
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | What does your flight call newbies?
[quote name="squidragon" date=2015-09-21 14:09:52] Water uses droplets for new and old. Usually newbies are just called "new droplets." :3 [/quote] that's so cute oh my gosh
squidragon wrote on 2015-09-21:
Water uses droplets for new and old. Usually newbies are just called "new droplets." :3
that's so cute oh my gosh
FUN FACT: Light does not have a newbie term. We are all acolights.

When I joined FR, it was to Lightning, and I don't think I got the memo that "spark" was for newbies. What is the term for every member then?

Pinging @Violette from Shadow and @lavabeast from Fire for you!
FUN FACT: Light does not have a newbie term. We are all acolights.

When I joined FR, it was to Lightning, and I don't think I got the memo that "spark" was for newbies. What is the term for every member then?

Pinging @Violette from Shadow and @lavabeast from Fire for you!
TsVIhAZ.png All I wanna do is 5XIH4zd.png 5XIH4zd.png 5XIH4zd.png 5XIH4zd.png
And 2ZVsoOM.png icon_treasure.png icon_gems.png
And take yo money
Plaguelings is like a spread term but it's generally from users in charge of whatever directed at subordinates, newbie-ism being irrelevant and it's also a term of endearment. Like the Plague equivalent calling someone dear/little dear.

I don't think Plague has a pure term for newbies that's used consistently. I've called newbies Sneezes before and I'd like to spread that around.
Plaguelings is like a spread term but it's generally from users in charge of whatever directed at subordinates, newbie-ism being irrelevant and it's also a term of endearment. Like the Plague equivalent calling someone dear/little dear.

I don't think Plague has a pure term for newbies that's used consistently. I've called newbies Sneezes before and I'd like to spread that around.
“People who claim that they're evil are usually no worse than the rest of us... It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us, that you have to be wary of.” - Gregory Maguire
@Deluxe @alanapants How about Sundrops or Rays for the newbies? Or Flickers? (which might be a little bit too much like a flame/fire)

What means a little bit of light??? Glimmer? No, that's taken!
@Deluxe @alanapants How about Sundrops or Rays for the newbies? Or Flickers? (which might be a little bit too much like a flame/fire)

What means a little bit of light??? Glimmer? No, that's taken!
@BirdyMe What does Wind call their newbies?
@BirdyMe What does Wind call their newbies?

I think the most common term in Wind is "Wisps," but there may be others I haven't heard.

I think the most common term in Wind is "Wisps," but there may be others I haven't heard.
@alanapants @Deluxe

I remember we had "wisps" when I was in Wind but I think everyone in Shadow is a Shadowling? We should really come up with a newbie term but I'm drawing a blank.

imo Water newbies should be Dewbies.
@alanapants @Deluxe

I remember we had "wisps" when I was in Wind but I think everyone in Shadow is a Shadowling? We should really come up with a newbie term but I'm drawing a blank.

imo Water newbies should be Dewbies.
@moorising I am probably the wrong person to ask this. [img][/img] Personally I'm not entirely convinced of a need for it, because starting out in Lightning I thought everyone were sparks, not just the newbies. I wonder if [i]newbies[/i] know they're being labeled with a newbie term most of the time? @Violette DEWBIES THO. I choked. I love it.
I am probably the wrong person to ask this. vK7NfYj.gif Personally I'm not entirely convinced of a need for it, because starting out in Lightning I thought everyone were sparks, not just the newbies. I wonder if newbies know they're being labeled with a newbie term most of the time?

DEWBIES THO. I choked. I love it.
TsVIhAZ.png All I wanna do is 5XIH4zd.png 5XIH4zd.png 5XIH4zd.png 5XIH4zd.png
And 2ZVsoOM.png icon_treasure.png icon_gems.png
And take yo money
Fireballs, embers, emberlings, flamelings, I've seen mostly fireballs though
Fireballs, embers, emberlings, flamelings, I've seen mostly fireballs though
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