14 (boss gets 2 turns)

Redrock cove (has no advantage compared to 133 STR build):
  • Elim x2 & scratch x7 (boss gets 0 turns)
  • Elim x1 & scratch x10 (boss gets 1 turn)
  • Scratch x13 (boss gets 2 turns)

The build works in Boreal Wood as well, and gets more starting turns than a regular glass cannon build in some packs as stated above. Just be aware you can't 1-hit elim the walrusses and elephants (compared to a 133 STR build that only can't 1-hit elim the elephants). The yetis need scratch x2 and elim x1, which is the same for both builds.

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Bump for NotN :)
Bump for NotN :)

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Going to try this build, I'll tell you how it goes!
Going to try this build, I'll tell you how it goes!
This is a fun build I like it a lot actually
This is a fun build I like it a lot actually