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TOPIC | [Neon Wings] Breeder Contest Feb '14
[center][img][/img][/center] [b] Roll up, breeders![/b] It's time for another Neon Wings Breeder Contest. It is that time of year when love is in the air and dragons are swooning into each others arms and to reflect the season of doe-eyed romance we want you to dress your dragons up in their most alluring attire. For this contest not only do your dragon want to look his or her best for the opposite (or same?) gender, but they will have to show their romantic side by telling us a love story or poem. When everyone has applied we will allow the FR community to vote on your dragons and the best three will win the following prizes: [center][u][b]First Prize[/b][/u] [item=breed change: coatl][img][/img] [u][b] Second Prize[/b][/u] [item=primary gene: iridescent][img][/img] [u][b]Third Prize[/b][/u] [item=tri-color scatterscroll][img][/img] [left][u][b]Rules[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]The contest is free to join. [*]Only Neon Wing breeders may submit a dragon to the contest, however voting will be open to everyone. [*]You may only enter with a dragon that qualifies as a Neon Wing or a Bright Wing (basic or advanced) [*]Only one dragon may be entered per membership (if you are in a joint membership you will have to share an entry between you). [*]You cannot vote for your own dragon, only your fellow member's. [*]You may switch the dragon you want to enter during the application period, after that the dragon that appears will be the dragon that is entered. [*]Any dragon applied after the the application date will not be entered [*]All dragon applications [b]MUST[/b] be posted in the contest thread found [b]HERE[/b]. Any dragon posted in the hub will not be counted. [*]You do not have to keep your apparel on your dragon during application, however it is advised you do so during voting. [*]Applications open 9th of February and close on the 20th [*]Voting begins on the 21st and ends on the 28th. [*][color=red][Added 2nd Dec 13][/color] – Images have to be taken directly from the Flight Rising website and may not be edited. You may include a second image of your familiar along with your dragon's image if you choose. To add your familiar just right click their image from your dragon's profile page and click 'View Image'. Then paste the url from that page as a normal image in your post and your familiar should appear. [b][/left] [Example][/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img][/center] [/LIST] Please use this format when posting your application: [quote] [center][b]Dragon Name[/b] (copy and paste your dragon's BBcode here)[/center] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Story or Poem: [/quote]

Roll up, breeders!
It's time for another Neon Wings Breeder Contest. It is that time of year when love is in the air and dragons are swooning into each others arms and to reflect the season of doe-eyed romance we want you to dress your dragons up in their most alluring attire.

For this contest not only do your dragon want to look his or her best for the opposite (or same?) gender, but they will have to show their romantic side by telling us a love story or poem.

When everyone has applied we will allow the FR community to vote on your dragons and the best three will win the following prizes:

First Prize

Breed Change: Coatl smallfeb14_zpsc4d17a10.png

Second Prize

Primary Gene: Iridescent smal3feb14_zps102d44bf.png

Third Prize

Tri-Color Scatterscroll smal3feb14_zps390a254d.png
  • The contest is free to join.
  • Only Neon Wing breeders may submit a dragon to the contest, however voting will be open to everyone.
  • You may only enter with a dragon that qualifies as a Neon Wing or a Bright Wing (basic or advanced)
  • Only one dragon may be entered per membership (if you are in a joint membership you will have to share an entry between you).
  • You cannot vote for your own dragon, only your fellow member's.
  • You may switch the dragon you want to enter during the application period, after that the dragon that appears will be the dragon that is entered.
  • Any dragon applied after the the application date will not be entered
  • All dragon applications MUST be posted in the contest thread found HERE. Any dragon posted in the hub will not be counted.
  • You do not have to keep your apparel on your dragon during application, however it is advised you do so during voting.
  • Applications open 9th of February and close on the 20th
  • Voting begins on the 21st and ends on the 28th.
  • [Added 2nd Dec 13] – Images have to be taken directly from the Flight Rising website and may not be edited. You may include a second image of your familiar along with your dragon's image if you choose. To add your familiar just right click their image from your dragon's profile page and click 'View Image'. Then paste the url from that page as a normal image in your post and your familiar should appear.

