
Forum Games

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TOPIC | GG Game: Name that Plant (CLOSED)
[center][img][/img] [i][color=brown]You approach a wooden and rather creaky stall that stands by the festival ground's dusty road. The stall's owner doesn't seem to be present at the moment, so you take a moment to examine the desk that's littered with small dry stem parts and leaf shreds. Then you look up and see a curtain at the back of the stall, moving in the wind and exposing a large shelf stacked with vases. "Hey yo, just a minute!" The shout can be heard from an overgrown ditch nearby. The foliage shakes wildly for a while before an autumn colored Imperial fights it's way out of the bushes.[/color] [/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i][color=brown]"Welcome, traveler! I'm Helianthus, the owner of this stall. Are you here to see my plant collection? Sorry for the wait. I was looking for some herbs." Helianthus tilts his sedge hat in greeting and shakes off some dry leaves that had stuck in his fur. He swiftly moves behind the table and turns to face the shelf hidden by the curtain, grabbing something from the vases here and there while mumbling to himself. Then he takes an empty vase, fills it with water and drops a bunch of different plants in it. Helianthus places the vase on the table and sits down, looking back at you again. "There you go! The game is simple - name the plants on that vase. If you're lucky you might win something nice. Take your time..." The dragon humms while stroking the hair of his chin.[/color] [/i] [img][/img] [right][size=2]Thanks Charliex8 for the graphics![/size][/right] Click the banner to visit the Greenskeeper Gathering festival hub! [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]

You approach a wooden and rather creaky stall that stands by the festival ground's dusty road. The stall's owner doesn't seem to be present at the moment, so you take a moment to examine the desk that's littered with small dry stem parts and leaf shreds. Then you look up and see a curtain at the back of the stall, moving in the wind and exposing a large shelf stacked with vases.
"Hey yo, just a minute!" The shout can be heard from an overgrown ditch nearby. The foliage shakes wildly for a while before an autumn colored Imperial fights it's way out of the bushes.


"Welcome, traveler! I'm Helianthus, the owner of this stall. Are you here to see my plant collection? Sorry for the wait. I was looking for some herbs."
Helianthus tilts his sedge hat in greeting and shakes off some dry leaves that had stuck in his fur. He swiftly moves behind the table and turns to face the shelf hidden by the curtain, grabbing something from the vases here and there while mumbling to himself. Then he takes an empty vase, fills it with water and drops a bunch of different plants in it. Helianthus places the vase on the table and sits down, looking back at you again.
"There you go! The game is simple - name the plants on that vase. If you're lucky you might win something nice. Take your time..." The dragon humms while stroking the hair of his chin.

Thanks Charliex8 for the graphics!

Click the banner to visit the Greenskeeper Gathering festival hub!

[center][img][/img] [quote][img][/img][size=5][b][url=]Ticket Spreadsheet[/url][/b][/size][img][/img][/quote] [size=4][b]Game Introduction[/b][/size] This is a plant identification game. Participating is free to everyone except for Nature users. We have similar game in [url=]Nature's private forum[/url], so if you like to identify plants for fun then that's the place for you. New set of pictures are published every day in the third post. Each picture has a point value, depending on how challenging the plants are to identify (for example, full picture of a common flower will have low value, while an obscure picture of a rare plant will have high value). Correct answer gives you full points, close answer* half points and wrong/blank answer 0 points. (*For example, if there's a misspelling in the name, or if I ask for full name (genus and species) but you can only get the genus right. There doesn't exist half a ticket though, so if you get total of i.e. 10.5 points, then it'll be recorded as 10 tickets in the raffle ticketsheet). Participating gives you +1 point/ticket every day, no matter how you score with your guesses! [img][/img] [size=4][b]How to Play:[/b][/size][/center] [left][color=red] [b]IMPORTANT! SEND YOUR ANSWERS VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE ONLY[/b] Do not post your answers here in public. Play nice and fair.[/color] 1. Try to identify all the plants in the pictures. 2. You may use books and the internet to try find out the right answers! 3. You have 24 hours to send your answers. 4. Send your answers to Ikunoche via private message. 5. Wait to the next day to find out the correct answers, the results and to see the next set of pictures![/left][center] [img][/img] [size=4][b]How to Win:[/b][/size] [b]Daily Prizes:[/b] There's a different daily prize for each day (7 total). The user with the most points each day wins the daily prize. If there's a draw between two or more users, the winner will be decided using [url=][/url]. You can win more than one daily prize, and also win a prize from the raffle on top of the daily prize/s you've won during the week. [b]Raffle Prizes:[/b] The points you earn from the game are turned into tickets and recorded in the ticket spreadsheet. After the game is closed, winners will be drawn using [][/url]. You can win only one prize from the raffle - unless there's more prizes than there are participants. After the winners have been drawn, each winner then may create a prize preference list and post it. Prizes will be distributed in the order the winners have been drawn. You have 24 hours to take your pick. If I don't get your list in time, you'll be bumped down the winners list. If you don't answer my 2nd ping in 24 hours, your place will be given to someone else. [img][/img] [/center]

