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TOPIC | "Somebody had to say it"
This half game/half discussion is simply called:

"Somebody had to say it"

Here you post either your unpopular options or criticism of some fandom or object. usually something that others wont say/admit to. any fandom or object is fair game but keep it clean so we dont get blocked.

I'll go first:

Somebody had to say it:

The "gen 3" Lara Croft (2013-) is TRASH. Her characterization is bad and so different that the witty strong funny Lara i have grown to love. Also while 2013's game gets a small past for being an origin story..The next two games do not. you cant have an "origin story" span 3 games!!! an Origin is usually 1 event that turns a person around....not 3 separate games.... and where are her guns at...Lara has always had 2 guns...not a bloody arrow,..ugh...

alright whose next?
This half game/half discussion is simply called:

"Somebody had to say it"

Here you post either your unpopular options or criticism of some fandom or object. usually something that others wont say/admit to. any fandom or object is fair game but keep it clean so we dont get blocked.

I'll go first:

Somebody had to say it:

The "gen 3" Lara Croft (2013-) is TRASH. Her characterization is bad and so different that the witty strong funny Lara i have grown to love. Also while 2013's game gets a small past for being an origin story..The next two games do not. you cant have an "origin story" span 3 games!!! an Origin is usually 1 event that turns a person around....not 3 separate games.... and where are her guns at...Lara has always had 2 guns...not a bloody arrow,..ugh...

alright whose next?
Please call me Ace. ALWAYS PING IF NOT MY helps me respond easier.
The Fossil fighter series is very underrated. It’s got pretty good concepts. It would’ve grown more as a game series if frontiers didn’t ruin everything by changing everything.
The Fossil fighter series is very underrated. It’s got pretty good concepts. It would’ve grown more as a game series if frontiers didn’t ruin everything by changing everything.
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I don't understand shooter games. You just...point, click, shoot, and yay you killed something/someone? Where's the STORY?! The CHARACTERS?! The storyLINAE??? Yet people manage hours upon hours in CoD? I just don't get it! A game needs stuff!! Not just graphics. And you need to learn something by the end of the game. Really get something out of it!

That felt good to say. :>
I don't understand shooter games. You just...point, click, shoot, and yay you killed something/someone? Where's the STORY?! The CHARACTERS?! The storyLINAE??? Yet people manage hours upon hours in CoD? I just don't get it! A game needs stuff!! Not just graphics. And you need to learn something by the end of the game. Really get something out of it!

That felt good to say. :>
I have my own website for things I've made!
psychonauts is bad
psychonauts is bad
I honestly didn’t like Undertale lmao. Some of the characters gave me weird vibes (especially Alphys and her characterization, me being a lesbian probably has smthn to do with that lol) and generally I just thought it was a strangely shallow experience? Like, I know it has a story and explores... certain themes, but I just honestly didn’t get anything out of it. I respect people who like it, of course, but discussion about it just makes me [emoji=spiral deadpan size=3]
I honestly didn’t like Undertale lmao. Some of the characters gave me weird vibes (especially Alphys and her characterization, me being a lesbian probably has smthn to do with that lol) and generally I just thought it was a strangely shallow experience? Like, I know it has a story and explores... certain themes, but I just honestly didn’t get anything out of it. I respect people who like it, of course, but discussion about it just makes me
I know this isn't too much of an unpopular opinion, but "popular" music these days is the worst. Not to sound like a boomer or anything, but the songs that trend are usually about love, sadness, crime, or a combination of the three. Very rarely do I see a popular song with creative and original lyrics.
Plus, the genres that other people seem to like isn't my style, but that's more opinion based than the creativity problem.
I know this isn't too much of an unpopular opinion, but "popular" music these days is the worst. Not to sound like a boomer or anything, but the songs that trend are usually about love, sadness, crime, or a combination of the three. Very rarely do I see a popular song with creative and original lyrics.
Plus, the genres that other people seem to like isn't my style, but that's more opinion based than the creativity problem.
Headshot of my avatar dragon. Hyperlink heads to the dragon himself, and a link to the artist is in his bio. • ufology
Rap sucks and you cannot change my mind
Rap sucks and you cannot change my mind

I know you said that your mind can’t be changed but...

I gotta try and recommend a few songs ^_^ feel free to not get back to me or even listen to them, I just figured I’d give you a little example of how good the genre can be :D
((I hope I’m using this thread right lol))

I know you said that your mind can’t be changed but...

I gotta try and recommend a few songs ^_^ feel free to not get back to me or even listen to them, I just figured I’d give you a little example of how good the genre can be :D
((I hope I’m using this thread right lol))
When One died in Dark Matter... I was honestly overjoyed. He was so annoying and didn't contribute in a meaningful way at all. He was supposed to serve as some kind of moral compass for the group but he was actually just really whiny and didn't have any hobbies other than causing conflicts with Three
When One died in Dark Matter... I was honestly overjoyed. He was so annoying and didn't contribute in a meaningful way at all. He was supposed to serve as some kind of moral compass for the group but he was actually just really whiny and didn't have any hobbies other than causing conflicts with Three
Also just realized this fourm was moved but not by me. whoever did that i now have an unpopular thought of you...grrr. Its a discussion. it was in that people would see it and that where it belonged/ should have stayed. at least give me a message that you will move it at least.... i deserve that much.
Also just realized this fourm was moved but not by me. whoever did that i now have an unpopular thought of you...grrr. Its a discussion. it was in that people would see it and that where it belonged/ should have stayed. at least give me a message that you will move it at least.... i deserve that much.
Please call me Ace. ALWAYS PING IF NOT MY helps me respond easier.