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TOPIC | Betrayal in the Beneath [ Discussion ]
Welcome creatorsdilemma ^^!
Welcome creatorsdilemma ^^!
If we consider that Autumn was a 3p, the people that did vote Autumn (if mafia) may very well have expected to win the game, because Autumn was not mafia. Autumn claimed to vote for Autumn, Leremis and I voted for Autumn, Hotpants claimed to vote for Autumn, and B00KW0RM claimed to vote for Autumn. If the mafia knows that Autumn is not mafia, it is possible the attempt yesterday was to easily get two town votes (from me and Leremis) on their side. So, if this was the plan mafia tried, then B00KW0RM does fit into this possibility.

B00KW0RM also claimed at one point that only Potato was capable of trickery and deception of this level in the case Leremis and I are both town. (hi creatorsdilemma)
So I am curious why @B00KW0RM was then in favor of voting Autumn instead of Potato.
If we consider that Autumn was a 3p, the people that did vote Autumn (if mafia) may very well have expected to win the game, because Autumn was not mafia. Autumn claimed to vote for Autumn, Leremis and I voted for Autumn, Hotpants claimed to vote for Autumn, and B00KW0RM claimed to vote for Autumn. If the mafia knows that Autumn is not mafia, it is possible the attempt yesterday was to easily get two town votes (from me and Leremis) on their side. So, if this was the plan mafia tried, then B00KW0RM does fit into this possibility.

B00KW0RM also claimed at one point that only Potato was capable of trickery and deception of this level in the case Leremis and I are both town. (hi creatorsdilemma)
So I am curious why @B00KW0RM was then in favor of voting Autumn instead of Potato.
[quote name="@fearfax" date="2024-04-12 07:17:32" ] If we consider that Autumn was a 3p, the people that did vote Autumn (if mafia) may very well have expected to win the game, because Autumn was not mafia. Autumn claimed to vote for Autumn, Leremis and I voted for Autumn, Hotpants claimed to vote for Autumn, and B00KW0RM claimed to vote for Autumn. If the mafia knows that Autumn is not mafia, it is possible the attempt yesterday was to easily get two town votes (from me and Leremis) on their side. So, if this was the plan mafia tried, then B00KW0RM does fit into this possibility. B00KW0RM also claimed at one point that only Potato was capable of trickery and deception of this level in the case Leremis and I are both town. (hi creatorsdilemma) So I am curious why @/B00KW0RM was then in favor of voting Autumn instead of Potato. [/quote] At the time, with the MELO ish phase meaning we had either two lovers whose elim would make us lose, which meant my top suspects for the maf team was Potato and autumn. If you weren't lovers and were both maf, MELO had to mean there were three maf, in which case I would add autumn to you too. So voting for autumn covered both of my theories. Plus, I wanted to see if Potato would prove her claim of fixing a sabotage, and autumn hadn't claimed anything yet to be able to prove anything. I have a lot more theories incoming with the new claims from Storia and autumn (and for the moment I'll be ignoring the sub - sorry, creatorsdilemma, I'll give you lots to respond to though), and I'll respond to the tinfoil theories about my role. Though in short I'll point out this post where I already addressed some of that. [url=][/url]
@fearfax wrote on 2024-04-12 07:17:32:
If we consider that Autumn was a 3p, the people that did vote Autumn (if mafia) may very well have expected to win the game, because Autumn was not mafia. Autumn claimed to vote for Autumn, Leremis and I voted for Autumn, Hotpants claimed to vote for Autumn, and B00KW0RM claimed to vote for Autumn. If the mafia knows that Autumn is not mafia, it is possible the attempt yesterday was to easily get two town votes (from me and Leremis) on their side. So, if this was the plan mafia tried, then B00KW0RM does fit into this possibility.

B00KW0RM also claimed at one point that only Potato was capable of trickery and deception of this level in the case Leremis and I are both town. (hi creatorsdilemma)
So I am curious why @/B00KW0RM was then in favor of voting Autumn instead of Potato.

