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TOPIC | Kyp's Mafia Sign Ups [subs needed]
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id love to sign up as a player!! now that legends & the legendary is finished i need something else to sink my time into. Plus i see so many familiar faces :)
id love to sign up as a player!! now that legends & the legendary is finished i need something else to sink my time into. Plus i see so many familiar faces :)
Could I join as a player please?
Could I join as a player please?
@Temmeh @Nixus
You are both added! Get hype!!
@Temmeh @Nixus
You are both added! Get hype!!
Bump, only two more!
Bump, only two more!
I'd like to sign up as a player!
I'd like to sign up as a player!
You're in :D
You're in :D
Ooooh could I join as a sub? Never played these before but it sure does sound interesting~
You can call me Noel!
Ooooh could I join as a sub? Never played these before but it sure does sound interesting~
You can call me Noel!
< using my brain powers to get you to buy for 850g MONTY
skincent shop
about me
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You are added!
question about the game if you cant answer this no worries! but you said its focused on finding the amulet and if this is a non rp style mafia how would we go about discovering items like that do we have to interact with the enviornment or will things like that be events triggered by something
question about the game if you cant answer this no worries! but you said its focused on finding the amulet and if this is a non rp style mafia how would we go about discovering items like that do we have to interact with the enviornment or will things like that be events triggered by something
................. Nusku_.png

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