
Forum Games

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TOPIC | 1000 ways to get banned from a pet store
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263. Eat the hamster food
263. Eat the hamster food
264. Holding the goldish in your hands
264. Holding the goldish in your hands
265. Trying to imitate hamster to sit with those sweet babes in cage
265. Trying to imitate hamster to sit with those sweet babes in cage
266. Try to do what the old man in "Up" tried to do, but with birds.
266. Try to do what the old man in "Up" tried to do, but with birds.
276. Ask to hold a ferret, shove ferret up sleeve, scream that it escaped into the store, leave store with ferret.
276. Ask to hold a ferret, shove ferret up sleeve, scream that it escaped into the store, leave store with ferret.
277. Put a sleeping toddler on a dog bed.
277. Put a sleeping toddler on a dog bed.
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278. Run up to every fish tank and yell, "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON?!"
278. Run up to every fish tank and yell, "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON?!"
279. Sit near the entrance of the store and bark aggressively at everyone who walks by.
279. Sit near the entrance of the store and bark aggressively at everyone who walks by.
280. Stab a dog (or horse if one is handy) pull out your lighter and start singing 5000 candles in the wind while waving the lighter in time to the song.
280. Stab a dog (or horse if one is handy) pull out your lighter and start singing 5000 candles in the wind while waving the lighter in time to the song.
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281. Fill a bazooka with eggs, shoot the eggzooka at an employee and fill a glittery box with as many cats as possible and fly directly though the ceiling.
281. Fill a bazooka with eggs, shoot the eggzooka at an employee and fill a glittery box with as many cats as possible and fly directly though the ceiling.
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