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TOPIC | Choose Your Own Adventure (CLOSED!)
@TheInkheart [url=] [img][/img] [/url] VictoryWind had been enjoying the Mistral Jamboree so far, as his friends were kind enough to provide him with treasure and gifts, and it was nice to fully focus on his wind lineage for once. As he was enjoying some cotton candy, his pixies were pointing in the direction of a particular shop. He saw all of the beautiful carpets, and was impressed by the prospect of flying carpets. Not that he had any difficulty with flying of course, but it would come in handy for those days when he worked overtime scavenging. His eyes fell upon the green carpet, its many shades of green and its design was a beautiful sight. "I choose this one." He spoke in a whispery voice. (I choose D.)


VictoryWind had been enjoying the Mistral Jamboree so far, as his friends were kind enough to provide him with treasure and gifts, and it was nice to fully focus on his wind lineage for once. As he was enjoying some cotton candy, his pixies were pointing in the direction of a particular shop. He saw all of the beautiful carpets, and was impressed by the prospect of flying carpets. Not that he had any difficulty with flying of course, but it would come in handy for those days when he worked overtime scavenging.

His eyes fell upon the green carpet, its many shades of green and its design was a beautiful sight.

"I choose this one." He spoke in a whispery voice.

(I choose D.)
@TheInkheart [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Zealous looked at all of the carpets carefully. She desperately wanted to choose her true carpet. She was the youngest of the descendants of her clan's leader and all her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on each had done something spectacular in their lives. She wanted to live up to that tradition and she felt if she could choose her true carpet blessed by Windsinger himself she could begin her spectacular journey. The purple one matched her well but they was something about the green one that called out to her. Maybe because she belonged to the wind flight and the green just always made her feel at home and at peace. "I'll choose the green carpet sir" she said with hopefulness (I choose D. This is such an awesome idea =) I love this)


Zealous looked at all of the carpets carefully. She desperately wanted to choose her true carpet. She was the youngest of the descendants of her clan's leader and all her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on each had done something spectacular in their lives. She wanted to live up to that tradition and she felt if she could choose her true carpet blessed by Windsinger himself she could begin her spectacular journey. The purple one matched her well but they was something about the green one that called out to her. Maybe because she belonged to the wind flight and the green just always made her feel at home and at peace.

"I'll choose the green carpet sir" she said with hopefulness

(I choose D. This is such an awesome idea =) I love this)
+0 FR time





[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Murkan flits around like a hummingbird, looking at all the shiny carpets. How to choose?! Finally he stops and stares at one. It was so shiny and bright! "Ooh ooh, that one! I want that shiny purple one!" ((I choose B!))


Murkan flits around like a hummingbird, looking at all the shiny carpets. How to choose?! Finally he stops and stares at one. It was so shiny and bright!

"Ooh ooh, that one! I want that shiny purple one!"

((I choose B!))

Make sure to @ping next time :) It just helps during these busy festivals! Just to let everyone know, please @ping me when posting! :D Thanks!


Also, just making sure. You talked about the "blue carpet," which is choice A. Yet, you put down choice C. (the yellow carpet) as your choice. Did you mean blue, or did you just talk about the blue one then state the yellow one to trick me? C; Lol

Thank you everyone who has entered so far! :D I am going to bed now, it is late where I live, but this session will stay open all night long until I wake up tomorrow morning and post the results of Scene One and who will be going on to Scene Two, which will also be posted then as well! c:

ALSO: Depending upon how many people have entered and continue to enter, we may up the accepted choices from two to three, just to keep it entertaining and enough people to keep this going on! ;D Thank you for your understanding!


Make sure to @ping next time :) It just helps during these busy festivals! Just to let everyone know, please @ping me when posting! :D Thanks!


Also, just making sure. You talked about the "blue carpet," which is choice A. Yet, you put down choice C. (the yellow carpet) as your choice. Did you mean blue, or did you just talk about the blue one then state the yellow one to trick me? C; Lol

Thank you everyone who has entered so far! :D I am going to bed now, it is late where I live, but this session will stay open all night long until I wake up tomorrow morning and post the results of Scene One and who will be going on to Scene Two, which will also be posted then as well! c:

ALSO: Depending upon how many people have entered and continue to enter, we may up the accepted choices from two to three, just to keep it entertaining and enough people to keep this going on! ;D Thank you for your understanding!

@TheInkheart Oh dear. I kept switching back and forth, so I guess I forgot to double check. I meant A.
@TheInkheart Oh dear. I kept switching back and forth, so I guess I forgot to double check. I meant A.