Please use this format when posting your application:
Dragon Name
(copy and paste your dragon's BBcode here)


Story or Poem:
[center][b] Dragon Name[/b] Coagulate [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [b]Species:[/b] Coatl [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Story or Poem:[/b] Rose are Red Violets are Blue The Plague is here To capture You[/center]
Dragon Name



Species: Coatl
Gender: Male

Story or Poem:
Rose are Red
Violets are Blue
The Plague is here
To capture You
[center][b]Dragon Name[/b] Enzeru(angel) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [b]Species:[/b] Skydancer [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Story or Poem:[/b] [b]My Other Half[/b] I hear the flutter of angle wings across the Zephyr sky I let my mind wonder to other things is true love in my future Windsinger knows that I have tried and though it may take a while patience I shall practice time I shall bied for I know my other half is waiting and together in the sky we shall fly! [/center]
Dragon Name



Story or Poem:
My Other Half
I hear the flutter of angle wings
across the Zephyr sky
I let my mind wonder to other things
is true love in my future
Windsinger knows that I have tried
and though it may take a while
patience I shall practice time I shall bied
for I know my other half is waiting
and together in the sky we shall fly!
[b]Dragon Name: [/b]Scarlette [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Species:[/b] skydancer [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Story or Poem:[/b] Scarlette was a fighter from the moment she hatched. Although skydancers are not typically bloodthirsty, Scarlette defied all public opinion with glee. She scratched, slashed, and shredded. She even ate her daily breakfast of lady bugs in the most fearsome way possible. [img][/img] "Why are you always so messy?" Scarlette looked up from her daily face washing from her Hainu. He loved licking her crest after breakfast every day. [img][/img] "What? I don't -" Oh, great, it was Ticilt, one of her training partners. He was good at healing; she was good at malee fighting. They should have been able to get along. The truth was that Scarlette was in awe of the older male and had a hard time talking to him. Any criticism from Ticelt seemed twice as bad as from anyone else. Scarlette swallowed her protests and looked down instead. Well, she could try to copy the other females of the clan, with bows and fluttery eyelids. Maybe then Ticilt would like her more. In her efforts, Scarlette went overboard. She copied Witch's flowers, FirstFlower's bracelets, and IceRose's giggle. She stole Jingle's spats and Treasure's hat. She even stopped eating lady bugs and took up eating Lucky Stars instead. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Unfortunately, lucky stars aren't lucky, and all the jewelry was heavy. Her Hainu became grumpy because he didn't get lady bug wings anymore, and Jingle started staring at her feet suspiciously. Finally Scarlette started crying. Ticilt was surprised into asking her why. "Because I'm not good enough!" she sobbed. "I tried to change, but you just ignore me. I'm starving, my familiar is a grump, and Jingle is going to squash me any day now to get back her spats." "What do you mean, you aren't good enough?" asked the bewilldered Ticilt. "You said I was messy and dirty and not very cute at all," she wailed, somewhat untruthfully. "Opps. Well, I'm sorry and I didn't mean it. I do think you are cute, not very dirty, and you eat lady bugs like they are the best thing in the world. I could watch you every morning. I like you very much." "You do? This is the best news ever! Um, want to come share some lady bugs with me? You'll see why I like them so much!" And that was the beginning of a very beautiful friendship.
Dragon Name: Scarlette


Species: skydancer
Gender: female

Story or Poem:
Scarlette was a fighter from the moment she hatched. Although skydancers are not typically bloodthirsty, Scarlette defied all public opinion with glee. She scratched, slashed, and shredded. She even ate her daily breakfast of lady bugs in the most fearsome way possible.


"Why are you always so messy?"

Scarlette looked up from her daily face washing from her Hainu. He loved licking her crest after breakfast every day.

