Dayglo kills Devlin with a sickle.
Razeal stabs Wahoo in the back with a trident.
Tycho stalks Inky.
Ghostmurk runs away from Katslang.
Yerde sprains his ankle while running away from Lingroth.
Maluum practices her archery.
Dayglo kills Devlin with a sickle.
Razeal stabs Wahoo in the back with a trident.
Tycho stalks Inky.
Ghostmurk runs away from Katslang.
Yerde sprains his ankle while running away from Lingroth.
Maluum practices her archery.
Katslang receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Inky screams for help.
Dayglo quietly hums.
Razeal sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Tycho receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Maluum stays awake all night.
Lingroth is awoken by nightmares.
Ghostmurk defeats Yerde in a fight, but spares his life.
Katslang receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Inky screams for help.
Dayglo quietly hums.
Razeal sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Tycho receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Maluum stays awake all night.
Lingroth is awoken by nightmares.
Ghostmurk defeats Yerde in a fight, but spares his life.
Lingroth searches for a water source.
Dayglo throws a knife into Razeal's head.
Tycho, Inky, Ghostmurk, and Yerde hunt for other tributes.
Katslang shoots a poisonous blow dart into Maluum's neck, slowly killing her.
Lingroth searches for a water source.
Dayglo throws a knife into Razeal's head.
Tycho, Inky, Ghostmurk, and Yerde hunt for other tributes.
Katslang shoots a poisonous blow dart into Maluum's neck, slowly killing her.
Yerde sets an explosive off, killing Ghostmurk, Katslang, and Lingroth.
Dayglo convinces Tycho to snuggle with her.
Inky looks at the night sky.
Yerde sets an explosive off, killing Ghostmurk, Katslang, and Lingroth.
Dayglo convinces Tycho to snuggle with her.
Inky looks at the night sky.
Inky diverts Yerde's attention and runs away.
Tycho travels to higher ground.
Dayglo dies from hunger.
Inky diverts Yerde's attention and runs away.
Tycho travels to higher ground.
Dayglo dies from hunger.
Inky attacks Tycho, but Yerde protects him, killing Inky.
Inky attacks Tycho, but Yerde protects him, killing Inky.
Tycho severely injures Yerde, but puts him out of his misery.
Tycho severely injures Yerde, but puts him out of his misery.
The winner is Tycho from District 8!
The winner is Tycho from District 8!
The Bloodbath
(TW: su*cide)
Yuumi cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Agatha and Yog fight Lux and Loucetios. Lux and Loucetios survive.
Fraudir steps off his podium too soon and blows up.
Day 1
Mora bashes Liger's head in with a mace.
Night 1
Rexalon and Sol work together to drown Danaus.
Day 2
Shilmai taints Locust's food, killing him.
Meilichios dies trying to escape the arena.
Maluum sets an explosive off, killing Towadi.
Frog attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Mora, killing them both.
Lux, Devlin, and Loucetios get into a fight. Devlin triumphantly kills them both.
Night 2
(TW: su*cide)
Rexalon falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Inky poisons Sol's drink. She drinks it and dies.
Shilmai dies from hypothermia.
Taco cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Cumulus, Tycho, Wahoo, and Ghostmurk track down and kill Ambrosia.
Day 3
No deaths occurred.
Night 3
No deaths occurred.
Day 4
Cog forces Euthymius to kill Dayglo or Razeal. He refuses to kill, so Cog kills him instead.
Senlin kills Catriona with a hatchet.
Night 4
Cog dies of dysentery.
Day 5
Tycho, Wahoo, Devlin, Dayglo, and Yerde track down and kill Thallane.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
Day 6
Lingroth poisons Concavenator's drink. He drinks it and dies.
Senlin falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
The Feast
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
Cumulus is unable to convince Ghostmurk to not kill him.
Night 7
No deaths occurred.
Day 8
Dayglo kills Devlin with a sickle.
Razeal stabs Wahoo in the back with a trident.
Night 8
No deaths occurred.
Day 9
Dayglo throws a knife into Razeal's head.
Katslang shoots a poisonous blow dart into Maluum's neck, slowly killing her.
Night 9
Yerde sets an explosive off, killing Ghostmurk, Katslang, and Lingroth.
Day 10
Dayglo dies from hunger.
Night 10
Inky attacks Tycho, but Yerde protects him, killing Inky.
Day 11
Tycho severely injures Yerde, but puts him out of his misery.
The winner is Tycho from District 8!
The Bloodbath
(TW: su*cide)
Yuumi cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Agatha and Yog fight Lux and Loucetios. Lux and Loucetios survive.
Fraudir steps off his podium too soon and blows up.
Day 1
Mora bashes Liger's head in with a mace.
Night 1
Rexalon and Sol work together to drown Danaus.
Day 2
Shilmai taints Locust's food, killing him.
Meilichios dies trying to escape the arena.
Maluum sets an explosive off, killing Towadi.
Frog attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Mora, killing them both.
Lux, Devlin, and Loucetios get into a fight. Devlin triumphantly kills them both.
Night 2
(TW: su*cide)
Rexalon falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Inky poisons Sol's drink. She drinks it and dies.
Shilmai dies from hypothermia.
Taco cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Cumulus, Tycho, Wahoo, and Ghostmurk track down and kill Ambrosia.
Day 3
No deaths occurred.
Night 3
No deaths occurred.
Day 4
Cog forces Euthymius to kill Dayglo or Razeal. He refuses to kill, so Cog kills him instead.
Senlin kills Catriona with a hatchet.
Night 4
Cog dies of dysentery.
Day 5
Tycho, Wahoo, Devlin, Dayglo, and Yerde track down and kill Thallane.
Night 5
No deaths occurred.
Day 6
Lingroth poisons Concavenator's drink. He drinks it and dies.
Senlin falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Night 6
No deaths occurred.
The Feast
No deaths occurred.
Day 7
Cumulus is unable to convince Ghostmurk to not kill him.
Night 7
No deaths occurred.
Day 8
Dayglo kills Devlin with a sickle.
Razeal stabs Wahoo in the back with a trident.
Night 8
No deaths occurred.
Day 9
Dayglo throws a knife into Razeal's head.
Katslang shoots a poisonous blow dart into Maluum's neck, slowly killing her.
Night 9
Yerde sets an explosive off, killing Ghostmurk, Katslang, and Lingroth.
Day 10
Dayglo dies from hunger.
Night 10
Inky attacks Tycho, but Yerde protects him, killing Inky.
Day 11
Tycho severely injures Yerde, but puts him out of his misery.
The winner is Tycho from District 8!
5: Yerde
3: Devlin
3: Dayglo
3: Tycho
2: Lux
2: Loucetios
2: Wahoo
2: Ghostmurk
1: Inky
1: Senlin
1: Rexalon
1: Shilmai
1: Maluum
1: Sol
1: Katslang
1: Lingroth
1: Cumulus
1: Razeal
1: Mora
1: Cog
5: Yerde
3: Devlin
3: Dayglo
3: Tycho
2: Lux
2: Loucetios
2: Wahoo
2: Ghostmurk
1: Inky
1: Senlin
1: Rexalon
1: Shilmai
1: Maluum
1: Sol
1: Katslang
1: Lingroth
1: Cumulus
1: Razeal
1: Mora
1: Cog