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I would love to adopt this lad from you!
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/524127/1777001/1]here[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/524127/1777003/1?name=&type=undefined]here.[/url]
[b]All are on the AH, but I will take them off if you'd like them. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (hatchlings). :)[/b]
[emoji=star size=1]Make sure to ping me[emoji=star size=1]
[font=century][size=5] [size= 5][b] Dragons [/b] [/size] [/size] [/font]
[b] Gen1s [/b]
Anyone from [url= https://www1.flightrising.com/den/686724/2501015]this tab [/url] Or [url= https://www1.flightrising.com/den/686724/2464024] this tab [/url] too, is free
Special Dergs
[b]To adopt these guys, you must drop a like on both their parents and tell me your like numbers when you adopt ^^[/b]
[b]Naomi/Ignis Descendants [/b]
[b] Ichor of Judas Surges [/b]
[b]Glitz N' Glam G2s[/b]
@Sacrorum could I take this baby? I’d name them Sambuca
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/524127/1777001/1]here[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/524127/1777003/1?name=&type=undefined]here.[/url]
[b]All are on the AH, but I will take them off if you'd like them. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (hatchlings). :)[/b]
[size=5][b]UPDATE: Several new dragons added![/b]
anyone on [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/82634/2590204/2]THIS PAGE[/url] is free to a good home! some highlights include:
[quote name="LostIceDragon" date="2024-09-27 19:21:54" ]
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/524127/1777001/1]here[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/524127/1777003/1?name=&type=undefined]here.[/url]
[b]All are on the AH, but I will take them off if you'd like them. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (hatchlings). :)[/b]
[size=5][b]UPDATE: Several new dragons added![/b]
LostIceDragon wrote on 2024-09-27 19:21:54:
Two noodley babies to good homes! Both are boys.
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/524127/1777001/1]here[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/524127/1777003/1?name=&type=undefined]here.[/url]
4 year old boy looking for a home:
[b]All lair dragons are on the AH, but I will take them off if you'd like them. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (some hatchlings). :)[/b]
[size=5][b]UPDATE: Several new dragons added![/b]
Dragons to loving homes! Ping or message me to claim! More here and here.

4 year old boy looking for a home:

All lair dragons are on the AH, but I will take them off if you'd like them. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (some hatchlings). :)
UPDATE: Several new dragons added!

4 year old boy looking for a home:

All lair dragons are on the AH, but I will take them off if you'd like them. If the dragon you want does NOT have a name, please provide one (some hatchlings). :)
UPDATE: Several new dragons added!

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