"What? I don't -" Oh, great, it was Ticilt, one of her training partners. He was good at healing; she was good at malee fighting. They should have been able to get along. The truth was that Scarlette was in awe of the older male and had a hard time talking to him. Any criticism from Ticelt seemed twice as bad as from anyone else.

Scarlette swallowed her protests and looked down instead. Well, she could try to copy the other females of the clan, with bows and fluttery eyelids. Maybe then Ticilt would like her more.

In her efforts, Scarlette went overboard. She copied Witch's flowers, FirstFlower's bracelets, and IceRose's giggle. She stole Jingle's spats and Treasure's hat. She even stopped eating lady bugs and took up eating Lucky Stars instead.
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Unfortunately, lucky stars aren't lucky, and all the jewelry was heavy. Her Hainu became grumpy because he didn't get lady bug wings anymore, and Jingle started staring at her feet suspiciously.

Finally Scarlette started crying. Ticilt was surprised into asking her why.

"Because I'm not good enough!" she sobbed. "I tried to change, but you just ignore me. I'm starving, my familiar is a grump, and Jingle is going to squash me any day now to get back her spats."

"What do you mean, you aren't good enough?" asked the bewilldered Ticilt.

"You said I was messy and dirty and not very cute at all," she wailed, somewhat untruthfully.

"Opps. Well, I'm sorry and I didn't mean it. I do think you are cute, not very dirty, and you eat lady bugs like they are the best thing in the world. I could watch you every morning. I like you very much."

"You do? This is the best news ever! Um, want to come share some lady bugs with me? You'll see why I like them so much!"

And that was the beginning of a very beautiful friendship.
[quote][center][b] Quasar[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Species:[/b] Skydancer [b]Gender:[/b] Female [img][/img] [b]~Kriplyana~[/b] [b]Frozen[/b] [i]Her soul hot as fire, Dreams for love's true desire. Her heart cold as Ice, Holds her in it's chilling vice. The tears that are shed for lovers long dead, Fill the frosted air with memories unsaid. A body once warmed by the heat of love, Coldly now curses the heavens above. The sound of snow is all that is heard, As frozen lips utter not but a word.[/i][/center] [/quote]


Species: Skydancer
Gender: Female



Her soul hot as fire,
Dreams for love's true desire.
Her heart cold as Ice,
Holds her in it's chilling vice.
The tears that are shed for lovers long dead,
Fill the frosted air with memories unsaid.
A body once warmed by the heat of love,
Coldly now curses the heavens above.
The sound of snow is all that is heard,
As frozen lips utter not but a word.

Dragon Name: Jazmenia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Species: Imperial Gender: Female Story or Poem: [center]“Aishteru” If I were to write you a letter, Love, how easy it would be. To speak of dark cool nights, your warmth embracing me. Oh, how you make my wingtips blush when you look deep into my eyes. My heart flutters like a dove, your clawed paw holding mine. My soul's aflame with your undying light I'll hold you dear with all my might Our night is here for us to share So lets be free with naught a care My colors are yours, an undying flare Ill lay them bare with no mortal care I'm yours now, forever and till forever more Till day light ends and the sunshine reaches that golden shore Even as the flowers fade, my love will still be true. Because I give my heart, My Sweet, only to you. So, Aishteru, my Love. Good night. Sweet dreams. [/center]
Dragon Name: Jazmenia


Species: Imperial
Gender: Female

Story or Poem:

If I were to write you a letter, Love, how easy it would be.

To speak of dark cool nights, your warmth embracing me.

Oh, how you make my wingtips blush when you look deep into my eyes.

My heart flutters like a dove, your clawed paw holding mine.

My soul's aflame with your undying light

I'll hold you dear with all my might

Our night is here for us to share

So lets be free with naught a care

My colors are yours, an undying flare

Ill lay them bare with no mortal care

I'm yours now, forever and till forever more

Till day light ends and the sunshine reaches that golden shore

Even as the flowers fade, my love will still be true.