Game Introduction

This is a plant identification game. Participating is free to everyone except for Nature users. We have similar game in Nature's private forum, so if you like to identify plants for fun then that's the place for you.

New set of pictures are published every day in the third post. Each picture has a point value, depending on how challenging the plants are to identify (for example, full picture of a common flower will have low value, while an obscure picture of a rare plant will have high value).
Correct answer gives you full points, close answer* half points and wrong/blank answer 0 points. (*For example, if there's a misspelling in the name, or if I ask for full name (genus and species) but you can only get the genus right. There doesn't exist half a ticket though, so if you get total of i.e. 10.5 points, then it'll be recorded as 10 tickets in the raffle ticketsheet).

Participating gives you +1 point/ticket every day, no matter how you score with your guesses!

How to Play:

Do not post your answers here in public. Play nice and fair.

1. Try to identify all the plants in the pictures.
2. You may use books and the internet to try find out the right answers!
3. You have 24 hours to send your answers.
4. Send your answers to Ikunoche via private message.
5. Wait to the next day to find out the correct answers, the results and to see the next set of pictures!

How to Win:

Daily Prizes: There's a different daily prize for each day (7 total). The user with the most points each day wins the daily prize. If there's a draw between two or more users, the winner will be decided using You can win more than one daily prize, and also win a prize from the raffle on top of the daily prize/s you've won during the week.

Raffle Prizes: The points you earn from the game are turned into tickets and recorded in the ticket spreadsheet. After the game is closed, winners will be drawn using You can win only one prize from the raffle - unless there's more prizes than there are participants. After the winners have been drawn, each winner then may create a prize preference list and post it. Prizes will be distributed in the order the winners have been drawn. You have 24 hours to take your pick. If I don't get your list in time, you'll be bumped down the winners list. If you don't answer my 2nd ping in 24 hours, your place will be given to someone else.

[center][img] [quote][b]IMPORTANT! SEND YOUR ANSWERS VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE ONLY[/b] Do not post your answers here in public. Play nice and fair.[/quote] [size=4][b]Day 7 (THE LAST DAY) - Pictures of May 31st[/b][/size] Click the icons for larger pictures! [url=][img][/img][/url] 1. Name: the genus Point value: 1 Credits: Velocirosie [url=][img][/img][/url] 2. Name: the genus Point value: 1 Credits: Velocirosie [url=][img][/img][/url] 3. Name: the genus, species and group Point value: 4 (1 + 1 + 2) Credits: Velocirosie [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] 4. Name: the genus and species Point value: 4 Credits: Velocirosie [url=][img][/img][/url] 5. Name: the genus Point value: 2 Credits: ElectricPegasus [url=][img][/img][/url] 6. Name: the genus Point value: 1 Credits: ElectricPegasus [url=][img][/img][/url] 7. Name: the genus Point value: 3 Credits: Charliex8 [url=][img][/img][/url] 8. Name: the genus Point value: 1 Credits: ElectricPegasus [url=][img][/img][/url] 9. Name: the genus Point value: 5 Credits: Charliex8 [url=][img][/img][/url] 10. Name: the genus Point value: 3 Credits: Fluffydoom [url=][img][/img][/url] 11. Name: the genus Point value: 3 Credits: Fluffydoom [url=][img][/img][/url] 12. Name: the genus Point value: 2 Credits: Charliex8[/center]
Do not post your answers here in public. Play nice and fair.

