
Forum Games

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TOPIC | [Day 7] The Underworld Gambit
@mismas [quote] Examine the tea set to see if it was properly clean enough to drink out of. [/quote] One of the teacups appears to be empty, though the other is half full. The teapot appears to be in good condition, and liquid sloshes inside when you pick it up to check. The remaining tea appears to be murky and black like swamp water. Though unappealing to the eye, it smells quite nice... floral and light, perhaps like a rose. - - - @lummox [quote]Modestine approached the stone slab in the middle of the middle of the room to examine it.[/quote] The structure is offputting at a glance, so you step back and look it over slowly. Your eyes trace over a thin crease in the center, but not enough to make the slab break with any kind of force. If you didn't know any better, you'd say the slab looks like some kind of [b]door[/b]. But a door in the middle of the room? Silly, but you've seen stranger things in the span of a few minutes. Something is carved into the upper half of the slab... [center][b][u]The Rules[/u][/b] [b]Victors achieve a second chance at life. There are two ways to win:[/b] [LIST=1] [*] Two players remain, each partnered with one angel and one demon respectively. [*] All remaining players are of the same allegiance, whether angel or demon. The opposing side must be fully eradicated. [/LIST] [b]Victors may propose new rules for the subsequent game.[/b] [/center] Players...? [i]Eradicated?[/i] You didn't like where this is going. You inspect the slab again to see if there was something you might've missed. The edges are adorned with a language you can't recognize, but that seems to be all you can discern. - - - @oxyzee @rugaqwarcall [quote]examine the pile of what look like scrolls in the top right corner of the room.[/quote] [quote]She takes a passing glance over his shoulder to eye one of the scrolls before heading besides him to eye the bookcase. [/quote] Your eyes don't deceive you, as closer inspection confirms there are scrolls on the floor. Skimming over them quickly, you easily recognize what these are. Each scroll seems to carry instructions on how to perform various spells, though you've never seen or heard of magic like this before. Instead of channeling one's inner magical abilities, the casters don't need to know magic at all. The scroll depicts the normal dragon as approaching a sorcerer and borrowing their powers. In exchange, the dragon offers a piece of their heart as payment. Little by little, the dragon offers more of their heart in exchange for power... until nothing seems to be left. . . . The bookcase beside the scrolls is quite crowded with books to choose from. You'd be here all day if you wanted to thoroughly inspect each one, so you flip through them quickly. Most of these books appear to be in a language you don't recognize which saves a good amount of time. You sort out which ones catch your eye the most, deciding it might be best to inspect these one by one. [i]Angels and Demons The Art of Self-Defense Tartarus [/i] - - - @ketchalin [quote]examine the swords.[/quote] Curious, you walk up to inspect the pair of swords on the left side of the room. The swords look pretty clean, almost eerily so: not a speck of dust is present on each blade. Despite being affixed to the wall, they look like they could come off pretty easily. A quick reach for one of the handles confirms this, as you pull it out with no effort at all. You decide to put it back, lest the others see you walking around with a weapon in hand. - - - @zeedikay [quote]He took a glance into the bucket. You know. Casually. Like you do.[/quote] You can confirm that it's indeed a bucket. Murky and black, it looks like someone's been spilling questionable liquid into this innocent receptacle. Could've been a lot worse. The contents smell sickeningly sweet, like someone ate a bunch of flowers and spat them back into the bucket or something. - - - @missnevermind [quote]a bookcase in the upper left corner away from most the others and decided to check it out.[/quote] The left bookcase seems smaller than the one on the right end of the room, which could mean less to look through. Surely enough, the bookcase only seems to carry fourteen books in total. No need to look through each one individually, unless you really wanted to, but it seems easy enough to tell what each book is about. The top half of books are titled: [i]Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Wrath, Sloth [/i] The bottom half of books are titled: [i]Humility, Patience, Temperance, Chastity, Kindness, Charity, Diligence [/i] ----- ((@Stormdreamer because i completely forgot to ping you when making the original post haha))
Examine the tea set to see if it was properly clean enough to drink out of.

One of the teacups appears to be empty, though the other is half full. The teapot appears to be in good condition, and liquid sloshes inside when you pick it up to check.

The remaining tea appears to be murky and black like swamp water. Though unappealing to the eye, it smells quite nice... floral and light, perhaps like a rose.

- - -

Modestine approached the stone slab in the middle of the middle of the room to examine it.