Because I give my heart, My Sweet, only to you.

So, Aishteru, my Love.

Good night.

Sweet dreams.

[center][b][font=Monotype Corsiva][color=#590960][size=7]Dusk[/font][/size][/color][/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [color=#590960][b]Species:[/b][/color] Fae [color=#590960][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=#590960][b]Story or Poem:[/b][/color] [color=#590960][i]A Furtive Love[/i][/color] The sun sets and Dusk arrives By cover of her shadows, lovers meet Whispers, kisses, promises exchanged Quickly, quietly, for soon does she retreat Though too shy to greet her love An ethereal companion remains behind Her message is a whisper on the wind But Dawn smiles and murmurs "I love you too"[/center]



Species: Fae
Gender: Female

Story or Poem:

A Furtive Love

The sun sets and Dusk arrives
By cover of her shadows, lovers meet
Whispers, kisses, promises exchanged
Quickly, quietly, for soon does she retreat

Though too shy to greet her love
An ethereal companion remains behind
Her message is a whisper on the wind
But Dawn smiles and murmurs

"I love you too"
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Reserving a spot!
Reserving a spot!

[center] [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Emily [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [b]Species:[/b] Skydancer [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Story or Poem:[/b] [i]Love Found Again[/i] The Sunbeam Ruins are known for their old architecture and the secrets that they keep. Many dragons have spent days and years trying to pry inside and see what is there. Just as one question is answered, another is asked. It can get quite chaotic when a new dragon shows up and asks questions already answered, but they are glad to teach the newcomers. Sometimes revisiting a question leads to more understanding. The Lightweaver is so proud of her little acolytes. There is one question that none have dared to answer though. What is in the Hewn City? What is it? Darkness covers it and even the light from the Lightweaver can not shine its way in. In the mornings, mist will roll out, its tendrils reaching for something. No one is brave enough to venture close to find out. Some say whispers can be heard, but that is just rumor since no one has tried to prove it. One of the new dragons dared to ask about it one day. Her name was Emily and she had just arrived a little over 3 weeks ago. She came to the Sunbeam Ruins hoping to find a new place in life after the loss of her mate. She was lost for so long, but finally found a place to keep her occupied. There were so many things to invesitgate in this place, that just maybe, in time, the pain would subside and be replaced with curiosity of what was around her. One morning she had ventured close to the ruins on accident. She had seen a strange creature that resembled an eel but had cold white fur and sharp taloned feet. It had a pecular scar across it's face. She followed it until it slipped through a hole in the ground too small for her to go through. She put her nose close the hole and that is when she noticed the whispers and the mist approaching. A chill ran down her spine and made her wings twitch. It somehow felt familiar, and yet strange at the same time. After that she began noticing that same Noggle morning after morning. Some days it would be staring at her, and others it would be wandering around her home. Some mornings she swore it looked like it wanted her to follow. Finally, her curiosity of the familiar and yet strange mist got the better of her. She approached the Noggle and it led her back to the city. Instead of going down the hole it had previously, it went deeper into the city. It could have been a trick of the fading light, but the deeper she went in, she could of sworn it looked like the mist moved out of her way. When they got to the center of the city the Noggle dived into the mist. She tried to follow but the mist swirled and surged. Fear rose in her heart. She tried beating her wings but the mist wold not blow away. A sound from behind her made her turn. There was a patch of mist floating away from the rest. It swirled and twisted, taking the shape of a dragon. A familiar dragon. Fear was replaced by hope. Hope replaced by love. It was her mate. He stood before her again, whole and well. A tendril of mist here and there around the edges of his frame, but it was him. She took another look at the mist around her and began to see faces. Faces of other dragons. She realized this was not a place to fear. The mist in the mornings were those lost who wanted to be found again. The dragons of the Sunbeam Ruins still keep a distance from the Hewn City, but there is a new rumor to go with the city: Follow the Noggle and you will find what once was lost. True love has no boundaries. True love can never be lost. [/center]
Dragon Name: Emily