Day 7 (THE LAST DAY) - Pictures of May 31st
Click the icons for larger pictures!

1. Name: the genus
Point value: 1
Credits: Velocirosie

2. Name: the genus
Point value: 1
Credits: Velocirosie

3. Name: the genus, species and group
Point value: 4 (1 + 1 + 2)
Credits: Velocirosie

4. Name: the genus and species
Point value: 4
Credits: Velocirosie

5. Name: the genus
Point value: 2
Credits: ElectricPegasus

6. Name: the genus
Point value: 1
Credits: ElectricPegasus

7. Name: the genus
Point value: 3
Credits: Charliex8

8. Name: the genus
Point value: 1
Credits: ElectricPegasus

9. Name: the genus
Point value: 5
Credits: Charliex8

10. Name: the genus
Point value: 3
Credits: Fluffydoom

11. Name: the genus
Point value: 3
Credits: Fluffydoom

12. Name: the genus
Point value: 2
Credits: Charliex8
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b] [size=5]Daily Prize[/size] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Raffle Prize Packs[/b][/size] [b](More prizes may be added during the week)[/b] [quote][b][s]Accent: Seedkeeper[/s] [/b] CLAIMED [i]Accent for female Pearlcatcher Donated by: DragonSage[/i] [img][/img] [url=](click here for preview)[/url][/quote] [quote][b]Skin: Primavera[/b] [i]Skin for female Wildclaw, Greenskeeper Gathering 2014 Donated by: Ikunoche[/i] [img][/img][/quote] [quote][b][s]Greenskeeper Souveniers[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Treeborn Chest, Nature Sprite, Druidic Emblem and Druidic Armband Donated by: Ikunoche[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Guardian of the Forest[/s][/b] [img][/img][img][/img] [i]Breed Change: Guardian, Gladewalker Cape Donated by: Ikunoche[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Keeper of Greens[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Gladewalker Cape, Nature Egg, Olive Green Wreath, Leafy Pack x99, Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll, Fungalhoof Qiriq, Greenpod Bloom x99 Donated by:Ikunoche, DragonSage[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Flower Dreams[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Daisy Flowerfall, Daisy Flower Crown, Daisy Lei, Daisy Corsage, Heatherbed Lily, Dew Laden White Rose, White Lace Honeybee x99 Donated by:Ferabird, Ikunoche, DragonSage[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Spring Passion[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Red Rose Flowerfall, Red Rose Flower Crown, Red Rose Lei, Red Rose Corsage, Romantic Red Rose, Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet, Redblood Sapper x99 Donated by: Ferabird, Ikunoche, Mignonne, scribblingface, DragonSage, ElectricPegasus[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Spring Romance[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Sakura Flowerfall, Sakura Lei, Pink Daisy Cabbie, Blushing Pink Rose, Boon of Fertility, Fallout Whisper x99 Donated by: DragonSage, Ikunoche, Ferabird[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Spring Night Sonata[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Violet Flowerfall, Violet Flower Crown, Violet Lei, Violet Corsage, Tickled Hyacinth, Umbral Wreath, Coral Carpenter, Black Tulip x50, Stonewatch Scrub x99 Donated by: Ikunoche, Ferabird, Ursahyperdrive, Velocirosie, Charliex8, Drakenhart[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Spring Sun Ballad[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Marigold Flowerfall, Marigold Flower Crown, Marigold Lei, Marigold Corsage, Sunrise Hibiscus, Fire Flower x99, Bumble Donated by: Ferabird, DragonSage, Ikunoche, Velocirosie[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Woodskeeper[/s][/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Woodsdrake Cape, Woodland Headband, Woodland Vest, Forestsong Face Mask, Forestsong Haori, Mystic Bark Mask, Fungalhoof Qiriq, Maple Seed x99 Donated by: Mignonne, DragonSage, Ikunoche, Charliex8[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Treasures of the Earth[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Nickel Ore x99, Iron Ore x99, Gilded Decorative Chest x2, Rusted Treasure Chest x3, Heavy Earthshaker Idol, Solidscale Bracers, Solidscale Chest Guard, Greenworm x99 Donated by: DragonSage, Ikunoche, scribblingface, Drakenhart[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]Garden Pond[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i]Water Egg, Rainbow Sprite, Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll, Greatshell, Aqua Deepsea Bulb, Bluelipped Thresh x50, Crowntail Surgling x50, Fishscale Basket x99 Donated by: Ikunoche, scribblingface, Drakenhart[/i][/quote] [quote][b][s]End of the Rainbow[/s][/b] CLAIMED [img][/img] 100,000 [img][/img]150 + Violet Flowerfall [i]Donated by: Ikunoche, ElectricPegasus[/i][/quote] [img][/img] [/center]