The structure is offputting at a glance, so you step back and look it over slowly. Your eyes trace over a thin crease in the center, but not enough to make the slab break with any kind of force. If you didn't know any better, you'd say the slab looks like some kind of door. But a door in the middle of the room? Silly, but you've seen stranger things in the span of a few minutes.

Something is carved into the upper half of the slab...

The Rules

Victors achieve a second chance at life. There are two ways to win:
  1. Two players remain, each partnered with one angel and one demon respectively.
  2. All remaining players are of the same allegiance, whether angel or demon. The opposing side must be fully eradicated.

Victors may propose new rules for the subsequent game.

Players...? Eradicated? You didn't like where this is going.

You inspect the slab again to see if there was something you might've missed. The edges are adorned with a language you can't recognize, but that seems to be all you can discern.

- - -

@oxyzee @rugaqwarcall
examine the pile of what look like scrolls in the top right corner of the room.
She takes a passing glance over his shoulder to eye one of the scrolls before heading besides him to eye the bookcase.

Your eyes don't deceive you, as closer inspection confirms there are scrolls on the floor. Skimming over them quickly, you easily recognize what these are. Each scroll seems to carry instructions on how to perform various spells, though you've never seen or heard of magic like this before.

Instead of channeling one's inner magical abilities, the casters don't need to know magic at all. The scroll depicts the normal dragon as approaching a sorcerer and borrowing their powers. In exchange, the dragon offers a piece of their heart as payment. Little by little, the dragon offers more of their heart in exchange for power... until nothing seems to be left.

. . .

The bookcase beside the scrolls is quite crowded with books to choose from. You'd be here all day if you wanted to thoroughly inspect each one, so you flip through them quickly. Most of these books appear to be in a language you don't recognize which saves a good amount of time.

You sort out which ones catch your eye the most, deciding it might be best to inspect these one by one.

Angels and Demons

The Art of Self-Defense


- - -

examine the swords.

Curious, you walk up to inspect the pair of swords on the left side of the room. The swords look pretty clean, almost eerily so: not a speck of dust is present on each blade. Despite being affixed to the wall, they look like they could come off pretty easily. A quick reach for one of the handles confirms this, as you pull it out with no effort at all.

You decide to put it back, lest the others see you walking around with a weapon in hand.

- - -

He took a glance into the bucket. You know. Casually. Like you do.

You can confirm that it's indeed a bucket. Murky and black, it looks like someone's been spilling questionable liquid into this innocent receptacle. Could've been a lot worse.

The contents smell sickeningly sweet, like someone ate a bunch of flowers and spat them back into the bucket or something.

- - -

a bookcase in the upper left corner away from most the others and decided to check it out.

The left bookcase seems smaller than the one on the right end of the room, which could mean less to look through.

Surely enough, the bookcase only seems to carry fourteen books in total. No need to look through each one individually, unless you really wanted to, but it seems easy enough to tell what each book is about.

The top half of books are titled:

Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Wrath, Sloth

The bottom half of books are titled:

Humility, Patience, Temperance, Chastity, Kindness, Charity, Diligence

((@Stormdreamer because i completely forgot to ping you when making the original post haha))
RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
Quickwing's head hurt as she looked around the room and at the other dragons. What had happened? Then it suddenly hit her as she saw the holes in her wings. She had failed. As she thought about all that happened, part of her wanted to give up. Just to lay on the floor and cry. But she wasn't raised that way. She was still here wasn't she? Wherever here was. But if she had a second chance to get back then she must take this opportunity and succeeded no matter the cost. So she picked up her head in determination. She had to try one thing though. She wouldn't be able to fly much in this room anyways but she had enough space to catch some air. She made sure she had a clear path and started running to try to leap off the ground but the wind rushed through the holes in her wings as she jumped and landed on the ground. Grounded. Another defeat. Well she wasn't powerless without her wings but it definitely was a hard hit. Better start making some progress on figuring out what is going on. [b]She walked over to the letter at the bottom right of the room to see if there was a message inside. [/b] @Soulsorbet @zeedikay Suddenly she heard a Ridgeback call out to, well at least she thinks to her. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Been here before? Well I've never been to this strange room before. But I have a bad feeling I've been in a similar situation before."
Quickwing's head hurt as she looked around the room and at the other dragons. What had happened? Then it suddenly hit her as she saw the holes in her wings. She had failed. As she thought about all that happened, part of her wanted to give up. Just to lay on the floor and cry. But she wasn't raised that way. She was still here wasn't she? Wherever here was. But if she had a second chance to get back then she must take this opportunity and succeeded no matter the cost. So she picked up her head in determination.

