
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Dragons for a little imagination v3
@Fraybird Heya! Could you add me to the pinglist?
@Fraybird Heya! Could you add me to the pinglist?
@MAIL Can I reserve Greymatter? I'm already thinking about her lore, but I'll be pretty busy until sometime next week. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Can I reserve Greymatter? I'm already thinking about her lore, but I'll be pretty busy until sometime next week.

That's the cutest lore, and super fitting considering she comes from a science-themed hatchery. I'm sending Tien over:)

Tien has been adopted!
That's the cutest lore, and super fitting considering she comes from a science-themed hatchery. I'm sending Tien over:)

Tien has been adopted!

new dragons!
@MAIL I'd like to reserve Jay, if that's alright w/you!

new dragons!
@MAIL I'd like to reserve Jay, if that's alright w/you!
@Mail (@Fraybird just cause you run the first post and may need to be made aware of it!)

Could I reserve Fawry? I’ve been eying her for some time, and I think I have everything in her current outfit so I could recreate it (because I do love it so!) should I be selected to own her. :P

Hhhh. I’ve become so open to getting new dragons with the promise of lair tabs on the horizon. xD Just watch, I’m gonna fill my lair up with permas before we get tabs/a hibernal den and then have myself quite a conundrum.
@Mail (@Fraybird just cause you run the first post and may need to be made aware of it!)

Could I reserve Fawry? I’ve been eying her for some time, and I think I have everything in her current outfit so I could recreate it (because I do love it so!) should I be selected to own her. :P

Hhhh. I’ve become so open to getting new dragons with the promise of lair tabs on the horizon. xD Just watch, I’m gonna fill my lair up with permas before we get tabs/a hibernal den and then have myself quite a conundrum.
Galaxy-Skull.png ~~ ZNNyeOb.pngyeet
She/Her/Hers || Plagueling/Arcanite
FR+3 || I'm forgetful, PM me if I left something unfinished!

004-002.png1538e856e41a13dba7976f5bd7ceb13ea32a79e2.gif cd29c9512a3694d23a652f31a199ebb9.png 1074515.png

Ahh no worries! :D You've got it, I made a note on her profile!


Sure thing, and no rush!!!


You've got it! He's level 10 if that helps of the first dragons I got when I joined the site. :D


Sure thing, I'm glad you like her current outfit! :D She's definitely got some fun potential with skins/accents.


Ohhh, i'm excited to see the rest of it too! :o I love how it's tied to your flight..such a lovely way to build in a "transition" into his story!
Here's to hoping he'll find dragons who can give him more info...and listen to his concerns. :D

Ahh no worries! :D You've got it, I made a note on her profile!


Sure thing, and no rush!!!


You've got it! He's level 10 if that helps of the first dragons I got when I joined the site. :D


Sure thing, I'm glad you like her current outfit! :D She's definitely got some fun potential with skins/accents.


Ohhh, i'm excited to see the rest of it too! :o I love how it's tied to your flight..such a lovely way to build in a "transition" into his story!
Here's to hoping he'll find dragons who can give him more info...and listen to his concerns. :D
@smeen I'd love to grab Lilith - she's gorgeous. [url=] [img][/img][/url] Lilith is quiet and patient like the ocean she was born in. She says little, and her eyes seem to hold the mysteries of the depths. Her parents were overjoyed when she was born, for her wings shone with the opalescence of a pearl. Her body was rippled with dark trenches. Unfortunately, they never wanted their little girl to grow up; they sought to protect her and hold her close even when she could protect herself. She hated this, but she loved her parents more. She enjoyed exploring the darkest parts of the ocean, despite her parents' warnings about the things that live without light. She grew comfortable in the crushing pressure. An underwater cave system became her regular hideout, where she stashed everything precious to her. In that place, the ocean spoke louder than anywhere else. It told her about the beauty in the world above, and the horrors lurking beneath the surface. She was fascinated, but never felt the need to leave... Until it grew quiet. The waves stopped speaking to her. Visions and insight abandoned her. The Tidelord had disappeared. She was afraid, but could not stand the deafening silence of the deep any longer. She made her way to the surface, passing through distraught clans who shared her pains. On the border of the Water domain, she heard a rumor: [i]Plague isn't about disease, but survival.[/i] She needed to survive. Her body is frail on land, but her heart is determined - she will find a way to continue living, and get stronger, with or without her god.
I'd love to grab Lilith - she's gorgeous.


