
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!
@SoullessARMY May I have Frago?
@SoullessARMY May I have Frago?
Ahead of FR by 4 hours and 1 minute
I will take the first 2 if they are not already taken
I will take the first 2 if they are not already taken
@Lunarwolf1163 May I have #4?
@Lunarwolf1163 May I have #4?
Ahead of FR by 4 hours and 1 minute

would you mind if i grabbed the second one (if he's not already taken)? he's super pretty ;n;

thank you!

would you mind if i grabbed the second one (if he's not already taken)? he's super pretty ;n;

thank you!
> she/her
> current avatar
> wishlist
Got this really pretty coatl female I don't want to exalt. I just want her to go to a home where she is actually wanted. Don't adopt just to exalt. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Got this really pretty coatl female I don't want to exalt. I just want her to go to a home where she is actually wanted. Don't adopt just to exalt.


May I adopt Rav?^^

May I adopt Rav?^^
@SeaweedSalad you most certainly may have him! i'll send him right on over! (love your username by the way)
@SeaweedSalad you most certainly may have him! i'll send him right on over! (love your username by the way)
[quote name="almelon" date=2017-06-11 15:33:11] i've had these two babs for a while, and i'd like to free up lair space to be able to breed more, so i'm putting them up here! they're for sale on the ah, but if you would like to adopt one of them, ping me and i'll give them to you! i would prefer these dragons go to new players, but anyone is welcome to ask. please do not exalt them, i would really prefer they go to a forever home. i know i can't stop you, but i love all of my babies very much, and would be sad to see them gone ;w; here they are! [img][/img] female, marigold tiger/eye spots/rose underbelly [img][/img] [s]male, flaxen clown/slate stripes/carmine underbelly[/s] [i][b]ADOPTED![/b][/i] ping me if interested! ;w; [/quote]
almelon wrote on 2017-06-11:
i've had these two babs for a while, and i'd like to free up lair space to be able to breed more, so i'm putting them up here! they're for sale on the ah, but if you would like to adopt one of them, ping me and i'll give them to you!

i would prefer these dragons go to new players, but anyone is welcome to ask. please do not exalt them, i would really prefer they go to a forever home. i know i can't stop you, but i love all of my babies very much, and would be sad to see them gone ;w;

here they are!

female, marigold tiger/eye spots/rose underbelly

male, flaxen clown/slate stripes/carmine underbelly ADOPTED!

ping me if interested! ;w;
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Free female XXX Radioactive boggy for the person that gives me a name and somewhat of a plan!


Free female XXX Radioactive boggy for the person that gives me a name and somewhat of a plan!
Join us for Project Egg!
More info here.
I have these guys up for grabs. Some even have lore! I don't really want to see them exalted but it's up to you [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I have these guys up for grabs. Some even have lore! I don't really want to see them exalted but it's up to you









Worn Pincushion Furry Icewarden Puppet Unhatched Ice Egg Ferberus Skull Icewarden Ice Sculpture