
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Gold/Obs/Obs Wildclaw Project
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I made a forum post so we can all discuss it together, instead of me relaying messages XD

Anyway, @WatchKeyPhone and @Vaylise, both of you are on board, so that's great! I guess the question is of who will host the nest - I'm perfectly happy to do that, and I can send over collateral dragons as well. I think we've got a couple of weeks until both dragons are RTB, so we have time to figure this out!
I made a forum post so we can all discuss it together, instead of me relaying messages XD

Anyway, @WatchKeyPhone and @Vaylise, both of you are on board, so that's great! I guess the question is of who will host the nest - I'm perfectly happy to do that, and I can send over collateral dragons as well. I think we've got a couple of weeks until both dragons are RTB, so we have time to figure this out!
pinging again, just in case (since it didn't work last time) @WatchKeyPhone @Vaylise
pinging again, just in case (since it didn't work last time) @WatchKeyPhone @Vaylise
@Royalheather cool! Cygnus is ready to breed now so I'll save him for when the mate is ready. I'd be happy to host, or I'd be happy to let someone else host. Whatever is fine with me. :)
@Royalheather cool! Cygnus is ready to breed now so I'll save him for when the mate is ready. I'd be happy to host, or I'd be happy to let someone else host. Whatever is fine with me. :)
@WatchKeyPhone @Royalheather I am fine with having the nest in any of our nests, no preference. :) As for how long until the breeding, Rogue will be ready to breed in 15 days.
@WatchKeyPhone @Royalheather I am fine with having the nest in any of our nests, no preference. :) As for how long until the breeding, Rogue will be ready to breed in 15 days.
@WatchKeyPhone @Vaylise I'm partial to light eyes, so WatchKeyPhone if you wanted to host that would probably be the most efficient way to do things!
@WatchKeyPhone @Vaylise I'm partial to light eyes, so WatchKeyPhone if you wanted to host that would probably be the most efficient way to do things!
@Royalheather @Vaylise fine by me! :)
@Royalheather @Vaylise fine by me! :)
@WatchKeyPhone @Vaylise Cool beans then! I'll ping everyone as a reminder a couple of days before or something :)
@WatchKeyPhone @Vaylise Cool beans then! I'll ping everyone as a reminder a couple of days before or something :)
@watchkeyphone @vaylise so it's a couple of days before they're both RTB, and I just wanted to check in and make sure everything's still good to go! :)

Also, we should probably figure out payment - I figure I'll pay for the hatchling I get and you each get half of the price and then you decide between yourselves how to divvy up the other hatchlings (assuming it's not a one-egg nest). Even if we don't get a gold/obs/obs this time around, I'll still buy a hatchling because then I can get a mate and breed one myself.
@watchkeyphone @vaylise so it's a couple of days before they're both RTB, and I just wanted to check in and make sure everything's still good to go! :)

Also, we should probably figure out payment - I figure I'll pay for the hatchling I get and you each get half of the price and then you decide between yourselves how to divvy up the other hatchlings (assuming it's not a one-egg nest). Even if we don't get a gold/obs/obs this time around, I'll still buy a hatchling because then I can get a mate and breed one myself.
@Royalheather I'm still up for it. :D That payment plan sounds fine to me.
@Royalheather I'm still up for it. :D That payment plan sounds fine to me.
@Royalheather @WatchKeyPhone Sounds fine to me. :)
@Royalheather @WatchKeyPhone Sounds fine to me. :)
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