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TOPIC | Hey anyone
@chill827 I think my babby would just get stolen and dropped in every dirty thing possible while I'm afk for like 1 second
@chill827 I think my babby would just get stolen and dropped in every dirty thing possible while I'm afk for like 1 second
former username was Aoyama

Don't worry, zombie will protect her.

*zombie is still eating from the corpses night did.*

Don't worry, zombie will protect her.

*zombie is still eating from the corpses night did.*
@StefosaurusXX your kid got a makeover oops arcane - fied [center][img][/img][/center] I have no idea what this thread is, I saw the first few pages and then went to the latest!
your kid got a makeover oops
arcane - fied

I have no idea what this thread is, I saw the first few pages and then went to the latest!
Fluff: what
Fluff: what
My Pokefarm

Please, screech at me about Kirby characters or Kirby games. I love them and need to yell everything I know before I go insane.
oh no
oh no PLZ help them grow!
oh yes
oh yes
Made you look
Don't worry everyone, it's Easter! Every mutilated, dropped, undead, and dead Vinny and otherwise has come back to proper life!
Don't worry everyone, it's Easter! Every mutilated, dropped, undead, and dead Vinny and otherwise has come back to proper life!
maGaaTX.png Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.
-Revelation 4: 8b
But that don't help for Zombie... he is born dead...
But that don't help for Zombie... he is born dead...
Ok but seriously what did you guys do to Pluto
Ok but seriously what did you guys do to Pluto
QRQge.gifKiMvu.gif yrM3p.gif 8ZbEa.gif T745r.gifQj3EC.gif
My Pokefarm

Please, screech at me about Kirby characters or Kirby games. I love them and need to yell everything I know before I go insane.