At the time, with the MELO ish phase meaning we had either two lovers whose elim would make us lose, which meant my top suspects for the maf team was Potato and autumn. If you weren't lovers and were both maf, MELO had to mean there were three maf, in which case I would add autumn to you too. So voting for autumn covered both of my theories. Plus, I wanted to see if Potato would prove her claim of fixing a sabotage, and autumn hadn't claimed anything yet to be able to prove anything.

I have a lot more theories incoming with the new claims from Storia and autumn (and for the moment I'll be ignoring the sub - sorry, creatorsdilemma, I'll give you lots to respond to though), and I'll respond to the tinfoil theories about my role. Though in short I'll point out this post where I already addressed some of that.
Yes, there are zeros in my username. Don't ping bookworm by mistake! Fr+3, she/her
Okay, first I'll respond to the questions about my alignment. Uhh I would ping Potato, but... I'll just put this out to the void.

As hotpants discovered, I have two abilities: to redirect anyone who visits me away from me, or to redirect everyone onto myself. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say their names, but hotpants has already said the second one is called SOS, and it functions pretty much like pushing the big red button in Among Us.

As for what those abilities have to do with my alignment, I can absolutely see the first ability belonging to maf. Like, what maf member wouldn't like to direct everyone away from them? But the second one - which I used N2 and almost everyone noticed - I'd have a hard time understanding as a maf ability. When I use that, I'm attracting all kills, investigations, and items, so while it may be somewhat useful, it would have to come with a godfather role and maybe even a protection against vig shots. That all seems like too much power for one maf member.

It seems most of the (pretty light I think) sus on me is from the lack of a kill N2 and autumn claiming they didn't protect me, aka, no kill was attempted. All my questions to autumn were to try to find out if they were lying about their role and claimed to protect me N2 as well as fearfax and themselves twice, which would be four protections and inconsistent with their wincon claim. But they haven't contradicted themselves, so for now I'll choose to believe their claim that there was no attempted kill N2. Or, alternatively, the killer was roleblocked, but I don't think we'll ever find that out.

That's what I've got as far as my abilities go. I do plan on using SOS again should we survive the day phase, because if @autumnseas can still protect someone (I forget if you already said if you can or can't, sorry) no kill again would prove they do have that ability to shield, and a kill (mine lol) would prove they don't.

As for my reasoning or actions, I can't remember if anyone pulled up something specific they wanted a response about, so please refresh my memory.

Theories incoming.
Okay, first I'll respond to the questions about my alignment. Uhh I would ping Potato, but... I'll just put this out to the void.

As hotpants discovered, I have two abilities: to redirect anyone who visits me away from me, or to redirect everyone onto myself. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say their names, but hotpants has already said the second one is called SOS, and it functions pretty much like pushing the big red button in Among Us.

As for what those abilities have to do with my alignment, I can absolutely see the first ability belonging to maf. Like, what maf member wouldn't like to direct everyone away from them? But the second one - which I used N2 and almost everyone noticed - I'd have a hard time understanding as a maf ability. When I use that, I'm attracting all kills, investigations, and items, so while it may be somewhat useful, it would have to come with a godfather role and maybe even a protection against vig shots. That all seems like too much power for one maf member.

It seems most of the (pretty light I think) sus on me is from the lack of a kill N2 and autumn claiming they didn't protect me, aka, no kill was attempted. All my questions to autumn were to try to find out if they were lying about their role and claimed to protect me N2 as well as fearfax and themselves twice, which would be four protections and inconsistent with their wincon claim. But they haven't contradicted themselves, so for now I'll choose to believe their claim that there was no attempted kill N2. Or, alternatively, the killer was roleblocked, but I don't think we'll ever find that out.

That's what I've got as far as my abilities go. I do plan on using SOS again should we survive the day phase, because if @autumnseas can still protect someone (I forget if you already said if you can or can't, sorry) no kill again would prove they do have that ability to shield, and a kill (mine lol) would prove they don't.

As for my reasoning or actions, I can't remember if anyone pulled up something specific they wanted a response about, so please refresh my memory.

