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TOPIC | Scry a song
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@Poeziru [img][/img] Strong colors for that strong drum, with a minimal, camouflaged tert for those barely-audible vocals. Got the visual of a Ridgeback wrecking everything to this song, so Ridgie it is. Lightning for the distortion on the guitar. [url=]1648[/url]?
Strong colors for that strong drum, with a minimal, camouflaged tert for those barely-audible vocals. Got the visual of a Ridgeback wrecking everything to this song, so Ridgie it is. Lightning for the distortion on the guitar.

T3mCp93.png tumblr | FR time +3 | they/them
@[url=]Loquaciousky[/url] LLLLLLEEEEEESSGGOOOO [img][/img] [b]Their freedom was at stake[/b] [b][i]Stand and fight the city is burning[/i][/b] I did Ridgeback male because they look proud and mighty. The colors and genes represent war. The color of the wings for the soil they fought to protect. how about [url]Beekeeper - Keaton Henson[/url] bc i've been in love with the song recently



Their freedom was at stake
Stand and fight the city is burning

I did Ridgeback male because they look proud and mighty. The colors and genes represent war. The color of the wings for the soil they fought to protect.

how about Beekeeper - Keaton Henson bc i've been in love with the song recently
it's been two days I'm allowed to bump right @CaptainOMalley [img][/img] Warm tones for a very desert-feeling song. Calm genes for the calm first half, plus bright Lightning eyes for the surge in intensity around the midpoint. Can't really justify the breed except that Pearlcatcher felt right. [url=]The Land of the Dead[/url] by Voltaire?
it's been two days I'm allowed to bump right

Warm tones for a very desert-feeling song. Calm genes for the calm first half, plus bright Lightning eyes for the surge in intensity around the midpoint. Can't really justify the breed except that Pearlcatcher felt right.

The Land of the Dead by Voltaire?
T3mCp93.png tumblr | FR time +3 | they/them
@Loquaciousky [img][/img] Skydancer for the upbeat jazz (the singer would definitely be a Skydancer), the colors and genes for the theme of the song [s]it just fits okay[/s] hmmm I can't quite recall if I've done this one already, but... [url=]Garry's Theme[/url]!


Skydancer for the upbeat jazz (the singer would definitely be a Skydancer), the colors and genes for the theme of the song
it just fits okay

I can't quite recall if I've done this one already, but... Garry's Theme!
@deaddavetheenemy [s]love that username BTW.[/s] i dont know why the picture came out so small, sorry! [img][/img] I chose a little Fae hatchling becasue it gave the mood of like a lost feeling I guess? like youre really small. IDK as for the colors I chose grey becasue it was really melancholy with a twinge of something else i cant really name? but thats where the blue came from also wind eyes becasue of how nicely it flowed? it was between that and water... for the next person [url=]Someday you will be loved[/url] DCFC

love that username BTW.

i dont know why the picture came out so small, sorry!

I chose a little Fae hatchling becasue it gave the mood of like a lost feeling I guess? like youre really small. IDK
as for the colors I chose grey becasue it was really melancholy with a twinge of something else i cant really name? but thats where the blue came from

also wind eyes becasue of how nicely it flowed? it was between that and water...

for the next person

Someday you will be loved DCFC
h-hewwo?? mr obama??Juice l he/him l 21

♥ Art Wanted

@NeonSharpies [img][/img] Eye's like summer; as the blood runs red down the needle and thread [url=]Shut Up And Dance-Walk the moon[/url]


Eye's like summer; as the blood runs red down the needle and thread

Shut Up And Dance-Walk the moon
3 hrs ahead of FR time
@JadedFlight [img][/img] I definitely got an orange-and-white feeling, bright warm colors with a hint of yellow in the maize. I considered going with flashier genes, but I actually think the basic and underbelly fit it better [url=]Lane Boy[/url], by Twenty-One Pilots


I definitely got an orange-and-white feeling, bright warm colors with a hint of yellow in the maize. I considered going with flashier genes, but I actually think the basic and underbelly fit it better

Lane Boy, by Twenty-One Pilots
@deaddavetheenemy [img][/img] A lot of the background reminded me of static, so silver tiger/hypnotic, also the singer reminded me of a fae, somehow. Lightning eyes+a matching bright belly because it's sorta upbeat. [url=]Alpenglow[/url], please?
@deaddavetheenemy dragonpic2.php?body=5&wing=5&style=1&gender=0&ages=1&prig=2&secg=9&tert=30&elem=5&tertgene=5&spec=prev.png
A lot of the background reminded me of static, so silver tiger/hypnotic, also the singer reminded me of a fae, somehow. Lightning eyes+a matching bright belly because it's sorta upbeat.

Alpenglow, please?
Mammertee Plushie Mammertee Plushie Mammertee Plushie Mammertee Plushie Mammertee Plushie
@Laevateinn [img][/img] sharp Ridgeback for the guitar, with muted colors for the dark sound and a nice dose of white for the orchestra [url=]Travelers - Christian Kang[/url]


sharp Ridgeback for the guitar, with muted colors for the dark sound and a nice dose of white for the orchestra

Travelers - Christian Kang
@deaddavetheeenemy Oh hey again. [img][/img] Ridgies are always great for electric guitar. Wibbly-wobbly genes for the wavering voice and distorted intro. Yellows and browns for the desert feeling-- I think it's reminding me of Horse With No Name, which could be skewing my impressions :P Earth for the end of the chorus-- "we're all travelers on our passage to the grave" could've also gone Plague but it gives me more a sense of endurance than rot or death. Since it's stuck in my head now, [url=]A Horse With No Name[/url]?
@deaddavetheeenemy Oh hey again.
Ridgies are always great for electric guitar. Wibbly-wobbly genes for the wavering voice and distorted intro. Yellows and browns for the desert feeling-- I think it's reminding me of Horse With No Name, which could be skewing my impressions :P Earth for the end of the chorus-- "we're all travelers on our passage to the grave" could've also gone Plague but it gives me more a sense of endurance than rot or death.

Since it's stuck in my head now, A Horse With No Name?
T3mCp93.png tumblr | FR time +3 | they/them
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