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TOPIC | [LF] LV25 Farmer
I have a little bit more money than I know what to do with so I thought I might try getting another farmer since I only have one at the moment !!
I'd appreciate just offers of ones that are fully statted/stoned :0c Any element is fine, my one farmer is Water if that makes any difference, and any species is fine as well!
Please ping me @14thNoah when showing so I know to look! I'll try to reply but I'm honestly rather forgetful, I appreciate anyone who shows me one though <3
I have a little bit more money than I know what to do with so I thought I might try getting another farmer since I only have one at the moment !!
I'd appreciate just offers of ones that are fully statted/stoned :0c Any element is fine, my one farmer is Water if that makes any difference, and any species is fine as well!
Please ping me @14thNoah when showing so I know to look! I'll try to reply but I'm honestly rather forgetful, I appreciate anyone who shows me one though <3
fable | 25 | she/they
@14thNoah I'm currently selling this dragon on my [url=][b]Level 25 Shop Thread[/b][/url]. [b]Timothy[/b] Lvl 25 Coatl Male Culex’s stats (Final level stats unassigned), Unstoned, Unbred [b]275,000T or 425gems[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I'm currently selling this dragon on my Level 25 Shop Thread.

Lvl 25 Coatl Male
Culex’s stats (Final level stats unassigned), Unstoned, Unbred
275,000T or 425gems

@14thNoah [center]In the AH for 500 gems each, but you can set up a CR for 450 gems. lvl 25 stats haven't been used yet, so you can make them a trainer or a farmer. :3c [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] They all come with the standard battle stones (Eliminate + Ambush + Ambush + Berserker + Berserker + Berserker).
In the AH for 500 gems each, but you can set up a CR for 450 gems.
lvl 25 stats haven't been used yet, so you can make them a trainer or a farmer. :3c



They all come with the standard battle stones (Eliminate + Ambush + Ambush + Berserker + Berserker + Berserker).
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plz don’t use tone indicators when speaking with me
@14thNoah [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is Shotgun, he's been a faithful battle Nocturne for quite some time but he isn't on my Coli team anymore so I probably ought to sell him to someone who will make him useful. He's had a full life so far and has a list of all named offspring. I'm asking 350kt for him and I'll throw in a free Tincture of Dissolution so you can stat him however you want. :)


This is Shotgun, he's been a faithful battle Nocturne for quite some time but he isn't on my Coli team anymore so I probably ought to sell him to someone who will make him useful. He's had a full life so far and has a list of all named offspring. I'm asking 350kt for him and I'll throw in a free Tincture of Dissolution so you can stat him however you want. :)
I'm more looking for ones with at least stones, but thank you for showing him to me! :33

Oh man they're so pretty.... I'm saving my gems for scrolls but thank you for showing me!! I'd buy that first guy in a heartbeat if I had the funds ;u;

Oh!! He's really pretty, hitting me with that Circuit ahh <3
I thiiiink I'm gonna hafta buy him I can't resist a pretty Circuit Noc ;w; Would you like me to send a CR request~?
I'm more looking for ones with at least stones, but thank you for showing him to me! :33

Oh man they're so pretty.... I'm saving my gems for scrolls but thank you for showing me!! I'd buy that first guy in a heartbeat if I had the funds ;u;

Oh!! He's really pretty, hitting me with that Circuit ahh <3
I thiiiink I'm gonna hafta buy him I can't resist a pretty Circuit Noc ;w; Would you like me to send a CR request~?
fable | 25 | she/they

Yep, that'd be great! I'm glad you like him, he was one of my favorites for a while. :)

Yep, that'd be great! I'm glad you like him, he was one of my favorites for a while. :)