Theories incoming.
Yes, there are zeros in my username. Don't ping bookworm by mistake! Fr+3, she/her
WOAH wait a second: Since when was this clause added to the first page????? It was NOT there the first time I quoted it about Raccoon! Current first-page text: "There may or may not be third party roles, however any hypothetical third party wincons [b]given at the start of the game[/b] are not game-ending" [quote name="B00KW0RM" date="2024-04-02 11:04:37" ] I'm still at work, just wanted to drop this here (from the first post): "There may or may not be third party roles, however any hypothetical third party wincons are not game-ending" [/quote] Uhhh I don't know how I feel about that. Clearly Raccoon's wincon was not game-ending since we're still here. And if autumn is telling the truth, they have achieved their wincon and the game hasn't ended. So why is it there????
WOAH wait a second: Since when was this clause added to the first page????? It was NOT there the first time I quoted it about Raccoon!

Current first-page text: "There may or may not be third party roles, however any hypothetical third party wincons given at the start of the game are not game-ending"
B00KW0RM wrote on 2024-04-02 11:04:37:
I'm still at work, just wanted to drop this here (from the first post): "There may or may not be third party roles, however any hypothetical third party wincons are not game-ending"

Uhhh I don't know how I feel about that. Clearly Raccoon's wincon was not game-ending since we're still here. And if autumn is telling the truth, they have achieved their wincon and the game hasn't ended. So why is it there????
Yes, there are zeros in my username. Don't ping bookworm by mistake! Fr+3, she/her

I realised that it might not make sense for the ChaoticPotato/creatorsdilemma slot to be mafia, because the repair of the ballast requires that slot and failure to repair the blast by D7 results in an instant mafia win (?) so could mafia have a generally town-aligned ability where omitting its use would grant them a win? What do you think? I haven't been in enough games to know if this is a real possibility

I realised that it might not make sense for the ChaoticPotato/creatorsdilemma slot to be mafia, because the repair of the ballast requires that slot and failure to repair the blast by D7 results in an instant mafia win (?) so could mafia have a generally town-aligned ability where omitting its use would grant them a win? What do you think? I haven't been in enough games to know if this is a real possibility
Hello everyone, I'm Dilemma and I use he/it pronouns. I will read through everything recent and catch up.
Hello everyone, I'm Dilemma and I use he/it pronouns. I will read through everything recent and catch up.
Here are some facts before I list theories:

The ballast is sabotaged, and if it is not fixed, the mafia will win at the START of D7. So we have two days to successfully elim two maf. Does that imply there are only two maf remaining, because otherwise we could not possibly eliminate three in time and would necessarily lose? Quite possibly. See next section and Theory 1.

Here is the exact message about our current MELO: "[ The Game is still in (somewhat) MELO (Miseliminate-and-Lose ]
If you do not successfully vote out a mafia this phase, the game is at risk of ending. Due to -sparkles- mechanics -sparkles- it may not immediately end, but I will allow for accelerated phases"

I want to talk about the phrasing of the MELO announcement a bit: It sounds fairly obvious to me that if we fail to vote out a mafia this phase, the game will not immediately end. However, I don't know if that means we simply don't elim and we survive for another day, or if we eliminate a town/3p we still have a chance. If the former, there could be three maf because the ratio would still be 4-3. If the latter, it's impossible for there to be three maf left because voting out a town/3p would make the ratio 3-3 and maf would achieve their wincon and immediately win. That would mean we are in real MELO, not "somewhat" MELO like the flavor states. So I am inclined to say there are only two mafia remaining.

Okay, a brief rundown of everyone's claimed roles and alignments (in some cases):

B00KW0RM: chief comms officer, redirect either away from or to herself. Both active abilities, can use one per night.
@autumnseas: 3P protector, shields self N3 + D3 from dying, fearfax N4. Achieved wincon.
ChaoticPotato/@creatorsdilemma: some kind of repairman, fixing sabotages at night. Fixed fearfax's locked door and comms preventing votes from being displayed.
@fearfax: lovers with Leremis. Alignment cop. Investigated Leremis, B00K, and hotpants, all town.
@Leremis: lovers with fearfax. Watcher. Saw autumnseas visit fearfax N4.
@Storia: item giver, officer in charge of stuff shipped in. Gave self oxygen mask N1. B00K gun N2 (redirected from Potato). Gave self perfume N3. Roleblocked from giving duct tape N4.
@hotpants: Ship's coroner. Lightning killed neil D1. Investigated B00K's abilities N1 (and 2), same result. Autopsied Slairisk N4, saw urchin cleaner role (roleblocker, presumably used on B00K N1).

