
Forum Games

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TOPIC | The Banning Game
1 2 ... 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 ... 14553 14554

Banned because you have 1 3 2 familiars

Banned because you have 1 3 2 familiars
@Solaleon Banned because you have less than 100 familiars
@Solaleon Banned because you have less than 100 familiars
@themirrorswish banned because i wanted to look at your art shop, but there's no link dangit
@themirrorswish banned because i wanted to look at your art shop, but there's no link dangit
@Umberdusk Banned cuz we both have Shadow Emblems on our avatars
@Umberdusk Banned cuz we both have Shadow Emblems on our avatars
@themirrorswish banned because if you're banning me for that, then I'm taking you down with me.
@themirrorswish banned because if you're banning me for that, then I'm taking you down with me.
@Umberdusk Banned cuz I love that font in your sig
@Umberdusk Banned cuz I love that font in your sig
@themirrorswish banned for making me use banning you as a way to say thank u :3c
@themirrorswish banned for making me use banning you as a way to say thank u :3c
@Umberdusk Banned cuz your username reminds me of Umbreon
@Umberdusk Banned cuz your username reminds me of Umbreon
@themirrorswish @Umberdusk banned because the two of you have been on a banning spee and some has to take you down.
@themirrorswish @Umberdusk banned because the two of you have been on a banning spee and some has to take you down.
Until all are frozen
@Nanamus Banned because I reFUSE to be taken down! *evil laughter*
@Nanamus Banned because I reFUSE to be taken down! *evil laughter*
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