
Forum Games

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TOPIC | }} Hotel M.U.R.D.E.R. -- RIP
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Okay I'd like a spot! Let me choose my dragon and write the bio!
Okay I'd like a spot! Let me choose my dragon and write the bio!
i've never played a game like this before but i'd love to get in. can i reserve a spot if there is one open?
i've never played a game like this before but i'd love to get in. can i reserve a spot if there is one open?
@Mirrorface Oh, what the hey, one of the games I'm in is coming to a close, and another seems to have died, and while the third is just starting up sorta... I may as well join a [i]fourth[/i]. I'm just gonna go pick my dragon.... <skitters off to her lair> [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Kirrandria [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Aryvaeros (Or just Ary for short!) [b]Dragon's Pronouns:[/b] She/Her [b]Lore:[/b] Aryvaeros was born to the fire flight, but where most fire dragons have a passion for forging tools and armor, Ary's passion was for forging new paths into uncharted territories. When she was old enough she set out to join a band of adventurous Wind dragons and is now their number one explorer, delving into ancient ruins and forgotten tombs before anyone else in her clan. After a journey into a cursed ruin a few months back, Ary completely lost her shadow. Apparently, she wasn't the only one, so she joined a band of adventurers who had also lost theirs in attempt to find it. She had no luck, though, and eventually got sepereated enough from the group that she simply had to give up the search. To this day she's still without her shadow, and though she tries to not let it get to her, she's a good deal twitchier than she used to be. She's currently on her way to a temple to one diety or another, but the journey is pretty long, and this hotel happens to be placed rather conveniently between her home and her destination. [b]Familiar:[/b] Her trusty glowing pocket mouse makes a wonderful light source in pitch dark tombs, so he's [i]always[/i] brought along with her. When he's not lighting up lightless hallways, he's usually snuggled deep in one of Ary's pouches, munching on seeds. [b]Other:[/b] [size=2]So I'm going on vacation later in June, and depending on the length of this there will be a period of time where I participate a bit less. Still participate mind you, just shoter posts and farther inbetween.[/size]

Oh, what the hey, one of the games I'm in is coming to a close, and another seems to have died, and while the third is just starting up sorta... I may as well join a fourth.

I'm just gonna go pick my dragon.... <skitters off to her lair>

Username: Kirrandria
Dragon Name: Aryvaeros (Or just Ary for short!)
Dragon's Pronouns: She/Her

Lore: Aryvaeros was born to the fire flight, but where most fire dragons have a passion for forging tools and armor, Ary's passion was for forging new paths into uncharted territories. When she was old enough she set out to join a band of adventurous Wind dragons and is now their number one explorer, delving into ancient ruins and forgotten tombs before anyone else in her clan.

After a journey into a cursed ruin a few months back, Ary completely lost her shadow. Apparently, she wasn't the only one, so she joined a band of adventurers who had also lost theirs in attempt to find it. She had no luck, though, and eventually got sepereated enough from the group that she simply had to give up the search. To this day she's still without her shadow, and though she tries to not let it get to her, she's a good deal twitchier than she used to be.

She's currently on her way to a temple to one diety or another, but the journey is pretty long, and this hotel happens to be placed rather conveniently between her home and her destination.

Familiar: Her trusty glowing pocket mouse makes a wonderful light source in pitch dark tombs, so he's always brought along with her. When he's not lighting up lightless hallways, he's usually snuggled deep in one of Ary's pouches, munching on seeds.

Other: So I'm going on vacation later in June, and depending on the length of this there will be a period of time where I participate a bit less. Still participate mind you, just shoter posts and farther inbetween.
@Mirrorface ((Eeeey)) [img][/img] [b]Username:[/b] Xella [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Pollux [b]Dragon's Pronouns:[/b] She/Her [b]Lore:[/b] The second she opened her eyes, it was clear. She was the trickster, and her sister, Castor, was the calm, level-headed one. Pranks, games, and just plain fun were her preferred activity. She was born in the fishspine reef, but wasn't ever much of a swimmer. Although she's a grown dragon now, Pollux prefers to act like a hatchling- a habit of hers. She's chipper, to a point. While the spiral loves to play pranks on others, she has a very low tolerance for the other way around. She panics easily, and can have some wildly random mood swings. [b]Familiar:[/b] A gaseous megashrimp she's named "Morp." Pollux is fiercely protective of Morp. [b]Other:[/b] She'll fire you if she have to because she's got the mlg skills



Username: Xella
Dragon Name: Pollux
Dragon's Pronouns: She/Her

The second she opened her eyes, it was clear. She was the trickster, and her sister, Castor, was the calm, level-headed one. Pranks, games, and just plain fun were her preferred activity. She was born in the fishspine reef, but wasn't ever much of a swimmer. Although she's a grown dragon now, Pollux prefers to act like a hatchling- a habit of hers.

