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TOPIC | The Banning Game
Banned because I'm getting kinda depressed...
Y'see, I've been at my dads house for 2 weeks, and now that I'm back with my mom, I've realized what an amazing friend I have in my brother.
And since I don't really have any friends where I live... Well... I just want a friend like my bbrother...
Banned because I'm getting kinda depressed...
Y'see, I've been at my dads house for 2 weeks, and now that I'm back with my mom, I've realized what an amazing friend I have in my brother.
And since I don't really have any friends where I live... Well... I just want a friend like my bbrother...
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Banned because you've got friends even if you don't realize it, and you should probably talk someone.
Banned because you've got friends even if you don't realize it, and you should probably talk someone.
Banned for giving solid advice.
Banned for giving solid advice.
banned because painting is hard to do in dimly lit rooms and my lamp is broken so im using these stupid christmas lights to paint stupid things. (on the plus side the lights do look pretty tho i might keep em)
banned because painting is hard to do in dimly lit rooms and my lamp is broken so im using these stupid christmas lights to paint stupid things. (on the plus side the lights do look pretty tho i might keep em)
Banned because my stream won't load.
Banned because my stream won't load.
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Banned because I am not doing my homework when I should be
Banned because I am not doing my homework when I should be
Banned because there's this essay i really should be working on right now
Banned because there's this essay i really should be working on right now
tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.png __
>> hatchery
>> lore aesthetics shop
Banned for not kicking that essay's booty and getting it done and over with so you can do other fun activities
Banned for not kicking that essay's booty and getting it done and over with so you can do other fun activities
Banned for reminding me that I have a ton of things to do that I should be doing, and for having a Homestuck username.
Banned for reminding me that I have a ton of things to do that I should be doing, and for having a Homestuck username.
Demiguy; He/Him or They/Them

Banned for any talk of homework and essay's and work in general during spring break when You Only Live Once!! (unless you're Dean, Sam, Cas, The Doctor, Gabe... okay so you don't only live once....)

Banned for any talk of homework and essay's and work in general during spring break when You Only Live Once!! (unless you're Dean, Sam, Cas, The Doctor, Gabe... okay so you don't only live once....)