
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
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@Inculta - no worries. It's good for me to have that full list of gen1s from my friend's lair typed out anyway LOL /just steals all her gen1s
@Inculta - no worries. It's good for me to have that full list of gen1s from my friend's lair typed out anyway LOL /just steals all her gen1s
@lollobrigida: ROFL I know that feel! xD
@lollobrigida: ROFL I know that feel! xD

Just curious if you're still interested in my girl, because I'm close to getting another Spiral Scroll, and if you're not interested in her anymore I'll just go ahead and scroll her. If you are still thinking about her, I don't mind waiting until you make up your mind :D

Just curious if you're still interested in my girl, because I'm close to getting another Spiral Scroll, and if you're not interested in her anymore I'll just go ahead and scroll her. If you are still thinking about her, I don't mind waiting until you make up your mind :D
[color=palevioletred] @Inculta O-o' Oooh boy I don't suppose I could offer 2mill treasure for her (or the equivalent in gems rather)? If not I got these? xD [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ... You know what? You can pretty much ask for anything my lair and I will mostly trade for her. xD

Oooh boy I don't suppose I could offer 2mill treasure for her (or the equivalent in gems rather)?
If not I got these? xD





You know what? You can pretty much ask for anything my lair and I will mostly trade for her. xD
@Story: Anything, you say? Is Aether part of that? o:
Either way, definitely considered.
@Story: Anything, you say? Is Aether part of that? o:
Either way, definitely considered.
Aether, Story(maize) and Rosey(rose female) are not, I'm afraid. :c
I don't want to fill in a hole only to dig another you know? x'3

Thanks for considering regardless, and let me know what you decide to do!
Aether, Story(maize) and Rosey(rose female) are not, I'm afraid. :c
I don't want to fill in a hole only to dig another you know? x'3

Thanks for considering regardless, and let me know what you decide to do!
Man she is pretty. Wish I had something to offer. Good luck! :)
Man she is pretty. Wish I had something to offer. Good luck! :)
@Inculta: Holy crap what amazing luck. I have nothing remotely in her league to offer, sooo... *drive-by drools + bumps*

@Cherry: ...that obs/banana/tomato mirror's rather cute. I need a lair expansion, but he's tempting. XD
@Inculta: Holy crap what amazing luck. I have nothing remotely in her league to offer, sooo... *drive-by drools + bumps*

@Cherry: ...that obs/banana/tomato mirror's rather cute. I need a lair expansion, but he's tempting. XD
@Asher, @Attenuasis
Ahah, for once my luck is decent! xD Thanks!
@Asher, @Attenuasis
Ahah, for once my luck is decent! xD Thanks!

My Obsideon/Banana boy isn't up for sale or trade. I was only willing to trade him for this girl because she's something special :)

My Obsideon/Banana boy isn't up for sale or trade. I was only willing to trade him for this girl because she's something special :)
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