She's chipper, to a point. While the spiral loves to play pranks on others, she has a very low tolerance for the other way around. She panics easily, and can have some wildly random mood swings.

Familiar: A gaseous megashrimp she's named "Morp." Pollux is fiercely protective of Morp.

Other: She'll fire you if she have to because she's got the mlg skills
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Username:[/b] PhoenixWright [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Deliahm [b]Dragon's Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Lore:[/b] Originally from the Scarred Wasteland, Deliahm is considered rich among peers. His treasure hoard is grand, and he carries himself tall. He can be rather arrogant and turns his nose up at others, giving him a sort of "cold" aura - he is not easily jarred, and tends to use his wits to get out of problems rather than panic. He can be on the more manipulative side, often getting others to do bidding for him. He hates to get his hands dirty. If you can convince him to like you, he can be rather protective. Because of his arrogance, he can be rather hard to befriend. Dedication can be your friend when attempting to get on his good side. He likes dragons who agree with him and those who do not battle is opinions, as he sees himself as somewhat higher than the rest. He has quite a superiority complex. They were a loner if the Scarred Wasteland, and though in all technicality he is now part of a clan, he still sets him apart from the rest. The clan he now belongs to lives in the Snowsquall Tundra, but is in the process of getting prepared to move to the Greatwyrm's Breach. He is constantly battling with the clans leader, as he does not believe anyone is truly fit to rule over himself. Despite his squabbles with the clan, he refuses to leave. He claims he stays because there is strength is numbers, but there is rumor that deep down he cares for those he has been around with for long time. [b]Familiar:[/b] he travels with a mischievous shellion who often picks pockets. [b]Other:[/b] i've never written an in depth bio like this (but i've always wanted to, so thank you) before i hope this is what youre looking for! @Mirrorface


Username: PhoenixWright
Dragon Name: Deliahm
Dragon's Pronouns: He/Him

Lore: Originally from the Scarred Wasteland, Deliahm is considered rich among peers. His treasure hoard is grand, and he carries himself tall. He can be rather arrogant and turns his nose up at others, giving him a sort of "cold" aura - he is not easily jarred, and tends to use his wits to get out of problems rather than panic. He can be on the more manipulative side, often getting others to do bidding for him. He hates to get his hands dirty.

If you can convince him to like you, he can be rather protective. Because of his arrogance, he can be rather hard to befriend. Dedication can be your friend when attempting to get on his good side. He likes dragons who agree with him and those who do not battle is opinions, as he sees himself as somewhat higher than the rest. He has quite a superiority complex.

They were a loner if the Scarred Wasteland, and though in all technicality he is now part of a clan, he still sets him apart from the rest. The clan he now belongs to lives in the Snowsquall Tundra, but is in the process of getting prepared to move to the Greatwyrm's Breach. He is constantly battling with the clans leader, as he does not believe anyone is truly fit to rule over himself. Despite his squabbles with the clan, he refuses to leave. He claims he stays because there is strength is numbers, but there is rumor that deep down he cares for those he has been around with for long time.

Familiar: he travels with a mischievous shellion who often picks pockets.
Other: i've never written an in depth bio like this (but i've always wanted to, so thank you) before i hope this is what youre looking for! @Mirrorface

ALL of them. Well, not all of them, there's a few here and there I missed, but...

Oh, edited my post now :D Got a dragon!

ALL of them. Well, not all of them, there's a few here and there I missed, but...

