Two hours in the Forbidden Portal-- one of my least-favorite venues-- for the sole purpose of farming spectre loops. Total number of spectre wyverns encountered: maybe half a dozen. Number of spectre loops dropped? ONE. One (1) whole spectre loop, and my fingers are about to drop off. I mean, the void wyverns were having blast, sometimes showing up in threes just for the lark of it and shoving their useless purple loops in my face, but apparently it's a spectre wyvern federal holiday 'cause the little brown dastards were all out on vacation. Chilling on the beach in the Forbidden Bahamas while I sweat and bleed and come up empty-handed.
also I was listening to YouTube nature videos during the grind and my brother just happened to sit within earshot for the few minutes whilst the host was waxing ineloquent about thirty-inch corkscrew duck dinguses and dingusettes, and this is all the fault of the spectre wyverns, because if they had just showed up on time I wouldn't have stayed out there long enough to get to the duck video
Two hours in the Forbidden Portal-- one of my least-favorite venues-- for the sole purpose of farming spectre loops. Total number of spectre wyverns encountered: maybe half a dozen. Number of spectre loops dropped? ONE. One (1) whole spectre loop, and my fingers are about to drop off. I mean, the void wyverns were having blast, sometimes showing up in threes just for the lark of it and shoving their useless purple loops in my face, but apparently it's a spectre wyvern federal holiday 'cause the little brown dastards were all out on vacation. Chilling on the beach in the Forbidden Bahamas while I sweat and bleed and come up empty-handed.
also I was listening to YouTube nature videos during the grind and my brother just happened to sit within earshot for the few minutes whilst the host was waxing ineloquent about thirty-inch corkscrew duck dinguses and dingusettes, and this is all the fault of the spectre wyverns, because if they had just showed up on time I wouldn't have stayed out there long enough to get to the duck video

My, you look familiar...
Check out The Familiar Faces Project here!
"the host was waxing ineloquent about thirty inch corkscrew duck dinguses and dingusettes"
that was a lot of words and it's all very strange
"the host was waxing ineloquent about thirty inch corkscrew duck dinguses and dingusettes"
that was a lot of words and it's all very strange
this happened to me today, and when i was googling spectre loop drop rate to see if it was just luck or not i found this forum thread. rip person from two years ago i feel your pain
this happened to me today, and when i was googling spectre loop drop rate to see if it was just luck or not i found this forum thread. rip person from two years ago i feel your pain
[quote name="Wisdum" date="2023-09-21 19:10:46" ]
"the host was waxing ineloquent about thirty inch corkscrew duck dinguses and dingusettes"
that was a lot of words and it's all very strange
i wish i could like a reply
Wisdum wrote on 2023-09-21 19:10:46:
"the host was waxing ineloquent about thirty inch corkscrew duck dinguses and dingusettes"
that was a lot of words and it's all very strange
i wish i could like a reply