
Forum Games

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TOPIC | ★The Trickmurk Masquerade★ Closed TY!
[center] @Arshness [b]Name:[/b] Paws [b]Theme:[/b] Freestyle [b]Dragon's Name:[/b] Bri [b]Costume Title:[/b] Regal Dancer [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [I] Though not exactly of a royal bloodline, Bri fancies herself a majestic creature nonetheless. She is always seen wearing feathers, fur, or flowers, and sometimes all three together. Bri loves nothing more than solitary, quiet walks late in the night amidst the snowfall of the Boreal Wood, where she can be alone with her thoughts (of which there are quite many!). [/I] [/center]

Name: Paws
Theme: Freestyle
Dragon's Name: Bri
Costume Title: Regal Dancer


Though not exactly of a royal bloodline, Bri fancies herself a majestic creature nonetheless. She is always seen wearing feathers, fur, or flowers, and sometimes all three together. Bri loves nothing more than solitary, quiet walks late in the night amidst the snowfall of the Boreal Wood, where she can be alone with her thoughts (of which there are quite many!).
[b]Name:[/b] cgeez [b]Theme:[/b] Freestyle! [b]Dragon's Name:[/b] Leit [b]Costume Title:[/b] Permafrost [b]Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/b]
Name: cgeez
Theme: Freestyle!
Dragon's Name: Leit
Costume Title: Permafrost
[center]@Arshness [b]Name: Shanti Theme: Freestyle Dragon's Name: Bacchus Costume Title: God of Revelry Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/b] Though his eyes and the emblem on his brow may mark him as a scholar, Bacchus was always at his best in the company of other dragons rather than books. He was practiced in witty banter, studied in how to turn a conversation to his favor. A pink rose held dashingly in his mouth showed that his charm had evidently won him some attention already. As the night progressed, the bright Spiral expertly threaded his way in and out and around - as spirals are wont to do - wriggling his way into a group for a few laughs before zipping to the next. His showy apparel and merry nature easily highlighted him as the life of the party. Soon, a drink the same ruby color of his scales was pressed into his claws and he absently gulped it down. Minutes later, to the surprise of everyone around him, he hit the ground, snoring loudly enough to beat the band. Spirals are often prone to passing out, and despite his name, Bacchus never could hold his wine... [/center]
Name: Shanti
Theme: Freestyle
Dragon's Name: Bacchus
Costume Title: God of Revelry

Though his eyes and the emblem on his brow may mark him as a scholar, Bacchus was always at his best in the company of other dragons rather than books. He was practiced in witty banter, studied in how to turn a conversation to his favor. A pink rose held dashingly in his mouth showed that his charm had evidently won him some attention already. As the night progressed, the bright Spiral expertly threaded his way in and out and around - as spirals are wont to do - wriggling his way into a group for a few laughs before zipping to the next. His showy apparel and merry nature easily highlighted him as the life of the party. Soon, a drink the same ruby color of his scales was pressed into his claws and he absently gulped it down.
Minutes later, to the surprise of everyone around him, he hit the ground, snoring loudly enough to beat the band.
Spirals are often prone to passing out, and despite his name, Bacchus never could hold his wine...
Signature image by the lovely Cactusbat
@nihill @Vaylise @Ikunoche @Drav @Cassiopeia @Fay @Arisatorie @Firetear @CinnamonThief @graycalls @grumpy @Telarin @Faoiltiama @Jenetikitty @Paws @cgeez @Shanti The day is drawing to a close and I'm getting close to bedtime so I'm posting the theme for tomorrow so you can all be considering your costumes. I will continue counting costumes for the Freestyle contest until Rollover. If you post after Rollover I may not count it. (I understand if you are trying to post and rollover hits, but if it's more than a few minutes after Rollover it won't count.) In the morning I'll post the winner from today's contest and award the Daily Prize. Thank you all for participating! It's a great first day! Don't miss the info on the first page about winning extra raffle tickets by pinging your friends or wearing our banners and such. :) Make sure you've read all the things... lots of ways to get raffle tickets for the Ultimate Raffle! Tomorrow's Theme preview: [img][/img] Remember you must use a new dragon for each day and leave all costumes intact until the end of the circus. Thank you all for playing! It's been a blast reading over your roleplay blurbs and seeing your costumes and the ideas behind them. They're all fantastic! The Masked Fae is rather pleased with this year's array!
@nihill @Vaylise @Ikunoche @Drav @Cassiopeia @Fay @Arisatorie @Firetear @CinnamonThief @graycalls @grumpy @Telarin @Faoiltiama @Jenetikitty @Paws @cgeez @Shanti

The day is drawing to a close and I'm getting close to bedtime so I'm posting the theme for tomorrow so you can all be considering your costumes. I will continue counting costumes for the Freestyle contest until Rollover. If you post after Rollover I may not count it. (I understand if you are trying to post and rollover hits, but if it's more than a few minutes after Rollover it won't count.)

In the morning I'll post the winner from today's contest and award the Daily Prize. Thank you all for participating! It's a great first day! Don't miss the info on the first page about winning extra raffle tickets by pinging your friends or wearing our banners and such. :) Make sure you've read all the things... lots of ways to get raffle tickets for the Ultimate Raffle!