She had to try one thing though. She wouldn't be able to fly much in this room anyways but she had enough space to catch some air. She made sure she had a clear path and started running to try to leap off the ground but the wind rushed through the holes in her wings as she jumped and landed on the ground. Grounded. Another defeat. Well she wasn't powerless without her wings but it definitely was a hard hit. Better start making some progress on figuring out what is going on. She walked over to the letter at the bottom right of the room to see if there was a message inside. @Soulsorbet

Suddenly she heard a Ridgeback call out to, well at least she thinks to her.


"Been here before? Well I've never been to this strange room before. But I have a bad feeling I've been in a similar situation before."
+0 FR time





@SoulSorbet @rugaqwarcall (Quick question, are we allowed to talk to our vice/virtue during the day, like just saying hi and stuff like that? Ik bargaining is at night.) [img][/img] "Hm? Oh, hello." Rumu looked over to the other skydancer. "I suppose i am, i've never heard anybody call it by any sort of name before." He said, leaning down to pick up some of the scrolls. "So theres more dragons like me? Sort of torn between two flights?" He tucked the scrolls beneath his tailcoat, in a small pouch that he could close via zipper and was also well hidden from sight.
@SoulSorbet @rugaqwarcall

(Quick question, are we allowed to talk to our vice/virtue during the day, like just saying hi and stuff like that? Ik bargaining is at night.)

Tm68PJo.png "Hm? Oh, hello." Rumu looked over to the other skydancer. "I suppose i am, i've never heard anybody call it by any sort of name before." He said, leaning down to pick up some of the scrolls. "So theres more dragons like me? Sort of torn between two flights?"

He tucked the scrolls beneath his tailcoat, in a small pouch that he could close via zipper and was also well hidden from sight.
[center]@SoulSorbet @Oxyzee[/center] Penny nods slowly and looks towards the other skydancer. [img][/img]"Yes... My clan actually has three other dragons like you..." She replies. "There's our king, who is a Plague-Shadow bogsneak; his queen, who is a Fire-Ice skydancer; and...the traitor..." Penny's tone and expression visibly soured at mentioning the one who did her in. "A Light-Fire wildclaw...and the one responsible for me being in this mess..." The female skydancer sighed heavily as [b]she took hold of the book titled [i]Tartarus[/i] and began flipping through its pages.[/b] [img][/img]"There's also this spiral who is somewhat of a psuedo-twinbreed... Naturally pure Ice, but due to some...unfortunate mistakes; is now infected with Plague attributes, but he can't use the Plague powers like natural twinbreeds like the forementioned three..." Penny look towards Rumu and smiles a bit. [img][/img]"I'm Penny. I used to be one of the chief guardians of my clan before the traitor struck me down." She says, giving her name as she thinks for a bit. "Perhaps if we both make it out of this mess unscathed; I can bring you to my clan and introduce you to the others who are like you...though I am honestly unsure if they're anymore aware of their condition than you are of yours, so not sure if they would be able to answer any questions you might have about it..."

Penny nods slowly and looks towards the other skydancer.

4213996p.png"Yes... My clan actually has three other dragons like you..." She replies. "There's our king, who is a Plague-Shadow bogsneak; his queen, who is a Fire-Ice skydancer; and...the traitor..." Penny's tone and expression visibly soured at mentioning the one who did her in. "A Light-Fire wildclaw...and the one responsible for me being in this mess..."

The female skydancer sighed heavily as she took hold of the book titled Tartarus and began flipping through its pages.

4213996p.png"There's also this spiral who is somewhat of a psuedo-twinbreed... Naturally pure Ice, but due to some...unfortunate mistakes; is now infected with Plague attributes, but he can't use the Plague powers like natural twinbreeds like the forementioned three..."

Penny look towards Rumu and smiles a bit.