Oh, edited my post now :D Got a dragon!
@Mirrorface ((help me I can't stop joining mafia games)) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Username:[/b] Nanosaur [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Marzipan [b]Dragon's Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Lore:[/b] Marzipan is better than you, and he knows it. Although he was born in the Starfall Isles, magic was never really his forte, but, unable to stand being the least reputable of all his peers, he became good at something else: blackmail. His personality resembled that of nothing more than a petty gossip, but in reality he was far more clever than that, and he knew the nastiest secrets of what seemed to be every adolescent dragon his side of Sornieth. Eventually he realized something: if he was so good at what he did, why not profit from it? So he became the founder and chief editor of a now popular tabloid magazine: [i]Roulette[/i]. Most of what it contains is worthless rumors seasoned with just a hint of truth, but the publication also serves to cover up his other source of income. Dragons in the know know him not as an editor, but as an information broker. Marzipan has a condescending personality. He is arrogant in the rare kind of way not born from any subconscious insecurity, but from genuine feelings of supremacy over others. He always seems to be one step ahead of trends, and one step ahead of his enemies. [b]Familiar:[/b] He keeps a spellbound golem that he typically just has doing lackey work, such as getting his coffee. [b]Other:[/b] I'm literally making up his personality as I go this'll be fun
@Mirrorface ((help me I can't stop joining mafia games))


Username: Nanosaur
Dragon Name: Marzipan
Dragon's Pronouns: He/Him

Lore: Marzipan is better than you, and he knows it.

Although he was born in the Starfall Isles, magic was never really his forte, but, unable to stand being the least reputable of all his peers, he became good at something else: blackmail. His personality resembled that of nothing more than a petty gossip, but in reality he was far more clever than that, and he knew the nastiest secrets of what seemed to be every adolescent dragon his side of Sornieth.

Eventually he realized something: if he was so good at what he did, why not profit from it? So he became the founder and chief editor of a now popular tabloid magazine: Roulette. Most of what it contains is worthless rumors seasoned with just a hint of truth, but the publication also serves to cover up his other source of income. Dragons in the know know him not as an editor, but as an information broker.

Marzipan has a condescending personality. He is arrogant in the rare kind of way not born from any subconscious insecurity, but from genuine feelings of supremacy over others. He always seems to be one step ahead of trends, and one step ahead of his enemies.

Familiar: He keeps a spellbound golem that he typically just has doing lackey work, such as getting his coffee.
Other: I'm literally making up his personality as I go this'll be fun
Can I reserve a spot? I'll get a dragon set up as soon as I can!
Can I reserve a spot? I'll get a dragon set up as soon as I can!
@mirrorface okie dokie i got a hold of my actual computer XD here is Johlen! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Username:[/b] SnowyFool [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Johlen (joe-lin) [b]Dragon's Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Lore:[/b] Johlen is a very serious dragon, but is also quite a joker when hes in a good mood. When he gets stressed, he becomes very unpredictable and tends to lash out, sometimes saying things he later regrets. His favorite words seem to be "I'm sorry", since he says them so often even when he wasn't involved in the thing he is apologizing for. He is constantly fighting for acceptance, for because of his dull plumage he is constantly regarded as a bad omen. All he seems to want is to make friends and for everyone to be happy. [b]Familiar:[/b] No [b]Other:[/b] He has a german accent XD

okie dokie i got a hold of my actual computer XD

here is Johlen!


Username: SnowyFool

Dragon Name: Johlen (joe-lin)
Dragon's Pronouns: He/Him
Lore: Johlen is a very serious dragon, but is also quite a joker when hes in a good mood. When he gets stressed, he becomes very unpredictable and tends to lash out, sometimes saying things he later regrets. His favorite words seem to be "I'm sorry", since he says them so often even when he wasn't involved in the thing he is apologizing for. He is constantly fighting for acceptance, for because of his dull plumage he is constantly regarded as a bad omen. All he seems to want is to make friends and for everyone to be happy.
Familiar: No
Other: He has a german accent XD
tumblr_inline_naz0azrMBD1qg78ij.pngA proud member of the Clan of Honorsshadow_ani.gif
Oh my god @Kirrandria our dragons are like mirror versions of eachother

Yours is a Fire dragon who's an adventurer,and mine's a Wind dragon who's a blacksmith!
Oh my god @Kirrandria our dragons are like mirror versions of eachother

Yours is a Fire dragon who's an adventurer,and mine's a Wind dragon who's a blacksmith!
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