Everyone has claimed something. And they all sound like reasonable claims. But at least two people have to be lying in order for us to be in MELO, because I can't fathom a MELO with only one maf left. SO without further ado, here are my theories, listed in what I think is most to least likely.

1. Potato/dilemma and Storia are maf. fearfax and Leremis are town lovers. fearfax was targeted N4 for the nk but autumn (3p) blocked it. Leremis confirms autumn visited fearfax. fearfax investigated hotpants and hotpants is town. This leaves Storia and Potato/dilemma as the maf team. This is possible because none of Potato's claimed sabotage fixes were apparent in-thread. I.e., Potato could be the cause of one-phase-only sabotages like fearfax's broken door and broken comms affecting votes. Potato claimed to be fixing these things, but was in fact causing them and it was Hiii's role as repairman to fix them. All other sabotages were announced in-thread by mod flavor as "Sabotage Alert." Potato's late sus of Storia could be a bus attempt to save herself, and Storia's roleblocked claim is to cover the fact she had no duct tape to give out. But she did in fact give out a gun, which I got, so some of her claim must be true. Also, there was an NK the night of the O2 sabotage. This could be because Storia had already given herself an O2 mask N1 (by her own admission) and used her free action to kill Hiii.

2. fearfax, Leremis, and autumnseas are maf. fearfax's and Leremis's pairing was constructed early on to give the appearance of lovers, and they originally sussed autumn to distance themselves from the third member. Now Leremis and autumn claim to confirm Leremis's ability and autumn claims to have protected "town" fearfax N4. Autumn made up protecting herself and used a separate ability to prevent their elimination. The N3 kill was possibly made by one of them having an o2 mask from Astaraela (who never said if she gave it away or not).

Okay so those are the two theories that make enough sense for me to actually write them down lol. The theory I threw out is Potato/dilemma and autumn as maf, but then why did Leremis see autumn visit fearfax when there was no night kill and fearfax wasn't roleblocked/harmed in any way?

Please ask me questions/give input because I'm not sold on any of these theories and I want to be sure my logic makes sense. There are always reasons I could be wrong, like if Storia is being framed somehow and I just don't get who else could be maf.

Also, I'm voting for Storia right now because of the first theory. I would vote for Potato/dilemma, but I am very much interested to see if creatorsdilemma will repair the ballast at night. If not, he's maf because there's no excuse to not repair it, and I certainly won't believe a roleblocking claim since Slairisk was the maf roleblocker, especially if Storia flips maf.
Here are some facts before I list theories:

The ballast is sabotaged, and if it is not fixed, the mafia will win at the START of D7. So we have two days to successfully elim two maf. Does that imply there are only two maf remaining, because otherwise we could not possibly eliminate three in time and would necessarily lose? Quite possibly. See next section and Theory 1.

Here is the exact message about our current MELO: "[ The Game is still in (somewhat) MELO (Miseliminate-and-Lose ]
If you do not successfully vote out a mafia this phase, the game is at risk of ending. Due to -sparkles- mechanics -sparkles- it may not immediately end, but I will allow for accelerated phases"

I want to talk about the phrasing of the MELO announcement a bit: It sounds fairly obvious to me that if we fail to vote out a mafia this phase, the game will not immediately end. However, I don't know if that means we simply don't elim and we survive for another day, or if we eliminate a town/3p we still have a chance. If the former, there could be three maf because the ratio would still be 4-3. If the latter, it's impossible for there to be three maf left because voting out a town/3p would make the ratio 3-3 and maf would achieve their wincon and immediately win. That would mean we are in real MELO, not "somewhat" MELO like the flavor states. So I am inclined to say there are only two mafia remaining.