Daily Prize


Raffle Prize Packs
(More prizes may be added during the week)
Accent: Seedkeeper CLAIMED
Accent for female Pearlcatcher
Donated by: DragonSage

(click here for preview)
Skin: Primavera
Skin for female Wildclaw, Greenskeeper Gathering 2014
Donated by: Ikunoche

Greenskeeper Souveniers CLAIMED
Treeborn Chest, Nature Sprite, Druidic Emblem and Druidic Armband
Donated by: Ikunoche
Guardian of the Forest
Breed Change: Guardian, Gladewalker Cape
Donated by: Ikunoche
Keeper of Greens CLAIMED
Gladewalker Cape, Nature Egg, Olive Green Wreath, Leafy Pack x99, Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll, Fungalhoof Qiriq, Greenpod Bloom x99
Donated by:Ikunoche, DragonSage
Flower Dreams CLAIMED
Daisy Flowerfall, Daisy Flower Crown, Daisy Lei, Daisy Corsage, Heatherbed Lily, Dew Laden White Rose, White Lace Honeybee x99
Donated by:Ferabird, Ikunoche, DragonSage
Spring Passion CLAIMED
Red Rose Flowerfall, Red Rose Flower Crown, Red Rose Lei, Red Rose Corsage, Romantic Red Rose, Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet, Redblood Sapper x99
Donated by: Ferabird, Ikunoche, Mignonne, scribblingface, DragonSage, ElectricPegasus
Spring Romance CLAIMED
Sakura Flowerfall, Sakura Lei, Pink Daisy Cabbie, Blushing Pink Rose, Boon of Fertility, Fallout Whisper x99
Donated by: DragonSage, Ikunoche, Ferabird
Spring Night Sonata CLAIMED
Violet Flowerfall, Violet Flower Crown, Violet Lei, Violet Corsage, Tickled Hyacinth, Umbral Wreath, Coral Carpenter, Black Tulip x50, Stonewatch Scrub x99
Donated by: Ikunoche, Ferabird, Ursahyperdrive, Velocirosie, Charliex8, Drakenhart
Spring Sun Ballad CLAIMED
Marigold Flowerfall, Marigold Flower Crown, Marigold Lei, Marigold Corsage, Sunrise Hibiscus, Fire Flower x99, Bumble
Donated by: Ferabird, DragonSage, Ikunoche, Velocirosie
Woodsdrake Cape, Woodland Headband, Woodland Vest, Forestsong Face Mask, Forestsong Haori, Mystic Bark Mask, Fungalhoof Qiriq, Maple Seed x99
Donated by: Mignonne, DragonSage, Ikunoche, Charliex8
Treasures of the Earth CLAIMED
Nickel Ore x99, Iron Ore x99, Gilded Decorative Chest x2, Rusted Treasure Chest x3, Heavy Earthshaker Idol, Solidscale Bracers, Solidscale Chest Guard, Greenworm x99
Donated by: DragonSage, Ikunoche, scribblingface, Drakenhart
Garden Pond CLAIMED
Water Egg, Rainbow Sprite, Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll, Greatshell, Aqua Deepsea Bulb, Bluelipped Thresh x50, Crowntail Surgling x50, Fishscale Basket x99
Donated by: Ikunoche, scribblingface, Drakenhart
End of the Rainbow CLAIMED
icon_treasure.png 100,000
+ Violet Flowerfall
Donated by: Ikunoche, ElectricPegasus
We are open! Remember to read the How to Play guide before sending your entries. Send the answers via private message only - don't post them here in public.

