TOPIC | Theme Week: Crystalline Gala!

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Frostbite is prepared for a glorious crystalline gala!
Aslan is excited for this time of ice and snow!
I never have dragons that I think fit the theme, so awesome that I think i've got two!
Hyacinth is looking fancy sporting a 2020 fest skin. A dream dragon I set up a breeding project to get.
One of my fully gened gen-ones, Innarem wears a 2022 fest skin.
Gaenor is my most icy dragon... I should get more
i am once again sharing glacier whom i love
selene, one of my hatchling caretakers
and this beauty i just picked up!
Stay frosty, friends!~
Hail Dewspring, the Frozen Prince!
Tuunderaaz, the mighty leader of the Ice Claws (in my D&D campaign but still)
and baby Hvitur too!
my ice rep, Argul
frigidfin hunter Bidoof
and my lucky gen1 egg hatch, Ropata, who wears this year's new ice fest dusthide accent pretty dang well! he's like a frozen beach :)
[center]Yay! New Theme Week time!
If any of you recognize me you may know that in my clan there are the Ambassadors, religious leaders for each elemental dragon god. Snowfall is the one for Ice! He is a calm spirit and will sometimes help strangers he finds. Because of his appearance, some who encounter him think he is some sort of strange faerie.
Fossil was a banescale who wandered into the Starwood Strand after leaving her previous clan in the Frigid Floes. She was hatched from a line of banescales who had adapted to the snowy climate. She enjoys playing with others by ambushing them from a hidden place, like a bush or tree, but she says it was much more fun to do in the snow.[/center]
Yay! New Theme Week time!

If any of you recognize me you may know that in my clan there are the Ambassadors, religious leaders for each elemental dragon god. Snowfall is the one for Ice! He is a calm spirit and will sometimes help strangers he finds. Because of his appearance, some who encounter him think he is some sort of strange faerie.

Fossil was a banescale who wandered into the Starwood Strand after leaving her previous clan in the Frigid Floes. She was hatched from a line of banescales who had adapted to the snowy climate. She enjoys playing with others by ambushing them from a hidden place, like a bush or tree, but she says it was much more fun to do in the snow.

If any of you recognize me you may know that in my clan there are the Ambassadors, religious leaders for each elemental dragon god. Snowfall is the one for Ice! He is a calm spirit and will sometimes help strangers he finds. Because of his appearance, some who encounter him think he is some sort of strange faerie.

Fossil was a banescale who wandered into the Starwood Strand after leaving her previous clan in the Frigid Floes. She was hatched from a line of banescales who had adapted to the snowy climate. She enjoys playing with others by ambushing them from a hidden place, like a bush or tree, but she says it was much more fun to do in the snow.

[center]Happy Crystalline Gala! Frostbite wants to wish everyone in Ice and beyond a wonderful time~
[center]berkelt is a protector of paradise and the young hatchling pumpkin. Though awkward with his role as gaurdian of the young one, he has grown to care about the little guy like an uncle to his nephew.[/center]

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