Oh, no problem at all! :3 No reason to feel bad about it! I actually found it to be humorous! You surprised me, that's for sure ;) You have been put down as A! Thank you!

Oh, no problem at all! :3 No reason to feel bad about it! I actually found it to be humorous! You surprised me, that's for sure ;) You have been put down as A! Thank you!
@TheInkheart [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dimea eyes the carpets thoughtfully. What were they for? Was there something magical about them? If so, which one should she choose? Was there a trick? Maybe there was. Maybe there wasn't. It might just be down to luck. But then again, it was the Mistral Jamboree. Maybe the best carpet to choose would relate to the colour of wind magic. The green one? Or maybe the yellow one? Dimea decided to go with green. ( D, the green carpet!)


Dimea eyes the carpets thoughtfully. What were they for? Was there something magical about them? If so, which one should she choose? Was there a trick?

Maybe there was. Maybe there wasn't. It might just be down to luck. But then again, it was the Mistral Jamboree. Maybe the best carpet to choose would relate to the colour of wind magic. The green one? Or maybe the yellow one?

Dimea decided to go with green.

( D, the green carpet!)
@TheInkheart [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Solanace slowly examines the carpets. He seems to be lingering by the Amethyst thinking how much it reminds him of home. He then looks at the wildclaw "salesdragon" and thinks no Windsinger would not choose something like that to bless. "Sir, I would be interested in the Green Carpet. It looks like it has Windsinger written all over it." (my choice is D. The Green Carpet.)


Solanace slowly examines the carpets. He seems to be lingering by the Amethyst thinking how much it reminds him of home. He then looks at the wildclaw "salesdragon" and thinks no Windsinger would not choose something like that to bless.
"Sir, I would be interested in the Green Carpet. It looks like it has Windsinger written all over it."

(my choice is D. The Green Carpet.)
@TheInkheart [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Eyeing the flying carpets, Pirate knows that there is only one choice, that there is only one that calls deep into his soul, echoing the same unyielding call that once pulled him from his magical crystalline birthplace to the mysterious ocean depths he now calls his home. "I will take this one," Pirate declares reaching out towards the blue one. (I choose A. XD)
Eyeing the flying carpets, Pirate knows that there is only one choice, that there is only one that calls deep into his soul, echoing the same unyielding call that once pulled him from his magical crystalline birthplace to the mysterious ocean depths he now calls his home. "I will take this one," Pirate declares reaching out towards the blue one.

(I choose A. XD)
@TheInkHeart [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Overcome by sheer excitement, Kyte stood frozen. His eyes open as wide as a hatchlings with a gaping grin equally as wide. He simply puts together the words in his head 'A flying carpet?'... "Awesomeee!" He bursts out, quite audibly. In his mind he thought this would have to make this years Mistral Jamboree the most fun one yet. Despite the words of the mysterious green wildclaw, he quickly glances at the four carpets available. Without any close examination, or any real thought for that matter, he snaps up the [i]green carpet[/i] with a swiftness that would probably make windsinger proud. Though the choice was purely instinctual, in truth, it suited him well. The more playful nature of the carpet reflected him far better than the others. He lifts the green carpet proudly over his head and gives a wild toothy grin of satisfaction and excitement. "Wooooo! Wind I don't know where your blowing but I sure hope it's toward adventure!" Kyte shouts at the heavens so loudly that even the distant merchants can't help but lift their heads up abruptly. [i][b]((Choice: D the green carpet))[/b][/i]

Overcome by sheer excitement, Kyte stood frozen. His eyes open as wide as a hatchlings with a gaping grin equally as wide.

He simply puts together the words in his head 'A flying carpet?'...

"Awesomeee!" He bursts out, quite audibly.

In his mind he thought this would have to make this years Mistral Jamboree the most fun one yet.

Despite the words of the mysterious green wildclaw, he quickly glances at the four carpets available. Without any close examination, or any real thought for that matter, he snaps up the green carpet with a swiftness that would probably make windsinger proud. Though the choice was purely instinctual, in truth, it suited him well. The more playful nature of the carpet reflected him far better than the others.

He lifts the green carpet proudly over his head and gives a wild toothy grin of satisfaction and excitement.
"Wooooo! Wind I don't know where your blowing but I sure hope it's toward adventure!" Kyte shouts at the heavens so loudly that even the distant merchants can't help but lift their heads up abruptly.

((Choice: D the green carpet))