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TOPIC | Favorite Dragon from the Lair Above You!
@Druidsoul Illumine is so pretty with the purple and gold it makes her graceful and from royalty. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Illumine is so pretty with the purple and gold it makes her graceful and from royalty.


@Alstaria [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nice ice Coatl!


Nice ice Coatl!
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[center][i]@InviernoGlades [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i] OMG look at her she is amazing! And its another dragon with smoke, what is this?! I don't like smoke, yet I keep finding all these pretty dergs that make it look GOOD 40/10 for the best bean <3[/i][/center]


OMG look at her she is amazing! And its another dragon with smoke, what is this?! I don't like smoke, yet I keep finding all these pretty dergs that make it look GOOD 40/10 for the best bean <3
@DraconianLucian Fav color scheme <3 [img][/img] You know, I always liked black/black/red color schemes. But in one game this color scheme is kinda something weird and "ew black-red brat". And I'm really happy see here dragons with this color scheme. And what nobody thinks that this is weird. Maybe.
Fav color scheme <3
You know, I always liked black/black/red color schemes. But in one game this color scheme is kinda something weird and "ew black-red brat". And I'm really happy see here dragons with this color scheme. And what nobody thinks that this is weird. Maybe.
@HolliwoodKa [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This one


This one
@ErraticErmine [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Those are some REALLY neat wings.


Those are some REALLY neat wings.
@tnoy23 [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] I love this guy's skin with his genes![/center]


I love this guy's skin with his genes!
@Glambert So many pretty babies but Cauliflower is my favourite [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I love her strange colours and particularly her name..might name one of my dergs Cauliflower if you don't mind?

So many pretty babies but Cauliflower is my favourite


I love her strange colours and particularly her name..might name one of my dergs Cauliflower if you don't mind?
@Heart Love the name and love the colors! :3 [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
@Heart Love the name and love the colors! :3
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@AkiraKatsura2 I don't usually like fae but the colors look absolutely brilliant [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I don't usually like fae but the colors look absolutely brilliant

you pay
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