
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Share your clan symbols!
[img][/img] My clan name is the Black Scorpion clan so that's the reason for the color and the scorpion. Lorewise, it was name after the scorpion (my FR persona) by the clan members for variety of reason. Most thought is would be funny to mess with the scorpion, because he was against the idea. Others thought it was brilliant. So the name stuck.

My clan name is the Black Scorpion clan so that's the reason for the color and the scorpion. Lorewise, it was name after the scorpion (my FR persona) by the clan members for variety of reason. Most thought is would be funny to mess with the scorpion, because he was against the idea. Others thought it was brilliant. So the name stuck.
I have Shame humanity and put us all in Agony because of my Dream!
(Big thanks for the Quote to MythGriffin24)
Clan Shereshoy: [img][/img] Full size symbol: [img][/img] It's a direct lift from the symbol of the True Mandalorians. And Shereshoy itself is a Mando'a word for, roughly, a lust/zeal for life.
Clan Shereshoy:


Full size symbol:


It's a direct lift from the symbol of the True Mandalorians. And Shereshoy itself is a Mando'a word for, roughly, a lust/zeal for life.
tumblr_inline_ojsvh3EcyM1r076v1_75sq.png Aliit. Buirkan. Tor.
The clan of R'lyeh: [img][/img]
The clan of R'lyeh:
[center] [img][/img] The symbol for Clan Abyss, based on the logarithmic spiral of a nautilus shell: [img][/img]

The symbol for Clan Abyss, based on the logarithmic spiral of a nautilus shell:

- C l a n   A b y s s -

You left our lungs for canteens.
You left our ankles for anchors.

- -
[img][/img] The clan symbol of the Sun Bird Alliance! I commissioned the amazing [url=]sleepersharks[/url] to create it for me :D

The clan symbol of the Sun Bird Alliance! I commissioned the amazing sleepersharks to create it for me :D
look at my dragon I love her
+3 FR time || Manta
Pixel by MissCallieRose!
I wanted to draw a logo for my clan anyway, so I guess this is a good excuse Here we go! Clan Liberophoria [img][/img] ([url=]From my clan lore:[/url] liber [lahy-ber], noun. [i]1. botany, the part of a vascular bundle consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma, and fibers and forming the food-conducting tissue of a plant 2. god of viticulture and wine, fertility and freedom[/i] -phora [fer-uh], suffix. [i]1. bearer, to bear, carrying; producing, transmission; directing, turning; originally to carry or to bear children[/i] The clan believes in living in absolute harmony with nature and the cycle of life and death. Inspired by their leader Gardenia and the Gladekeeper, many dragons of the clan allow flora and fauna to grow and live on their very own selves. The bodies of the dead don't get buried, but are left for nature to reclaim. )
I wanted to draw a logo for my clan anyway, so I guess this is a good excuse

Here we go! Clan Liberophoria


(From my clan lore:

liber [lahy-ber], noun.
1. botany, the part of a vascular bundle consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma, and fibers and forming the food-conducting tissue of a plant
2. god of viticulture and wine, fertility and freedom

-phora [fer-uh], suffix.
1. bearer, to bear, carrying; producing, transmission; directing, turning;
originally to carry or to bear children

The clan believes in living in absolute harmony with nature and the cycle of life and death. Inspired by their leader Gardenia and the Gladekeeper, many dragons of the clan allow flora and fauna to grow and live on their very own selves. The bodies of the dead don't get buried, but are left for nature to reclaim. )
[LF] Aqua Bellies | [LF]Nature-y Dragons | [ Fandragon Hub ]
[img][/img] mine's in this image! It's influenced by [url=]the clan symbol from Warrior Cats[/url], which matches the fact that my Lore is heavily influenced by the series as well (4 Clans + a few clanless)
mine's in this image!

It's influenced by the clan symbol from Warrior Cats, which matches the fact that my Lore is heavily influenced by the series as well (4 Clans + a few clanless)
Accent Shop

Doodle Shop
Mine is more like a coat of arms than a symbol Picture drawn by Redletter [img][/img]
Mine is more like a coat of arms than a symbol
Picture drawn by Redletter
[img][/img] This (the symbol above the two Spirals) is my current clan symbol but it may get a drastic change at some point because it inadvertently looks like a droplet. Maybe I just need to drop it on its side? XD It comes from the clan's war torn history though. Two parts severed and now bound back together.

This (the symbol above the two Spirals) is my current clan symbol but it may get a drastic change at some point because it inadvertently looks like a droplet. Maybe I just need to drop it on its side? XD

It comes from the clan's war torn history though. Two parts severed and now bound back together.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] In particular, the symbol on the page. The Plague symbol, with the dots replaced with eyes, and the Light symbol bleeding down off the right side :)

In particular, the symbol on the page. The Plague symbol, with the dots replaced with eyes, and the Light symbol bleeding down off the right side :)