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A gossamer fillet and arm silk
Violet flower crown, lei, and corsage
And an autumnal wreath!

A gossamer fillet and arm silk
Violet flower crown, lei, and corsage
And an autumnal wreath!
@Charmein [item=reflective fish scales]x30 [item=abyss striker] [item=jeweled octoflyer] [item=kelp tender] [item=relic eel] Just some shiny things and some new friends ^^

Reflective Fish Scales x30 Abyss Striker Jeweled Octoflyer Kelp Tender
Relic Eel

Just some shiny things and some new friends ^^
@Adamanta Some swipp materials to help out :3 [item=Duskrat]x10 [item=Black Tulip]x10 [item=Plague Runestone]x2 And some nice apparel on top :) [item=Red Breeches][item=Copper Glasses][item=Pretty Purple Tail Bow]
@Adamanta Some swipp materials to help out :3
Duskrat x10
Black Tulip x10
Plague Runestone x2

And some nice apparel on top :)
Red Breeches Copper Glasses Pretty Purple Tail Bow
@Antrey [item=Golden Leg Silks][item=Amber Flourish Necklace]
Golden Leg Silks Amber Flourish Necklace
Buying arts now!
@ z00z got you a [item=blood red wolf cape] [item=frozen emblem]
@ z00z

got you a Blood Red Wolf Cape
@Sheepska Springs breath + [item=Fallout Streak] [item=Fungalhoof Qiriq] [item=Windcarve Harpy] [item=Relic Eel] [item=Longneck Skirmisher] Somethings on your wishlist

Springs breath + Fallout Streak Fungalhoof Qiriq Windcarve Harpy Relic Eel Longneck Skirmisher

Somethings on your wishlist
@Azuri I heard you wanted a depleted Marva item from this year + a flowerfall! [item=Daisy Flowerfall] + Marva's Depleted Twine (darn apostrophes...)
@Azuri I heard you wanted a depleted Marva item from this year + a flowerfall!

Daisy Flowerfall + Marva's Depleted Twine (darn apostrophes...)
@keraunic anklets and something to go with them! and food [center][item=pearl flourish anklets][item=gossamer silk scarf][item=blackwing croaker leg][/center]
anklets and something to go with them! and food
Pearl Flourish Anklets Gossamer Silk Scarf Blackwing Croaker Leg
[center]@hapro Shipment of iron on it's way to you! [item=iron filigree banner][item=iron filigree wing guard] [item=iron treasure chest][item=iron treasure chest][item=iron treasure chest] [item=iron treasure chest][item=iron treasure chest][/center]
Shipment of iron on it's way to you!
Iron Filigree Banner Iron Filigree Wing Guard
Iron Treasure Chest Iron Treasure Chest Iron Treasure Chest
Iron Treasure Chest Iron Treasure Chest
@Spooky A couple of loyal companions coming your way! [item=hainu] [item=umbra wolf] And it seems they might have brought some kind of chew toy? Hope it's clean... [item=celadon silk scarf]

A couple of loyal companions coming your way!

Hainu Umbra Wolf

And it seems they might have brought some kind of chew toy? Hope it's clean...

Celadon Silk Scarf