4213996p.png"I'm Penny. I used to be one of the chief guardians of my clan before the traitor struck me down." She says, giving her name as she thinks for a bit. "Perhaps if we both make it out of this mess unscathed; I can bring you to my clan and introduce you to the others who are like you...though I am honestly unsure if they're anymore aware of their condition than you are of yours, so not sure if they would be able to answer any questions you might have about it..."
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] When Harlan first sees the hall, the other dragons, the message on the stone, he assumes that he was kidnapped. He'd awakened with the memory of having fallen asleep at his desk (was it his desk?). He'd been feeling more tired than usual, the persistent, maddening ache in his body having forced him to stop work on the power armor he'd been building at a crawling pace... For a while, he says nothing, merely walking over to examine the bookcase for himself. Without so much as a word to the Nocturne (@missnevermind) beside him, the half-machine [b]begins flipping through the books on the top shelf.[/b] @soulsorbet
When Harlan first sees the hall, the other dragons, the message on the stone, he assumes that he was kidnapped.

He'd awakened with the memory of having fallen asleep at his desk (was it his desk?). He'd been feeling more tired than usual, the persistent, maddening ache in his body having forced him to stop work on the power armor he'd been building at a crawling pace...

For a while, he says nothing, merely walking over to examine the bookcase for himself. Without so much as a word to the Nocturne (@missnevermind) beside him, the half-machine begins flipping through the books on the top shelf.
@packook @soulsorbet
Poopfinder pulls back from the bucket, starting at it with a concerned glare. Weren't some poisons meant to smell this sweet?

A thump shifted his focus back to reality, and he gave a bit of a hum to the wildclaw's response, before stretching a bit. "Yeah, I sort of been in a few places that sort of trap you before. There are a few hotels that I'll probably never want to go back to again, let me tell you."
He then picks up the scattered sheets of paper on the ground, and begins skimming them for any additional information.

"Couldn't help noticing those wings there, though. They look sick, but you probably won't get any physical mileage with those anytime soon." And with an exaggerated creak in his voice, and a resting of a finger to his chin, he added; "You know, I could probably figure out a way to patch them up for you. I mean, if you wanted my help. The name's Poopfinder, by the way." His claw was primed for a hand shake, along with a charming smile, one that any salesman worth their products has practiced.
@packook @soulsorbet
Poopfinder pulls back from the bucket, starting at it with a concerned glare. Weren't some poisons meant to smell this sweet?

A thump shifted his focus back to reality, and he gave a bit of a hum to the wildclaw's response, before stretching a bit. "Yeah, I sort of been in a few places that sort of trap you before. There are a few hotels that I'll probably never want to go back to again, let me tell you."
He then picks up the scattered sheets of paper on the ground, and begins skimming them for any additional information.

"Couldn't help noticing those wings there, though. They look sick, but you probably won't get any physical mileage with those anytime soon." And with an exaggerated creak in his voice, and a resting of a finger to his chin, he added; "You know, I could probably figure out a way to patch them up for you. I mean, if you wanted my help. The name's Poopfinder, by the way." His claw was primed for a hand shake, along with a charming smile, one that any salesman worth their products has practiced.
@soulsorbet @Hiss @Lummox @missnevermind [url=] [img][/img] [/url] not being completely sure about this but still willing to try [b]she took a sip of the liquid[/b] then put it down on the table. she supposed she should try and interact with more dragons, like that servant and.... that robot? smiling she took brisk yet elegant steps toward the servant first "Hello, miss servant or perhaps maid? are you a servant of this estate?" she took modestines arm in a gentle hold as she began to lead her off as she spoke going toward the nocturne and robot where she stopped and turned as if, yes, this is currently a group she decided to make. releasing Modestine she flashed another vague smile "ah yes, see this is the [i]perfect[/i] chance for all of us to introduce ourselves" she puffed up slightly "I am Blanche a daughter of the noble Artois I suppose its a fairly renowned name, but this is not just about me. what are your names? can miss maid make some good teas? how did you come to have those machines, are they decorational? also, a nocturne such as you is quite mysterious tell us about yourself" she inwardly nodded to herself, yes that should be enough questions for at least somewhat of a conversation starter, she didn't want anyone of them to feel left out or spited quite yet. after all she didnt even know if they were worth spiting yet
@soulsorbet @Hiss @Lummox @missnevermind


not being completely sure about this but still willing to try she took a sip of the liquid then put it down on the table. she supposed she should try and interact with more dragons, like that servant and.... that robot?

smiling she took brisk yet elegant steps toward the servant first

"Hello, miss servant or perhaps maid? are you a servant of this estate?" she took modestines arm in a gentle hold as she began to lead her off as she spoke going toward the nocturne and robot where she stopped and turned as if, yes, this is currently a group she decided to make.

