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TOPIC | The Herd
----------- [emoji=plague rune size=1] Got 2 plague herd dragons up for free! They're also Lightbreakers [emoji=plague rune size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] ----------- Keeping: [url=][img][/img][/url]

Got 2 plague herd dragons up for free! They're also Lightbreakers

Heyo I set up a PA #80448249. Thanks for adopting them ^^

Heyo I set up a PA #80448249. Thanks for adopting them ^^
Arbol (#79625683) of the Earth lineage hatched a Wegg: Olson: [url=][img][/img][/url] I am keeping the hatchling to continue the line. Just posting here for the record.
Arbol (#79625683) of the Earth lineage hatched a Wegg:


I am keeping the hatchling to continue the line.
Just posting here for the record.

~ Clan Brightshade ~

Looks like those three are from Melusine's second nest and don't actually qualify as herd heirs.

Only the first nest counts. Sorry.

Looks like those three are from Melusine's second nest and don't actually qualify as herd heirs.

Only the first nest counts. Sorry.
~ Clan Brightshade ~

Ack your right, it's been so long I totally thought it was a 5 nest hatch when I was organizing my lair qwq

Thanks for letting me know, and sorry about the post ^^'


I totally messed up so I'm not sure if you'll still want that veil since they don't count for the lineage. Just cancel the PA if you don't ^^

Ack your right, it's been so long I totally thought it was a 5 nest hatch when I was organizing my lair qwq

Thanks for letting me know, and sorry about the post ^^'


I totally messed up so I'm not sure if you'll still want that veil since they don't count for the lineage. Just cancel the PA if you don't ^^
Two sets of special eyes in one nest! Ask to adopt. [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]Rex (#81188426) of fire fathered 4 [/b] [b]Fethera (#81942260) [/b][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Tethera (#81942259) [/b][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Taen (#81942258)[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Aen (#81942257) ~keeping~ [/b][url=][img][/img][/url]
Two sets of special eyes in one nest!
Ask to adopt.

Rex (#81188426) of fire fathered 4

Fethera (#81942260)

Tethera (#81942259)

Taen (#81942258)

Aen (#81942257) ~keeping~

[url=]Hineana[/url] of the nature herd has hatched a nest of 3. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Also! [url=]Boing[/url] of the Plague herd hatched a nest of 1(as spite for being nested in Nature I presume). [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Hineana of the nature herd has hatched a nest of 3.

Also! Boing of the Plague herd hatched a nest of 1(as spite for being nested in Nature I presume).
Is it against the rules to breed two herd dragons of different flights together? @DarkPuffin
Is it against the rules to breed two herd dragons of different flights together? @DarkPuffin
Oh my goodness, what a delicious shadow rep Taen would be. May I have that one, @zaratyst ?
Oh my goodness, what a delicious shadow rep Taen would be. May I have that one, @zaratyst ?
[quote name="Fitzmagus" date="2022-11-08 23:34:46" ] Is it against the rules to breed two herd dragons of different flights together? [/quote] I'm not DarkPuffin and will abide by any clarification given on this. However, I would like to weigh in and say, personally, I prefer if herd dragons are not interbred for their first nest as it can get confusing and can make for very tangled bloodlines. I don't have any problem with an heir breeding with a previously retired heir from the herd, because only the first nest is recorded. But that's just my personal take on it. Other players may see it differently.
Fitzmagus wrote on 2022-11-08 23:34:46:
Is it against the rules to breed two herd dragons of different flights together?

I'm not DarkPuffin and will abide by any clarification given on this.

However, I would like to weigh in and say, personally, I prefer if herd dragons are not interbred for their first nest as it can get confusing and can make for very tangled bloodlines.

I don't have any problem with an heir breeding with a previously retired heir from the herd, because only the first nest is recorded.

But that's just my personal take on it. Other players may see it differently.
~ Clan Brightshade ~