[center]I plan on hatching these on the 31st! price is 20 - 50kt/g depending on the eyes!
[emoji=arcane rune size=1]Arcane eyes[emoji=arcane rune size=1]
[emoji=wind rune size=1]Wind eyes[emoji=wind rune size=1]
[emoji=arcane rune size=1]Arcane eyes[emoji=arcane rune size=1]
[emoji=wind rune size=1]Wind eyes[emoji=wind rune size=1][/center]
I plan on hatching these on the 31st! price is 20 - 50kt/g depending on the eyes!
Arcane eyes
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/search/dragons?page=1&sort=id_asc&name=&exalted=0&progen=&breed=&bodygene=&winggene=&tertgene=&gender=&body=176&wings=101&tert=&element=&body_range=&wings_range=&tert_range=158-49&age=&rtb=&gen1=&pattern=&id_length=&level_min=&level_max=&eyetype=&hibernal_cooldown_status=&ancient=&named=&hibernal=&silhouette_unlocked=&reflect_unlocked=&sort=id_asc&page=1]Rare colors[/url][br]200[emoji=gem size=1] per hatchling[br][emoji=shadow rune size=1]/[emoji=fire rune size=1] Shadow &/ Fire eyes
[nextcol][size=4][u]Pyremaw & Serrated[/u][br]95319492 | 93683738[br]Stitched - Toxin or Blaze - Carnivore or Thorns[br][b]Primary Colors:[/b] [color=#252a24][size=5]Eldritch[/color][br][b]Secondary Colors:[/b] [color=#8ece56][size=5]Pear[/color][br][b]Tertiary Colors:[/b] [color=#ff6841][size=5]Pumpkin[/color]/ [color=#ff7360][size=5]Tangerine[/color][br][br][/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=90198046][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/901981/90198046.png[/img][/url][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=90811398][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/908114/90811398.png[/img][/url][br][b]Pinglist:[/b][br][pinglist=33861][br][b]Notes:[/b][br]Wildclaw or Imperial
150[emoji=gem size=1] per hatchling
[emoji=shadow rune size=1]Shadow eyes[br]
[nextcol][size=4][u]Haunt & Creep[/u][br]90198046 | 90811398[br]Stitched - Patchwork - Ghost[br][b]Primary Colors:[/b] [color=#b24407][size=5]Terracotta[/color][br][b]Secondary Colors:[/b] [color=#b24407][size=5]Terracotta[/color][br][b]Tertiary Colors:[/b] [color=#ffb576][size=5]Peach[/color]/ [color=#ff984f][size=5]Cantaloupe[/color][br][br][/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=81786152][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/817862/81786152.png[/img][/url][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=93713638][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/937137/93713638.png[/img][/url][br][b]Pinglist:[/b][br][pinglist=33863][br][b]Notes:[/b][br]Pearlcatcher or Imperial
150[emoji=gem size=1] per hatchling[br][emoji=shadow rune size=1]Shadow eyes[br][nextcol][size=4][u]Trick & Treat[/u][br]81786152 | 93713638[br]Harlequin - Patchwork - Ghost[br][b]Primary Colors:[/b] [color=#4b4a46][size=5]Coal[/color][br][b]Secondary Colors:[/b] [color=#fb912b][size=5]Sunshine[/color][br][b]Tertiary Colors:[/b] [color=#fffdea][size=5]Maize[/color] [color=#ffefdd][size=5]Cream[/color] [color=#d8d5cc][size=5]Anitique[/color] [color=#ffffff][size=5]White[/color][br][br][/columns]
I also have a couple of temporarily pairs I'll be breeding for the Halloween hatchdate. Cost will be around 20kt/20[emoji=gem size=1] or 30kt/30[emoji=gem size=1]:
Scream, Blink, and Apocolypse will also be up for sale after their nests hatch.[/center]
This is a great idea!
prices are approximate
not super interested in trades, but am open to offers!