Okay, a brief rundown of everyone's claimed roles and alignments (in some cases):

B00KW0RM: chief comms officer, redirect either away from or to herself. Both active abilities, can use one per night.
@autumnseas: 3P protector, shields self N3 + D3 from dying, fearfax N4. Achieved wincon.
ChaoticPotato/@creatorsdilemma: some kind of repairman, fixing sabotages at night. Fixed fearfax's locked door and comms preventing votes from being displayed.
@fearfax: lovers with Leremis. Alignment cop. Investigated Leremis, B00K, and hotpants, all town.
@Leremis: lovers with fearfax. Watcher. Saw autumnseas visit fearfax N4.
@Storia: item giver, officer in charge of stuff shipped in. Gave self oxygen mask N1. B00K gun N2 (redirected from Potato). Gave self perfume N3. Roleblocked from giving duct tape N4.
@hotpants: Ship's coroner. Lightning killed neil D1. Investigated B00K's abilities N1 (and 2), same result. Autopsied Slairisk N4, saw urchin cleaner role (roleblocker, presumably used on B00K N1).

Everyone has claimed something. And they all sound like reasonable claims. But at least two people have to be lying in order for us to be in MELO, because I can't fathom a MELO with only one maf left. SO without further ado, here are my theories, listed in what I think is most to least likely.

1. Potato/dilemma and Storia are maf. fearfax and Leremis are town lovers. fearfax was targeted N4 for the nk but autumn (3p) blocked it. Leremis confirms autumn visited fearfax. fearfax investigated hotpants and hotpants is town. This leaves Storia and Potato/dilemma as the maf team. This is possible because none of Potato's claimed sabotage fixes were apparent in-thread. I.e., Potato could be the cause of one-phase-only sabotages like fearfax's broken door and broken comms affecting votes. Potato claimed to be fixing these things, but was in fact causing them and it was Hiii's role as repairman to fix them. All other sabotages were announced in-thread by mod flavor as "Sabotage Alert." Potato's late sus of Storia could be a bus attempt to save herself, and Storia's roleblocked claim is to cover the fact she had no duct tape to give out. But she did in fact give out a gun, which I got, so some of her claim must be true. Also, there was an NK the night of the O2 sabotage. This could be because Storia had already given herself an O2 mask N1 (by her own admission) and used her free action to kill Hiii.

2. fearfax, Leremis, and autumnseas are maf. fearfax's and Leremis's pairing was constructed early on to give the appearance of lovers, and they originally sussed autumn to distance themselves from the third member. Now Leremis and autumn claim to confirm Leremis's ability and autumn claims to have protected "town" fearfax N4. Autumn made up protecting herself and used a separate ability to prevent their elimination. The N3 kill was possibly made by one of them having an o2 mask from Astaraela (who never said if she gave it away or not).

Okay so those are the two theories that make enough sense for me to actually write them down lol. The theory I threw out is Potato/dilemma and autumn as maf, but then why did Leremis see autumn visit fearfax when there was no night kill and fearfax wasn't roleblocked/harmed in any way?

Please ask me questions/give input because I'm not sold on any of these theories and I want to be sure my logic makes sense. There are always reasons I could be wrong, like if Storia is being framed somehow and I just don't get who else could be maf.

Also, I'm voting for Storia right now because of the first theory. I would vote for Potato/dilemma, but I am very much interested to see if creatorsdilemma will repair the ballast at night. If not, he's maf because there's no excuse to not repair it, and I certainly won't believe a roleblocking claim since Slairisk was the maf roleblocker, especially if Storia flips maf.
Yes, there are zeros in my username. Don't ping bookworm by mistake! Fr+3, she/her
[quote name="@hotpants" date="2024-04-12 10:57:35" ] @/B00KW0RM I realised that it might not make sense for the ChaoticPotato/creatorsdilemma slot to be mafia, because the repair of the ballast requires that slot and failure to repair the blast by D7 results in an instant mafia win (?) so could mafia have a generally town-aligned ability where omitting its use would grant them a win? What do you think? I haven't been in enough games to know if this is a real possibility [/quote] I'm not entirely sure what you're asking... but I think my Theory 1 might cover some of it. Are you saying that Potato/dilemma as mafia might be able to repair the ballast but won't? Or something else? I'm confused.
@hotpants wrote on 2024-04-12 10:57:35:

