
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
Thank you for taking the time to write that text - it is extremely informative and expresses exactly what the issue is. For those who want a resumed version of it:

The people who give away free dragons on this thread do not mind them being exalted. Most people here understand that exalting is a vital game mechanic which keeps the dragon population healthy and under control.

What upsets people is when someone adopts 10+ dragons off this thread a day, and all these dragons end up exalted before 48 hours have passed. Sometimes even sooner. Especially if these people insist upon questioning that they will indeed be keeping the dragon. Or when they make claims about how that dragon is 'too pretty to be exalted' or 'will definitely become a perma'.

And like, heck, I get it. I exalt dragons I got off this thread too sometimes. Like weeks after getting them, when I get overwhelmed and decide I can't house all these dragons no more. Not within a day of getting them. Not in batches of 10-20-30. That's just a little bit sketchy, don't you think?

While the FR ToS do not condone telling other people what to do with the dragons in their lair, they also do not condone actively targeting people who express wishes not to have their dragons exalted to exalt their dragons. The people on this thread who have been doing this to dragons in the hundreds are clearly targeting this thread and other free dragon threads for profit. That is not OK. Especially when said users are being actively dishonest in order to get these dragons.

Anyways guys be careful with who you give your dragons to (: a quick forum search of a person's username can give you a pretty good idea of what they've been up to in the past! Happy dragon giving/getting.
Thank you for taking the time to write that text - it is extremely informative and expresses exactly what the issue is. For those who want a resumed version of it:

The people who give away free dragons on this thread do not mind them being exalted. Most people here understand that exalting is a vital game mechanic which keeps the dragon population healthy and under control.

What upsets people is when someone adopts 10+ dragons off this thread a day, and all these dragons end up exalted before 48 hours have passed. Sometimes even sooner. Especially if these people insist upon questioning that they will indeed be keeping the dragon. Or when they make claims about how that dragon is 'too pretty to be exalted' or 'will definitely become a perma'.

And like, heck, I get it. I exalt dragons I got off this thread too sometimes. Like weeks after getting them, when I get overwhelmed and decide I can't house all these dragons no more. Not within a day of getting them. Not in batches of 10-20-30. That's just a little bit sketchy, don't you think?

While the FR ToS do not condone telling other people what to do with the dragons in their lair, they also do not condone actively targeting people who express wishes not to have their dragons exalted to exalt their dragons. The people on this thread who have been doing this to dragons in the hundreds are clearly targeting this thread and other free dragon threads for profit. That is not OK. Especially when said users are being actively dishonest in order to get these dragons.

Anyways guys be careful with who you give your dragons to (: a quick forum search of a person's username can give you a pretty good idea of what they've been up to in the past! Happy dragon giving/getting.
@indecisive no problem!
and thank you very, VERY much for summing up what i was trying to say! I realize my rants are often...confusing and jumbled XD
@indecisive no problem!
and thank you very, VERY much for summing up what i was trying to say! I realize my rants are often...confusing and jumbled XD
I collect birds! All birds! Any birds! Birds!!!!W1Dayps.png
I thought it was very clear, and it's important to quote back evidence of why your point is valid! This is a convoluted issue that has developed over time, and requires a bit of explaining.

I just think it can be intimidating to feel like you have to read such a large text, so I thought I'd contribute my own little summary.
I thought it was very clear, and it's important to quote back evidence of why your point is valid! This is a convoluted issue that has developed over time, and requires a bit of explaining.

I just think it can be intimidating to feel like you have to read such a large text, so I thought I'd contribute my own little summary.
@ALostGoldfish if that skydancer is still available, I'd love to have them!
@ALostGoldfish if that skydancer is still available, I'd love to have them!
@ALostGoldfish is the Pearlcatcher female still available??? If yes, can I please have it? Thank you
@ALostGoldfish is the Pearlcatcher female still available??? If yes, can I please have it? Thank you
shadow_by_coloradoblues-db6uy1l.png kZjIfse.gif
she/her | FR+10

[b]Some free hatchlings, get 'em while they're hot~[/b] It's okay if you don't keep them forever, but please only take one if you [i]actually[/i] want it. Otherwise, I'll just exalt them myself. Teon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Annabelle: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]Lyani:[/s] TAKEN [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dyce: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]Nida:[/s] TAKEN [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nesita: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Adult previews are in their bios.
Some free hatchlings, get 'em while they're hot~
It's okay if you don't keep them forever, but please only take one if you actually want it. Otherwise, I'll just exalt them myself.





Lyani: TAKEN








Adult previews are in their bios.
No one seems to want them, maybe someone here? quq Keep them at least for a while QUQ 1.Female [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 2.Female [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 3.Male [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
No one seems to want them, maybe someone here? quq
Keep them at least for a while QUQ







[quote name="Kotoej" date=2016-08-20 17:49:41] [quote name="Kotoej" date=2016-08-20 14:33:33] Dragon is looking for a new permanent home. I hope that if you take it here, you will become not send in exaltat or to resell them immediately. 1. Avalon [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 2. Juanita [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/quote] [/quote]
Kotoej wrote on 2016-08-20:
Kotoej wrote on 2016-08-20:
Dragon is looking for a new permanent home. I hope that if you take it here, you will become not send in exaltat or to resell them immediately.
1. Avalon


2. Juanita

@Emysry May I take Nidia? Her breed is so pretty o3o
@Emysry May I take Nidia? Her breed is so pretty o3o
@waterpack <-here
@waterpack <-here