
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | > (Earth's)worms , a hub_
I love earthworms, and my fae really love earthworms! I'm always stopping to move the ones I find on the sidewalk into the grass. I have two book worms in my lair, Seito and LeVar.
I love earthworms, and my fae really love earthworms! I'm always stopping to move the ones I find on the sidewalk into the grass. I have two book worms in my lair, Seito and LeVar.
I used to pick up worms out of the gutter on my way to school whenever it rained. I had a rating system based on how slimy they were :)
I used to pick up worms out of the gutter on my way to school whenever it rained. I had a rating system based on how slimy they were :)
I have this boi, but he's more of a lava worm than an earth worm: [url=][img][/img][/url]
I have this boi, but he's more of a lava worm than an earth worm:

they/them - geologist & artist

art + tabletop gaming blog
[center] ----- ----- @Sychra You've been added, welcome to the worm squad! You're on Three. :] earfworms!!! - @alexmonstrous Good luck to you too! May the earthworms bless u... - @Gormanghaste @Rhyvaille Bookworm, Earthworm, same thing! I remember moving them a lot and rating them when I was younger too, haha,,, - @Halkiierid Lavaworms are just as excepted as any other worm!! What a pretty lad. [emoji=spiral winking size=1] ----- ----- [/center]


You've been added, welcome to the worm squad! You're on Three. :]



Good luck to you too! May the earthworms bless u...


@Gormanghaste @Rhyvaille

Bookworm, Earthworm, same thing!
I remember moving them a lot and rating them when I was younger too, haha,,,



Lavaworms are just as excepted as any other worm!! What a pretty lad.

What a fun idea :) I was very surprised to receive a worm, but it really makes sense now. c:
I'm sure my boy Phlegethon will take good care of his new earthworm friend.
What a fun idea :) I was very surprised to receive a worm, but it really makes sense now. c:
I'm sure my boy Phlegethon will take good care of his new earthworm friend.
I.... absolutely adore this idea [url=][img][/img][/url] While her name may be Snail, I'm sure she finds TONS of worm friends in the dirt while she's rooting around. I bet she'd love to hand some out and make others smile!! Please add us to a team! :D
I.... absolutely adore this idea

While her name may be Snail, I'm sure she finds TONS of worm friends in the dirt while she's rooting around. I bet she'd love to hand some out and make others smile!! Please add us to a team! :D
parad0xxygachas.gif dT9HQge.png
RNG Adopts!

Howdy I'd like to be signed up as an official worm deliverer!

Howdy I'd like to be signed up as an official worm deliverer!
[center]100TH EARTHWORM SENT [/center] [center][emoji=gold star size=1][emoji=snapper star size=2][emoji=gold star size=1][/center] [center]remember everyone not all worm delivery will be answered but don't get that bother you the response makes it worth it [/center]
remember everyone not all worm delivery will be answered but don't get that bother you the response makes it worth it
what am i doing with all those dragons ?

C-can I join the worm team?
C-can I join the worm team?
earthshieldr.png It's a very dark night to be off galavanting around here.
You're lucky you get to do it.
[center] ----- ----- @Callidora @Parad0xxy What beautiful dragons!! I'm glad you both enjoy the idea, pff. We simply make earfworm go brrr - @draco2368 @Takadimi You both have been added, welcome to the worm squad! You're both on Three. :] - Congratulations on the 100th worm @maxispook ! We love the responses people make, pff How would everyone feel about doing some possible fun challenges in the future regarding teams? Just some food for thought. Would love to expand the idea some more. [emoji=spiral winking size=1] ----- ----- [/center]

@Callidora @Parad0xxy

What beautiful dragons!! I'm glad you both enjoy the idea, pff.
We simply make earfworm go brrr


@draco2368 @Takadimi

You both have been added, welcome to the worm squad! You're both on Three. :]


Congratulations on the 100th worm @maxispook !
We love the responses people make, pff

How would everyone feel about doing some possible fun challenges in the future regarding teams? Just some food for thought. Would love to expand the idea some more.