Lilith is quiet and patient like the ocean she was born in. She says little, and her eyes seem to hold the mysteries of the depths.
Her parents were overjoyed when she was born, for her wings shone with the opalescence of a pearl. Her body was rippled with dark trenches. Unfortunately, they never wanted their little girl to grow up; they sought to protect her and hold her close even when she could protect herself. She hated this, but she loved her parents more. She enjoyed exploring the darkest parts of the ocean, despite her parents' warnings about the things that live without light. She grew comfortable in the crushing pressure. An underwater cave system became her regular hideout, where she stashed everything precious to her. In that place, the ocean spoke louder than anywhere else. It told her about the beauty in the world above, and the horrors lurking beneath the surface. She was fascinated, but never felt the need to leave... Until it grew quiet. The waves stopped speaking to her. Visions and insight abandoned her. The Tidelord had disappeared.
She was afraid, but could not stand the deafening silence of the deep any longer. She made her way to the surface, passing through distraught clans who shared her pains. On the border of the Water domain, she heard a rumor: Plague isn't about disease, but survival. She needed to survive.
Her body is frail on land, but her heart is determined - she will find a way to continue living, and get stronger, with or without her god.
@princessvaultboy - Yooo, this is random, but Tien is the sister of one of my dragons! Anyway, I liked what you wrote for her! :D @Mail - Ok, because I'm secretly the biggest fan of Lair Tabs to ever grace this ridiculous game, I have figured out where Fawry would fit as my plans stand right now. When I say where she'd fit, I mean... where she'd physically [i]fit[/i]. [url=]Take a look for yourself![/url] (I am actually in the process of exalting for Plague's profit push, so if it looks like I have no space in my lair currently, just... wait a few minutes, I guess? The fodder ebbs and flows through my lair at a decently reasonable pace. xD) Her lore is a liiiiittle weird, here, but it'll make more sense when I get all of mine written out. I had to justify why she's wearing that skeleton accent somehow! xD ----- ----- [center] F A W R Y [i]the lioness[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] dedicated || undaunted || patient[/center] "You smell... of dissonance, of anger, of age and of youth. You smell... of loss, oh, maybe of losing, too. Forgive my... inexact words. Words are always inexact. I will tell to you this thing: 'I am looking for my [url=]Rassa[/url].' And you hear, but you do not know. You understand, maybe, but even then - you do not know." The maned beast turns away. "Rassa is why I know... what loss... smells like." Her voice has a strange lilt, raising in pitch at the end of each unnecessary pause as if all her words are questions, and yet somehow it is deeply clear that she is asking nothing. "She is here, yes, so I am told... scents are not so inexact, no. Her scent became sick, weighted... red. Yes, an exact word. Her scent became red when she left me, so I have travelled... followed. There are only two things that matter: the Hunt and the Child. So I hunt. So I am looking for my Rassa." The creature sniffs at the ground. "I will take the [url=]Scavenging One[/url] and the [url=]One Who Collects[/url]. Sisters, mothers, daughters three... we will scar this wasteland, we will find the Child." As she speaks, she moves one of her paws free from the many layers of stolen pelts that cloak her body, revealing an emaciated foot surrounded incredibly hardened scaled skin. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that the majority of her bulk is formed not by her body, but by the hides she has draped over her - the crowning piece being the full, furred pelt of an adult male lion. "I will find my Child. Make the Plaguelands know, oh, that the Lioness has learned to speak, that the tales of hunting are her's to seek... inexact words, yes, but speak them with the smell of fear on your breath... the intent will be clear." ----- [b]A Brief Summary of Future Lore (AKA: What the Heck is Going On?)[/b] After Fawry's sole child, a Fae named Rassa, was taken from her and later exalted, nothing was ever the same. She has been on a great hunt ever since, tracking where her beloved daughter may have gone. This has led her to the Scarred Wasteland (the "Plaguelands") and eventually to the [i]Blighted Gardens clan[/i], led by the villainous dictator/mad scientist combo, Aseroe. Unlike most, Fawry has shown a near disregard for his presence, but has decided to remain within the beseiged clan due to the presence of two dragons she believes can aid her in her search for her lost daughter. Aseroe, it should be noted, silently admires her incredible dedication. For the first months after Rassa was taken from her, the distraught Tundra had no motivation to seek food or even eat what was brought to her. This should have killed her. Much to her own surprise, though, Fawry was nearly unaffected, beyond the clear changes to her appearance, making her look almost skeletal. It was sometime around then that she had a realization that she was being kept alive by the Lightweaver's blessings... perhaps so that she may gain the strength to find her child. So naive, Fawry was back then. So hopeful. The Fawry back then was the one who would ask questions to strangers, too, for she had yet to learn that "questions are for answer-seekers, not for solvers of problems." I will say this for her belief as to why she survived starvation: the Lightweaver gives Her blessing to few, it is as rare as finding a child with Light's Primal Eyes. The Shade, however, gives it's "blessing" to many... anything that can be infiltrated, mutated. Its remnants seek hosts, and any dragon (or familiar) may be susceptible... even a dedicated, desperate mother. It will take far more than mere food to sate Fawry now. Fawry has one more belief worth mentioning: that her name does not matter. Rassa's name is the only one that does matter, and thusly, Fawry does not even bother disclosing her own name to those she meets. She's more interested in getting information about her daughter - the pleasantries can wait. So, those who have encountered her have dubbed her the [i]Lioness[/i], based upon the lion's pelts she chose to cover her thin body in, and her lionlike patience and dedication to her child, who seems her only connection to what one could have called a "pride."
@princessvaultboy - Yooo, this is random, but Tien is the sister of one of my dragons! Anyway, I liked what you wrote for her! :D

