
Forum Games

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[quote name="AGiraffeAndAHalf" date=2016-05-28 17:58:40] . [/quote] ._.
AGiraffeAndAHalf wrote on 2016-05-28:

oh boy here I am
oh boy here I am
Visit my art shop
Fear not, people, for I am here. I will now proceed to ask:

Who here knows guitar, and can give tips on how to remember chords?

: D
Fear not, people, for I am here. I will now proceed to ask:

Who here knows guitar, and can give tips on how to remember chords?

: D
In the end, we all do.
In the end, we all do.
Alright! Why do i get the feeling i ain't gonna win xD
Alright! Why do i get the feeling i ain't gonna win xD
Find tabs for the chords, stare at them four hours, play them for even more hours, play patterns with those chords, and ta da, hopefully by then you have them memorized
Find tabs for the chords, stare at them four hours, play them for even more hours, play patterns with those chords, and ta da, hopefully by then you have them memorized
Visit my art shop
Kukui (koo-koo-eee)

Why is that in my head right now? It sounds hilarious though, lol
Kukui (koo-koo-eee)

Why is that in my head right now? It sounds hilarious though, lol
Is it weird that quote chains amuse me?
Is it weird that quote chains amuse me?
O4GfGsU.gif    liluye
she/her | fr+17 | sales
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