Species: Skydancer
Gender: Female

Story or Poem:

Love Found Again

The Sunbeam Ruins are known for their old architecture and the secrets that they keep. Many dragons have spent days and years trying to pry inside and see what is there. Just as one question is answered, another is asked. It can get quite chaotic when a new dragon shows up and asks questions already answered, but they are glad to teach the newcomers. Sometimes revisiting a question leads to more understanding. The Lightweaver is so proud of her little acolytes.

There is one question that none have dared to answer though. What is in the Hewn City? What is it? Darkness covers it and even the light from the Lightweaver can not shine its way in. In the mornings, mist will roll out, its tendrils reaching for something. No one is brave enough to venture close to find out. Some say whispers can be heard, but that is just rumor since no one has tried to prove it.

One of the new dragons dared to ask about it one day. Her name was Emily and she had just arrived a little over 3 weeks ago. She came to the Sunbeam Ruins hoping to find a new place in life after the loss of her mate. She was lost for so long, but finally found a place to keep her occupied. There were so many things to invesitgate in this place, that just maybe, in time, the pain would subside and be replaced with curiosity of what was around her.

One morning she had ventured close to the ruins on accident. She had seen a strange creature that resembled an eel but had cold white fur and sharp taloned feet. It had a pecular scar across it's face. She followed it until it slipped through a hole in the ground too small for her to go through. She put her nose close the hole and that is when she noticed the whispers and the mist approaching. A chill ran down her spine and made her wings twitch. It somehow felt familiar, and yet strange at the same time.

After that she began noticing that same Noggle morning after morning. Some days it would be staring at her, and others it would be wandering around her home. Some mornings she swore it looked like it wanted her to follow. Finally, her curiosity of the familiar and yet strange mist got the better of her. She approached the Noggle and it led her back to the city. Instead of going down the hole it had previously, it went deeper into the city.

It could have been a trick of the fading light, but the deeper she went in, she could of sworn it looked like the mist moved out of her way. When they got to the center of the city the Noggle dived into the mist. She tried to follow but the mist swirled and surged. Fear rose in her heart. She tried beating her wings but the mist wold not blow away.

A sound from behind her made her turn. There was a patch of mist floating away from the rest. It swirled and twisted, taking the shape of a dragon. A familiar dragon. Fear was replaced by hope. Hope replaced by love. It was her mate. He stood before her again, whole and well. A tendril of mist here and there around the edges of his frame, but it was him.

She took another look at the mist around her and began to see faces. Faces of other dragons. She realized this was not a place to fear. The mist in the mornings were those lost who wanted to be found again.

The dragons of the Sunbeam Ruins still keep a distance from the Hewn City, but there is a new rumor to go with the city: Follow the Noggle and you will find what once was lost.

True love has no boundaries. True love can never be lost.
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[center][b]Rapture[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Rapture's partner in flattery[/b] [img][/img] [b]Species:[/b] Skydancer [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Never Let You Go[/b] He tips his hat, He bows his head. He gives a wink, Your heart stops dead. Full of manners, Always welcoming you in. You know he's not a player, For it is you and you alone he wants to win. Roses today, Violets tomorrow. Each day a surprise, Never is there any sorrow. Whether you say stay, Whether you say go. Fully enraptured, His heart will never let you go.[/center]


Rapture's partner in flattery


Species: Skydancer
Gender: Male

Never Let You Go

He tips his hat,
He bows his head.
He gives a wink,
Your heart stops dead.

Full of manners,
Always welcoming you in.
You know he's not a player,
For it is you and you alone he wants to win.

Roses today,
Violets tomorrow.
Each day a surprise,
Never is there any sorrow.

Whether you say stay,
Whether you say go.
Fully enraptured,
His heart will never let you go.
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