TOPIC | Skydancer Male Needed (CLOSED)
I am in need of a Skydancer male mate for this girl:
Preferably [b]facet and crystal genes[/b]. Am open to quite a few color combos.
Here's an imp girl. [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=15419899]
heres some males [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=13858210]
I'll pass, but thank you!
I like the imp girl but I'm not a huge fan of the pink. Would say yes in a second if it was blue or something instead.
I'll pass, but thank you!
I like the imp girl but I'm not a huge fan of the pink. Would say yes in a second if it was blue or something instead.
I'll pass, but thank you!
I like the imp girl but I'm not a huge fan of the pink. Would say yes in a second if it was blue or something instead.
I'll pass, but thank you!
I like the imp girl but I'm not a huge fan of the pink. Would say yes in a second if it was blue or something instead.
This is Squiffy. I'm willing to bargain and the headpiece is attached
@Snow99 I have this girl up on the AH who could make a nice mate for your first boy if you're interested.
Female - purple crystal/violet shimmer/lavender smoke
@Snow99 I have this girl up on the AH who could make a nice mate for your first boy if you're interested.

Female - purple crystal/violet shimmer/lavender smoke

Female - purple crystal/violet shimmer/lavender smoke
I'm sorry, I need the facet gene for my Imperial female. She's a beauty though! Good luck with selling her. ;)
Not really what I'm looking for, but thanks for offering!
I'm sorry, I need the facet gene for my Imperial female. She's a beauty though! Good luck with selling her. ;)
Not really what I'm looking for, but thanks for offering!
I'm sorry, I need the facet gene for my Imperial female. She's a beauty though! Good luck with selling her. ;)
Not really what I'm looking for, but thanks for offering!
I'm sorry, I need the facet gene for my Imperial female. She's a beauty though! Good luck with selling her. ;)
Not really what I'm looking for, but thanks for offering!
@Snow99 My hatchery partner has these two Imperial gals and I have the Fae Gals
I'm interested in the second Imp, how much does your partner want for her?
And I think I've decided to just sell my Fae after all. I'll take him off my post.
I'm interested in the second Imp, how much does your partner want for her?
And I think I've decided to just sell my Fae after all. I'll take him off my post.
I'm interested in the second Imp, how much does your partner want for her?
And I think I've decided to just sell my Fae after all. I'll take him off my post.
I'm interested in the second Imp, how much does your partner want for her?
And I think I've decided to just sell my Fae after all. I'll take him off my post.