
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | [S] Lvl 3 Cry/Shim/Spines Mirror
I need to get rid of this lady in order to make room for hatchlings and other dragons: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm going to level to exalt over the next day or two as well. She's the perfect Plague dragon and comes with a little bit of bio that I've written. She has some cool lore about obtaining Crystal as a primary. Send a CR for 25kt and she's yours!
I need to get rid of this lady in order to make room for hatchlings and other dragons:


I'm going to level to exalt over the next day or two as well. She's the perfect Plague dragon and comes with a little bit of bio that I've written. She has some cool lore about obtaining Crystal as a primary. Send a CR for 25kt and she's yours!

oh wow she's gorgeous! would you be interested in anything other than treasure? fodder or something of the like?

oh wow she's gorgeous! would you be interested in anything other than treasure? fodder or something of the like?
@jrdragon What did you have in mind specifically? I might be able to do fodder. Is there something in particular?
@jrdragon What did you have in mind specifically? I might be able to do fodder. Is there something in particular?

I have one or two fodder dergs I could give you or some mucks for baldwin? Or if you'd me interested in a new perma lair member I have a few dergs for sale

I have one or two fodder dergs I could give you or some mucks for baldwin? Or if you'd me interested in a new perma lair member I have a few dergs for sale
@jrdragon I could go with the two fodder, if that's fine with you!
@jrdragon I could go with the two fodder, if that's fine with you!

Alrighty! I'll send a cr!

Alrighty! I'll send a cr!

Mobile isn't cooperating with me so it may be easier for you to set up the crs, the two imps at the back of my lair are the fodder, daniveve and torumbar

Mobile isn't cooperating with me so it may be easier for you to set up the crs, the two imps at the back of my lair are the fodder, daniveve and torumbar
@jrdragon All right, I'll give it a shot. I'm on mobile too :O
@jrdragon All right, I'll give it a shot. I'm on mobile too :O