Have a wonderful festival week! :D
We are open! Remember to read the How to Play guide before sending your entries. Send the answers via private message only - don't post them here in public.

Have a wonderful festival week! :D
I got some questions about the terms "Genus, species and variety" via private message. I try to explain them here as well.

If the picture description asks to "Name genus/species" I'm expecting the participants to name the genus/species of the plant in the picture.

Genus and species are taxonomic ranks. Together they form the scientific name of a living thing. For example: Helianthus annuus is the scientific name of sunflower. (Helianthus = genus, annuus = species).

"Variety" is the same as cultivar. Ornamental plants often have many different cultivars, that do not occur in nature, but are created by human (selective breeding). For example, Helianthus annuus 'Prado Red' is a red variety of sunflower.
I got some questions about the terms "Genus, species and variety" via private message. I try to explain them here as well.

If the picture description asks to "Name genus/species" I'm expecting the participants to name the genus/species of the plant in the picture.

Genus and species are taxonomic ranks. Together they form the scientific name of a living thing. For example: Helianthus annuus is the scientific name of sunflower. (Helianthus = genus, annuus = species).

"Variety" is the same as cultivar. Ornamental plants often have many different cultivars, that do not occur in nature, but are created by human (selective breeding). For example, Helianthus annuus 'Prado Red' is a red variety of sunflower.
The game looks awesome @Ikunoche! I'll be interested to finally see all the other pictures that were submitted
The game looks awesome @Ikunoche! I'll be interested to finally see all the other pictures that were submitted
What a fun initiative! Will certainly take part ^^

Some of the pictures are a bit small and really hard to see though (please keep in mind some of us are from different countries and unfamiliar with certain plants, so identifying them without a clear picture will be impossible since I have never seen them). Is there a way to get a close-up or full sized picture? In particular, I mean 9, 10 & 11.
What a fun initiative! Will certainly take part ^^

Some of the pictures are a bit small and really hard to see though (please keep in mind some of us are from different countries and unfamiliar with certain plants, so identifying them without a clear picture will be impossible since I have never seen them). Is there a way to get a close-up or full sized picture? In particular, I mean 9, 10 & 11.
@Velocirosie Thanks! I'm so glad you all guys could sent me such wonderful pictures. ^^

@Byou Sure! Just click the icon and it should show you a larger image. This thread is pretty image heavy so I figured icons would help with that. n_n;
@Velocirosie Thanks! I'm so glad you all guys could sent me such wonderful pictures. ^^

@Byou Sure! Just click the icon and it should show you a larger image. This thread is pretty image heavy so I figured icons would help with that. n_n;
This is going to be fun! :) Thanks to you Nature guys for putting this together.
@Ghostlindsay Pinging myself so I don't forget this is here.
This is going to be fun! :) Thanks to you Nature guys for putting this together.
@Ghostlindsay Pinging myself so I don't forget this is here.