
Forum Games

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Animal: Toucan
Boys name: Teddie
Girls name: Tiana
Color: Turquoise
Something you wear: T-shirt
Drink: I seriously cannot think of one...
Food: Tanghulu
Something you find in your bathroom: T-shirt (again...?)
Place: Toronto
Reason to be late: Truthfully? I was feeding capybaras.
Animal: Toucan
Boys name: Teddie
Girls name: Tiana
Color: Turquoise
Something you wear: T-shirt
Drink: I seriously cannot think of one...
Food: Tanghulu
Something you find in your bathroom: T-shirt (again...?)
Place: Toronto
Reason to be late: Truthfully? I was feeding capybaras.
Animal: porpoise
Boys name: peter
Girls name: petunia
Color: purple
Something you wear: pants
Drink: prune juice
Food: plum
Something you find in your bathroom: paper towels
Place: pacific ocean
Reason to be late: purposely took my time
Animal: porpoise
Boys name: peter
Girls name: petunia
Color: purple
Something you wear: pants
Drink: prune juice
Food: plum
Something you find in your bathroom: paper towels
Place: pacific ocean
Reason to be late: purposely took my time
Animal: Ferret
Boys name: Felix
Girls name: Felicity
Color: Fuchsia
Something you wear: Face mask
Drink: Fountain soda
Food: Footlong (help lol)
Something you find in your bathroom: Face mask but the skincare kind
Place: Fire station
Reason to be late: Forgot to turn my oven off
Animal: Ferret
Boys name: Felix
Girls name: Felicity
Color: Fuchsia
Something you wear: Face mask
Drink: Fountain soda
Food: Footlong (help lol)
Something you find in your bathroom: Face mask but the skincare kind
Place: Fire station
Reason to be late: Forgot to turn my oven off
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Animal: Bunny
Boys name: Bernie
Girls name: Babette (Babs)
Color: Brown
Something you wear: Boots
Drink: Beer
Food: Banana
Something you find in your bathroom: Brow creme
Place: Bali
Reason to be late: Banksying a downtown building

Animal: Bunny
Boys name: Bernie
Girls name: Babette (Babs)
Color: Brown
Something you wear: Boots
Drink: Beer
Food: Banana
Something you find in your bathroom: Brow creme
Place: Bali
Reason to be late: Banksying a downtown building
Animal: Elephant
Boys name: Eli
Girls name: Elizabeth
Color: Emerald
Something you wear: Earphones
Drink: Earl grey tea
Food: Eggplant parmesan
Something you find in your bathroom: Ear swabs
Place: Everywhere
Reason to be late: Easygoing attitude :D
Animal: Elephant
Boys name: Eli
Girls name: Elizabeth
Color: Emerald
Something you wear: Earphones
Drink: Earl grey tea
Food: Eggplant parmesan
Something you find in your bathroom: Ear swabs
Place: Everywhere
Reason to be late: Easygoing attitude :D
Animal: Newt
Boys name: Nathan
Girls name: Nicolette
Color: Navy Blue
Something you wear: Necklace
Drink: Nuka-Cola Nectar
Food: Nectarine
Something you find in your bathroom: Nasal spray
Place: Nowhere
Reason to be late: Near-collision/near-fatal accident
Animal: Newt
Boys name: Nathan
Girls name: Nicolette
Color: Navy Blue
Something you wear: Necklace
Drink: Nuka-Cola Nectar
Food: Nectarine
Something you find in your bathroom: Nasal spray
Place: Nowhere
Reason to be late: Near-collision/near-fatal accident
Animal: leopard
Boys name: Liam
Girls name: Lila
Color: lilac
Something you wear: leggings
Drink: lemonade
Food: lasagna
Something you find in your bathroom:
Place: london
Reason to be late: loitering instead of going to where you're supposed to be
Animal: leopard
Boys name: Liam
Girls name: Lila
Color: lilac
Something you wear: leggings
Drink: lemonade
Food: lasagna
Something you find in your bathroom:
Place: london
Reason to be late: loitering instead of going to where you're supposed to be
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Animal: Snake
Boys name: Sebastian
Girls name: Susan
Color: Sky blue
Something you wear: Skirt
Drink: Soda
Food: Soup
Something you find in your bathroom: Soap
Place: Spain
Reason to be late: Something important came up
Animal: Snake
Boys name: Sebastian
Girls name: Susan
Color: Sky blue
Something you wear: Skirt
Drink: Soda
Food: Soup
Something you find in your bathroom: Soap
Place: Spain
Reason to be late: Something important came up
Animal: Seal
Boys name: Spencer
Girls name: Sarah
Color: Seaweed Green
Something you wear:
Drink: Sprite
Food: Sushi
Something you find in your bathroom: SoAp
Place: School
Reason to be late: Sleep
Animal: Seal
Boys name: Spencer
Girls name: Sarah
Color: Seaweed Green
Something you wear:
Drink: Sprite
Food: Sushi
Something you find in your bathroom: SoAp
Place: School
Reason to be late: Sleep
Animal: star
Boys name: sam
Girls name: seraphine
Color: seafoam
Something you wear: silk robe
Drink: seven up
Food: soup !
Something you find in your bathroom: shampoo !
Place: singapore
Reason to be late: spilled juice on my shirt duh
Animal: star
Boys name: sam
Girls name: seraphine
Color: seafoam
Something you wear: silk robe
Drink: seven up
Food: soup !
Something you find in your bathroom: shampoo !
Place: singapore
Reason to be late: spilled juice on my shirt duh