Tomorrow's Theme preview:


Remember you must use a new dragon for each day and leave all costumes intact until the end of the circus. Thank you all for playing! It's been a blast reading over your roleplay blurbs and seeing your costumes and the ideas behind them. They're all fantastic! The Masked Fae is rather pleased with this year's array!
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[b]Name:[/b] Xairathan #33178 [b]Theme:[/b] Freestyle! (Day 1) [b]Dragon's Name:[/b] Argenai [b]Costume Title:[/b] White Knight Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Name: Xairathan #33178
Theme: Freestyle! (Day 1)
Dragon's Name: Argenai
Costume Title: White Knight
@Arshness Name: Allegory Theme: Magic Dragon's Name: Elliot Costume Title: The Bookworm Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Name: Allegory
Theme: Magic
Dragon's Name: Elliot
Costume Title: The Bookworm

Name: Riwy Theme: Magic Dragon's Name: Abracadavre Costume Title: The Obscured Mage Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Name: Riwy
Theme: Magic
Dragon's Name: Abracadavre
Costume Title: The Obscured Mage
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[center]@Arshness [b]Name:[/b] Cassiopeia [b]Theme:[/b] Magic [b]Dragon's Name:[/b] Andromeda [b]Costume Title:[/b] The Healer [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
Name: Cassiopeia
Theme: Magic
Dragon's Name: Andromeda
Costume Title: The Healer

• Cas
• He/Him
• FR+10
• Adoptables
• Accents
[center] @Arshness Name: Sawbones Theme: Magic Dragon's Name: Evrae Costume Title: Metallic Metal Worker Dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] [i]Evrae shifted her wings awkwardly, the delicate metal feathers felt strange, they were not restrictive but she was certain she was going to spread them and knock something over which is why she hid in the corner of the room curled up as small as possible. Her hammer knocked against her side, she'd actually forgotten to take it off before getting ready to arrive at the ball but it went with her costume so if anyone asked it was part of the costume. She wondered if someone would dance with her.. and if she'd practised her dancing enough. Her thoughts fell silent as she watched others enter. She'd spent hours on her costume even though she did not have many choices available to her. But the night would be grand either way.[/i]
Name: Sawbones
Theme: Magic
Dragon's Name: Evrae
Costume Title: Metallic Metal Worker
Evrae shifted her wings awkwardly, the delicate metal feathers felt strange, they were not restrictive but she was certain she was going to spread them and knock something over which is why she hid in the corner of the room curled up as small as possible. Her hammer knocked against her side, she'd actually forgotten to take it off before getting ready to arrive at the ball but it went with her costume so if anyone asked it was part of the costume. She wondered if someone would dance with her.. and if she'd practised her dancing enough. Her thoughts fell silent as she watched others enter. She'd spent hours on her costume even though she did not have many choices available to her. But the night would be grand either way.
@Arshness [b]Name: TheInkheart Theme: Magic Dragon's Name: Poseidon Costume Title: Water Wielder Dragon: [url=] [img][/img][/url] [/b] [i]The Water Wielder is a magician in control of the more liquified areas of the beautiful planet. Poseidon is his name, rightly carried down through his ancestry. You see, the first water Coatl ruler named Poseidon the First lived in the water domain, long and prosperous was his reign. This Poseidon travels from realm to realm, from Wind to Water, Shadow to Arcane. He helps to heal the poor with the magic that he gathers from the power of water, his element. His rune-scrawled, beaded feathers and many adorning trinkets help to boost his magical talent. He does not only heal those in need, but is a majestic warrior on the battlefield. Wielding water as both a healing tool and fierce weapon, Poseidon is just as powerful as the element he wields. Known as the "Water Wielder," Poseidon had dedicated himself to a selfless life dedicated to helping all other dragons surrounding him, while also educating the general dragon community as to how to understand and wield their own elements to an extent. While he knows that none will be as great as THE great dragons who rule over each domain, he works with these leaders to improve dragon society and fight/defend/heal all. Poseidon is a true magician in the ways in which he wields both a weapon and a gift with the skill and wisdom of the humble and selfless.[/i]
Name: TheInkheart
Theme: Magic
Dragon's Name: Poseidon
Costume Title: Water Wielder

The Water Wielder is a magician in control of the more liquified areas of the beautiful planet. Poseidon is his name, rightly carried down through his ancestry. You see, the first water Coatl ruler named Poseidon the First lived in the water domain, long and prosperous was his reign. This Poseidon travels from realm to realm, from Wind to Water, Shadow to Arcane.
He helps to heal the poor with the magic that he gathers from the power of water, his element. His rune-scrawled, beaded feathers and many adorning trinkets help to boost his magical talent. He does not only heal those in need, but is a majestic warrior on the battlefield. Wielding water as both a healing tool and fierce weapon, Poseidon is just as powerful as the element he wields.
Known as the "Water Wielder," Poseidon had dedicated himself to a selfless life dedicated to helping all other dragons surrounding him, while also educating the general dragon community as to how to understand and wield their own elements to an extent. While he knows that none will be as great as THE great dragons who rule over each domain, he works with these leaders to improve dragon society and fight/defend/heal all. Poseidon is a true magician in the ways in which he wields both a weapon and a gift with the skill and wisdom of the humble and selfless.