I realised that it might not make sense for the ChaoticPotato/creatorsdilemma slot to be mafia, because the repair of the ballast requires that slot and failure to repair the blast by D7 results in an instant mafia win (?) so could mafia have a generally town-aligned ability where omitting its use would grant them a win? What do you think? I haven't been in enough games to know if this is a real possibility

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking... but I think my Theory 1 might cover some of it. Are you saying that Potato/dilemma as mafia might be able to repair the ballast but won't? Or something else? I'm confused.
Yes, there are zeros in my username. Don't ping bookworm by mistake! Fr+3, she/her
[quote name="@B00KW0RM" date="2024-04-12 11:18:11" ] 1. Potato/dilemma and Storia are maf. fearfax and Leremis are town lovers. fearfax was targeted N4 for the nk but autumn (3p) blocked it. Leremis confirms autumn visited fearfax. fearfax investigated hotpants and hotpants is town. This leaves Storia and Potato/dilemma as the maf team. This is possible because none of Potato's claimed sabotage fixes were apparent in-thread. I.e., Potato could be the cause of one-phase-only sabotages like fearfax's broken door and broken comms affecting votes. Potato claimed to be fixing these things, but was in fact causing them and it was Hiii's role as repairman to fix them. All other sabotages were announced in-thread by mod flavor as "Sabotage Alert." Potato's late sus of Storia could be a bus attempt to save herself, and Storia's roleblocked claim is to cover the fact she had no duct tape to give out. But she did in fact give out a gun, which I got, so some of her claim must be true. Also, there was an NK the night of the O2 sabotage. This could be because Storia had already given herself an O2 mask N1 (by her own admission) and used her free action to kill Hiii. 2. fearfax, Leremis, and autumnseas are maf. fearfax's and Leremis's pairing was constructed early on to give the appearance of lovers, and they originally sussed autumn to distance themselves from the third member. Now Leremis and autumn claim to confirm Leremis's ability and autumn claims to have protected "town" fearfax N4. Autumn made up protecting herself and used a separate ability to prevent their elimination. The N3 kill was possibly made by one of them having an o2 mask from Astaraela (who never said if she gave it away or not). [/quote] theory 1 is what makes the most sense to me currently (personal bias aside, i DO see why theory two is viable when you lay things out like that lol). so that said, i've placed a vote for storia as well
@B00KW0RM wrote on 2024-04-12 11:18:11:

1. Potato/dilemma and Storia are maf. fearfax and Leremis are town lovers. fearfax was targeted N4 for the nk but autumn (3p) blocked it. Leremis confirms autumn visited fearfax. fearfax investigated hotpants and hotpants is town. This leaves Storia and Potato/dilemma as the maf team. This is possible because none of Potato's claimed sabotage fixes were apparent in-thread. I.e., Potato could be the cause of one-phase-only sabotages like fearfax's broken door and broken comms affecting votes. Potato claimed to be fixing these things, but was in fact causing them and it was Hiii's role as repairman to fix them. All other sabotages were announced in-thread by mod flavor as "Sabotage Alert." Potato's late sus of Storia could be a bus attempt to save herself, and Storia's roleblocked claim is to cover the fact she had no duct tape to give out. But she did in fact give out a gun, which I got, so some of her claim must be true. Also, there was an NK the night of the O2 sabotage. This could be because Storia had already given herself an O2 mask N1 (by her own admission) and used her free action to kill Hiii.

2. fearfax, Leremis, and autumnseas are maf. fearfax's and Leremis's pairing was constructed early on to give the appearance of lovers, and they originally sussed autumn to distance themselves from the third member. Now Leremis and autumn claim to confirm Leremis's ability and autumn claims to have protected "town" fearfax N4. Autumn made up protecting herself and used a separate ability to prevent their elimination. The N3 kill was possibly made by one of them having an o2 mask from Astaraela (who never said if she gave it away or not).

theory 1 is what makes the most sense to me currently (personal bias aside, i DO see why theory two is viable when you lay things out like that lol). so that said, i've placed a vote for storia as well
tumblr_inline_nrfex33sDc1rbfe8q_500.gif Leremis