[b]MOTH MAN![/b]
50kt/g ~ 65kt/g
[b]A river of candy corn runs through it...[/b]
50kt/g ~ 65kt/g
[b]Secret Potion Bottles[/b]
40kt/g ~ 55kt/g
[b]Pumpkin Patch[/b]
40kt/g ~ 55kt/g
20kt/g ~ 35kt/g
[b]Midnight Circus[/b]
30kt/g ~ 45kt/g
lore pair![/b]
35kt/g ~ 45kt/g
Shadow eyes
[b]Gremlin Brite[/b]
20kt/g ~ 30kt/g
Nature eyes
This is a great idea!
prices are approximate
not super interested in trades, but am open to offers!
50kt/g ~ 65kt/g
A river of candy corn runs through it...
50kt/g ~ 65kt/g
Secret Potion Bottles
40kt/g ~ 55kt/g
Pumpkin Patch
40kt/g ~ 55kt/g
20kt/g ~ 35kt/g
Midnight Circus
30kt/g ~ 45kt/g
lore pair!
35kt/g ~ 45kt/g
Shadow eyes
Gremlin Brite
20kt/g ~ 30kt/g
Nature eyes
These are pairs that I’m likely going to hatch during Halloween:
Subscribe to their Pinglist to get notified when they’re born!
[emoji=light rune size=1] | ~40g/kt [size=1]nesting with @/doodlepoodle[/size]
[emoji=lightning rune size=1] | ~35g/kt [size=1]nesting with @/cynderfires[/size]
[emoji=light rune size=1] | ~35g/kt [size=1]nesting with @/doodlepoodle[/size]
[emoji=lightning rune size=1] | ~30g/kT [size=1]nesting with @/cynderfires[/size]
[size=2]May get breed changed to Nocturne x Fathom?[/size]
[emoji=shadow rune size=1] | ~35g/kt [size=1]nesting with @/spiritx[/size]
[emoji=shadow rune size=1]/[emoji=arcane rune size=1] | ~35g/kt [size=1]nesting with @/spiritx ?[/size]
[emoji=wind rune size=1] | 40g/kt [size=1]nesting with @/cenedrariva[/size]
[emoji=ice rune size=1]/[emoji=water rune size=1] | 30~40g/kt
Not me, frantically trying to make enough money to afford a lair expansion so I can buy MORE of these babies..
Not me, frantically trying to make enough money to afford a lair expansion so I can buy MORE of these babies..
[center]New pair added!
[b]From Rot[/b]
35kt ~ 55kt
New pair added!
From Rot
35kt ~ 55kt
Zombie pairs! (Sorry no fancy graphics lol)
Plague eyes, 40kt/g
Zombie pairs! (Sorry no fancy graphics lol)
Plague eyes, 40kt/g
I will for sure have these two pairs hatching on Halloween. Hatchery is still a wip, but we're figuring things out!
[b]Astral Rift[/b]
40kt/g / Shadow Eyes
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98054085][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/980541/98054085.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/97679874][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/976799/97679874.png[/img][/url]
[center][b]Venom Drench[/b]
40kt/g / Shadow Eyes
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/76572974][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/765730/76572974.png[/img][/url] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/78234393][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/782344/78234393.png[/img][/url]
I will for sure have these two pairs hatching on Halloween. Hatchery is still a wip, but we're figuring things out!
Astral Rift
40kt/g / Shadow Eyes
Venom Drench
40kt/g / Shadow Eyes
I will be hatching my Mothman pair on Halloween. They are already on a nest and have 3 eggs. I will be selling for 150g.
Guaranteed XXX Obsidian Metallic/Blaze/Monarch/Plague Aether
If you would like to reserve a slot let me know.
- S1
- S2
- S3
If you would like to see what other pairs I have lined up for Halloween, you can find them [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/320142/1582001/1]here[/url].
I will be hatching my Mothman pair on Halloween. They are already on a nest and have 3 eggs. I will be selling for 150g.
Guaranteed XXX Obsidian Metallic/Blaze/Monarch/Plague Aether
If you would like to reserve a slot let me know.
- S1
- S2
- S3
If you would like to see what other pairs I have lined up for Halloween, you can find them
okay finally got my breeding cards/pinglists ready so here's my planned halloween hatches! all babies will be [b]30ktg[/b] and [b]fire eyes[/b]!! :D thank you !
*choir babs would be 50ktg
okay finally got my breeding cards/pinglists ready so here's my planned halloween hatches! all babies will be
30ktg and
fire eyes!! :D thank you !