@Mail - Ok, because I'm secretly the biggest fan of Lair Tabs to ever grace this ridiculous game, I have figured out where Fawry would fit as my plans stand right now. When I say where she'd fit, I mean... where she'd physically fit. Take a look for yourself! (I am actually in the process of exalting for Plague's profit push, so if it looks like I have no space in my lair currently, just... wait a few minutes, I guess? The fodder ebbs and flows through my lair at a decently reasonable pace. xD)

Her lore is a liiiiittle weird, here, but it'll make more sense when I get all of mine written out. I had to justify why she's wearing that skeleton accent somehow! xD

the lioness


dedicated || undaunted || patient

"You smell... of dissonance, of anger, of age and of youth. You smell... of loss, oh, maybe of losing, too. Forgive my... inexact words. Words are always inexact. I will tell to you this thing: 'I am looking for my Rassa.' And you hear, but you do not know. You understand, maybe, but even then - you do not know." The maned beast turns away. "Rassa is why I know... what loss... smells like." Her voice has a strange lilt, raising in pitch at the end of each unnecessary pause as if all her words are questions, and yet somehow it is deeply clear that she is asking nothing.

"She is here, yes, so I am told... scents are not so inexact, no. Her scent became sick, weighted... red. Yes, an exact word. Her scent became red when she left me, so I have travelled... followed. There are only two things that matter: the Hunt and the Child. So I hunt. So I am looking for my Rassa." The creature sniffs at the ground. "I will take the Scavenging One and the One Who Collects. Sisters, mothers, daughters three... we will scar this wasteland, we will find the Child." As she speaks, she moves one of her paws free from the many layers of stolen pelts that cloak her body, revealing an emaciated foot surrounded incredibly hardened scaled skin. Upon closer inspection, it is clear that the majority of her bulk is formed not by her body, but by the hides she has draped over her - the crowning piece being the full, furred pelt of an adult male lion.

