
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Ship a dragon couple!
This is a game to make choices for breeding, as well as just have fun!
It goes as followed:

Post pictures of two dragons from the lair of the user above you, who you think would go perfectly together! Either with colors, or with personality(If the user wrote a description).


EDIT: Also, don't be afraid to ship two males or two females together!
This is a game to make choices for breeding, as well as just have fun!
It goes as followed:

Post pictures of two dragons from the lair of the user above you, who you think would go perfectly together! Either with colors, or with personality(If the user wrote a description).


EDIT: Also, don't be afraid to ship two males or two females together!
@DrinziTheDark [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Totally Rieken and Strazi. Dat range, man.,27,16,23,27,15,2



Totally Rieken and Strazi. Dat range, man.,27,16,23,27,15,2
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] You probably do breed these two together, but hear me out. They're like each other's inverse, plus they have a big/little thing going on which makes my[s] kokoro go doki[/s] heart melt. They are adorbs.



You probably do breed these two together, but hear me out. They're like each other's inverse, plus they have a big/little thing going on which makes my kokoro go doki heart melt. They are adorbs.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]Shot[/s] I can just imagine them getting into all kinds of trouble, what with Zhen taking everything to the extreme and Irine's affinity for puzzles and such. Also then Irine will have someone to come to her help if she ever gets cornered.



I can just imagine them getting into all kinds of trouble, what with Zhen taking everything to the extreme and Irine's affinity for puzzles and such.
Also then Irine will have someone to come to her help if she ever gets cornered.
AfRTSgB.png Pgv53XB.png QiBUfoO.png 6meUms1.png
aC86tUH.png kCHWEjf.png y41plqc.png Yw8EvNQ.png
GLMwkdE.png zl1ZGZ2.png gYW0j5f.png U0bFCPN.png
qN1OyUr.png ebjDWAS.png njCJq66.png J7D1quC.png
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Both with similar styles. Intensive colors seem so stunning with black and dark gray. Splendid!



Both with similar styles. Intensive colors seem so stunning with black and dark gray.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] They just have that "couple" look to them. The spectrum may be limited, but it's a decent one, and these are some gorgeous dragons. Also, yes, I know I already did this, but I don't want this game to stop, it's fun. :3



They just have that "couple" look to them. The spectrum may be limited, but it's a decent one, and these are some gorgeous dragons.

Also, yes, I know I already did this, but I don't want this game to stop, it's fun. :3
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Love the secondary ranges, and they both just look so dapper~



Love the secondary ranges, and they both just look so dapper~
They look like they are the perfect couple but im not really sure why... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Im quit sure you breed them together already but I just had to choose them.
They look like they are the perfect couple but im not really sure why...



Im quit sure you breed them together already but I just had to choose them.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I am aware they're both female, but I totally just built this head cannon for them where Aura is like the experienced mother and what not but there's just something missing from her life and then Oasis shows up and the two start hanging out and without realizing it they fall in love and whenever new hatchlings come into the lair the two of them lesbian raise them and ee I'm so sorry for shipping the lady dragons. Also if they COULD make babies, they'd be cute babies.



I am aware they're both female, but I totally just built this head cannon for them where Aura is like the experienced mother and what not but there's just something missing from her life and then Oasis shows up and the two start hanging out and without realizing it they fall in love and whenever new hatchlings come into the lair the two of them lesbian raise them and ee I'm so sorry for shipping the lady dragons. Also if they COULD make babies, they'd be cute babies.
oh hi
Bruce [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Eggplantburger [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Because they both have ridiculous names :D I love it! I especially love the girl called bruce




Because they both have ridiculous names :D I love it!
I especially love the girl called bruce
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