releasing Modestine she flashed another vague smile

"ah yes, see this is the perfect chance for all of us to introduce ourselves" she puffed up slightly
"I am Blanche a daughter of the noble Artois I suppose its a fairly renowned name, but this is not just about me. what are your names? can miss maid make some good teas? how did you come to have those machines, are they decorational? also, a nocturne such as you is quite mysterious tell us about yourself"

she inwardly nodded to herself, yes that should be enough questions for at least somewhat of a conversation starter, she didn't want anyone of them to feel left out or spited quite yet. after all she didnt even know if they were worth spiting yet
@Mismas (@lummox @missnevermind in scene)

Harlan snaps the book closed, twisting his neck to look at who had called to him, and talking a step back to maintain his personal space.

"... Harlan. Longwing." he replies, with no shortage of wariness. His voice is warped and crackling, as though spoken through an old timey radio. The comment on his body makes him snort, and he runs his fingertips over his shoulder plates with a faint grimace, tucking the book in the crook of his shoulder.

"They're prosthetics. I fancy myself a mechanic."

The weight of the implication hits like a bullet, and he hates it. What once had a working body was nothing more than metal and wire.
@Mismas (@lummox @missnevermind in scene)

Harlan snaps the book closed, twisting his neck to look at who had called to him, and talking a step back to maintain his personal space.

"... Harlan. Longwing." he replies, with no shortage of wariness. His voice is warped and crackling, as though spoken through an old timey radio. The comment on his body makes him snort, and he runs his fingertips over his shoulder plates with a faint grimace, tucking the book in the crook of his shoulder.

"They're prosthetics. I fancy myself a mechanic."

The weight of the implication hits like a bullet, and he hates it. What once had a working body was nothing more than metal and wire.
@Hiss (@Lummox @missnevermind)
arching a skeptical eyebrow at the apparent scooting for no reason when she had kept a respectable distance, she felt honestly a bit offended at the rudeness and the implication of it.

Not letting this show on her face however she continued to smile, listening and taking note of his wariness towards her.

"well Harlan. it's pleasant to meet you" as he continued her smile dropped "prosthetics? I'm sorry to hear that, but its quite beautiful nevertheless did you make it yourself? what else have you managed to build?"
@Hiss (@Lummox @missnevermind)
arching a skeptical eyebrow at the apparent scooting for no reason when she had kept a respectable distance, she felt honestly a bit offended at the rudeness and the implication of it.

Not letting this show on her face however she continued to smile, listening and taking note of his wariness towards her.

"well Harlan. it's pleasant to meet you" as he continued her smile dropped "prosthetics? I'm sorry to hear that, but its quite beautiful nevertheless did you make it yourself? what else have you managed to build?"
@Mismas @Hiss @missnevermind Modestine glanced over to the other spiral in fancy apparel and tilted her head. [columns][img][/img][nextcol] "I am a maid, but I am not part of this estate, no...In fact I'm just as confused as the rest of you unfortunately."[/columns] He was about to point out the slab and the fact that they were in a [i]literal death game most likely[/i], but Blanche gently leading Modestine away caught her off guard. Once lead over to the skydancer with the mechanical looking parts and the nocturne with the long flowing hair, Modestine bowed politely to the both of them. [columns][img][/img][nextcol]"I am Modestine, maid of the Spinelside Clan. It is a pleasure to meet both of you. Apologies to have interrupted your time if I have."[/columns] She turned to Blanche briefly. [columns][img][/img][nextcol] "And yes, I can make quality tea, though I have no idea if the ingredients to do so are here...And the tea currently with us I am wary to trust." [/columns]
@Mismas @Hiss @missnevermind

Modestine glanced over to the other spiral in fancy apparel and tilted her head.

qv8QElx.png "I am a maid, but I am not part of this estate, no...In fact I'm just as confused as the rest of you unfortunately."

He was about to point out the slab and the fact that they were in a literal death game most likely, but Blanche gently leading Modestine away caught her off guard. Once lead over to the skydancer with the mechanical looking parts and the nocturne with the long flowing hair, Modestine bowed politely to the both of them.

Ns9Pp5z.png "I am Modestine, maid of the Spinelside Clan. It is a pleasure to meet both of you. Apologies to have interrupted your time if I have."

She turned to Blanche briefly.

qv8QElx.png "And yes, I can make quality tea, though I have no idea if the ingredients to do so are here...And the tea currently with us I am wary to trust."