"I will find my Child. Make the Plaguelands know, oh, that the Lioness has learned to speak, that the tales of hunting are her's to seek... inexact words, yes, but speak them with the smell of fear on your breath... the intent will be clear."

A Brief Summary of Future Lore (AKA: What the Heck is Going On?)

After Fawry's sole child, a Fae named Rassa, was taken from her and later exalted, nothing was ever the same. She has been on a great hunt ever since, tracking where her beloved daughter may have gone. This has led her to the Scarred Wasteland (the "Plaguelands") and eventually to the Blighted Gardens clan, led by the villainous dictator/mad scientist combo, Aseroe. Unlike most, Fawry has shown a near disregard for his presence, but has decided to remain within the beseiged clan due to the presence of two dragons she believes can aid her in her search for her lost daughter. Aseroe, it should be noted, silently admires her incredible dedication.

For the first months after Rassa was taken from her, the distraught Tundra had no motivation to seek food or even eat what was brought to her. This should have killed her. Much to her own surprise, though, Fawry was nearly unaffected, beyond the clear changes to her appearance, making her look almost skeletal. It was sometime around then that she had a realization that she was being kept alive by the Lightweaver's blessings... perhaps so that she may gain the strength to find her child.

So naive, Fawry was back then. So hopeful. The Fawry back then was the one who would ask questions to strangers, too, for she had yet to learn that "questions are for answer-seekers, not for solvers of problems." I will say this for her belief as to why she survived starvation: the Lightweaver gives Her blessing to few, it is as rare as finding a child with Light's Primal Eyes. The Shade, however, gives it's "blessing" to many... anything that can be infiltrated, mutated. Its remnants seek hosts, and any dragon (or familiar) may be susceptible... even a dedicated, desperate mother. It will take far more than mere food to sate Fawry now.

Fawry has one more belief worth mentioning: that her name does not matter. Rassa's name is the only one that does matter, and thusly, Fawry does not even bother disclosing her own name to those she meets. She's more interested in getting information about her daughter - the pleasantries can wait. So, those who have encountered her have dubbed her the Lioness, based upon the lion's pelts she chose to cover her thin body in, and her lionlike patience and dedication to her child, who seems her only connection to what one could have called a "pride."
Galaxy-Skull.png ~~ ZNNyeOb.pngyeet
She/Her/Hers || Plagueling/Arcanite
FR+3 || I'm forgetful, PM me if I left something unfinished!

004-002.png1538e856e41a13dba7976f5bd7ceb13ea32a79e2.gif cd29c9512a3694d23a652f31a199ebb9.png 1074515.png

Ohh colour coding! Were the lair tabs released already? Because I HAVE to get in on that.

What a mysterious girl you made her!!!
A fun fact about Rassa, she was a parasite hatchling from that forum game that was going on. The father was one too. :D Feel free to incorporate that in if you want or disregard - just thought I should mention cause it could be fun if you wanted to work with that! Maybe Fawry didn't know..and she finds out later?

Ohh colour coding! Were the lair tabs released already? Because I HAVE to get in on that.

What a mysterious girl you made her!!!
A fun fact about Rassa, she was a parasite hatchling from that forum game that was going on. The father was one too. :D Feel free to incorporate that in if you want or disregard - just thought I should mention cause it could be fun if you wanted to work with that! Maybe Fawry didn't know..and she finds out later?
@Mail, it’s actually a google doc! Here’s more about how to make a lair tab sheet thing. Click!

And aaaa I haven’t been on for much of the evening. *flops* I’ll accept the CR... ASAP. >_<
@Mail, it’s actually a google doc! Here’s more about how to make a lair tab sheet thing. Click!

And aaaa I haven’t been on for much of the evening. *flops* I’ll accept the CR... ASAP. >_<
Galaxy-Skull.png ~~ ZNNyeOb.pngyeet
She/Her/Hers || Plagueling/Arcanite
FR+3 || I'm forgetful, PM me if I left something unfinished!

004-002.png1538e856e41a13dba7976f5bd7ceb13ea32a79e2.gif cd29c9512a3694d23a652f31a199ebb9.png 1074515.png