
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Share your Dusthide's and Sandsurge's
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I have these three! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
I have these three!
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[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Accent shopCBsJXZk.gif Accent: Moonlight Halo Buy!
Sandsurges [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]



Dragons r my passion :) she/her

I'm working on a wiki for my Clan, here!
For dusthides, I have these two that I got from Galore. I still need to pick genes for them (purple dude I think I might have a scry picked (display/bee/carnivore), but not yellow lady) [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] I don't have any sandsurges in my permanent dragons, but I do have this nocturne I am considering turning into a sandsurge (first scry in her bio) [url=][img][/img][/url] My only issue is deciding whether the expense is worth the result. I can't find any other scries that I'd want to gene on her though, so it might win the argument by default.
For dusthides, I have these two that I got from Galore. I still need to pick genes for them (purple dude I think I might have a scry picked (display/bee/carnivore), but not yellow lady)
I don't have any sandsurges in my permanent dragons, but I do have this nocturne I am considering turning into a sandsurge (first scry in her bio)
My only issue is deciding whether the expense is worth the result. I can't find any other scries that I'd want to gene on her though, so it might win the argument by default.
a922ec5c573bccc1d57aef84d78cfa19067bc414.pngWishlist || Cauldron
[center]I've loved the sandsurges since they came out. It's a shame they're so expensive... it may be what makes them slightly unpopular as far as ancients go. In my personal opinion, they probably look the fiercest/coolest out of all the ancients, and they're pretty high up on my list of all time favorite dragons. Here are some of mine: [columns][center][b]Maracius[/b] ----- At the time when I bought my first dragons to turn in to sandsurges (I didn't get very good colors for my protogens unfortunately), I wasn't really thinking about the colors all too much, just the genes and how PRETTY they looked. The ones that I failed to breed together are in my hibernal lair since I can't sell/exalt them--I still love them! They're just not part of my priority for making new pretties. I just finished Maracius as my latest gene project to be the mate of my next sandsurge that I'm about to show.[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][center][b]Ashura[/b] ----- I think that out of the four original dragons I had bought and morphed into sandsurges, Ashura was my favorite. I loved her genes and I loved her colors, I wanted to make more dragons like her, which eventually lead me to buying my aforementioned sandsurge, Maracius. The thing that tied everything together for her was the skin that I purchased. I also may have a very unhealthy obsession with the tert "soap."[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center]Okay, I will admit that when the devs announced the latest ancient breed, I wasn't too impressed. It probably also didn't help that the breed itself was treasure based breed, so not as impressive. However, scrying helped A LOT. After looking through a lot of color combos and getting a few ideas from some of the posts, I fell in love with scales/bee/spores combo! Even though I love the idea of the antlers, I just can't see these dinos without the spores tert. Here are some of my dusthides: [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][b]Mithril[/b] ----- Again, it took a lot of scrying and planning to decide what pair of dragons would fit my idea of the perfect dusthides. I really wanted to give antlers a go, truly, but none of my combos worked with it. Real shame, but hopefully I'll be able to play around with that tert once it comes out for the other breeds. Anyways, spores was doing it for me. The scales primary gene goes fantastically with a darker color like black/midnight. I really wanted to find something with oilslick to go with some greens, but AH wasn't having it, so both my dusthides have the black and blue combo. Needless to say, I'm in love with Mithril.[/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][b]Blueberyl[/b] ----- So to start off, the name "Blueberyl" is inspired by my DnD gem obsessed gnome character "Blueberyl Gemstone." She also has blue hair, just like my dragon. Because dusthides originate from the Earth flight, I had to go with something gem-like inspired, and thus I named her after my favorite DnD character. To pair with Mithril, I had to find a dragon that would match his color combo. Hate to admit it, but I'm not very adventurous with crazy breeding colors and generally tend to stick to pairs that have close colors to breed with--as they scale based on how far away they are to each other on FR's color wheel. So I ended up going with midnight/carribean/cyan (kinda had my heart set on Stonewash or Cerulean as the secondary color, but I'm happy with this too). I love that the accent from Wavecrest Saturnalia works with her too!
I've loved the sandsurges since they came out. It's a shame they're so expensive... it may be what makes them slightly unpopular as far as ancients go. In my personal opinion, they probably look the fiercest/coolest out of all the ancients, and they're pretty high up on my list of all time favorite dragons.

Here are some of mine:
At the time when I bought my first dragons to turn in to sandsurges (I didn't get very good colors for my protogens unfortunately), I wasn't really thinking about the colors all too much, just the genes and how PRETTY they looked. The ones that I failed to breed together are in my hibernal lair since I can't sell/exalt them--I still love them! They're just not part of my priority for making new pretties.
I just finished Maracius as my latest gene project to be the mate of my next sandsurge that I'm about to show.
I think that out of the four original dragons I had bought and morphed into sandsurges, Ashura was my favorite. I loved her genes and I loved her colors, I wanted to make more dragons like her, which eventually lead me to buying my aforementioned sandsurge, Maracius. The thing that tied everything together for her was the skin that I purchased.
I also may have a very unhealthy obsession with the tert "soap."
Okay, I will admit that when the devs announced the latest ancient breed, I wasn't too impressed. It probably also didn't help that the breed itself was treasure based breed, so not as impressive. However, scrying helped A LOT. After looking through a lot of color combos and getting a few ideas from some of the posts, I fell in love with scales/bee/spores combo! Even though I love the idea of the antlers, I just can't see these dinos without the spores tert.

Here are some of my dusthides:
Again, it took a lot of scrying and planning to decide what pair of dragons would fit my idea of the perfect dusthides. I really wanted to give antlers a go, truly, but none of my combos worked with it. Real shame, but hopefully I'll be able to play around with that tert once it comes out for the other breeds. Anyways, spores was doing it for me. The scales primary gene goes fantastically with a darker color like black/midnight. I really wanted to find something with oilslick to go with some greens, but AH wasn't having it, so both my dusthides have the black and blue combo.
Needless to say, I'm in love with Mithril.
So to start off, the name "Blueberyl" is inspired by my DnD gem obsessed gnome character "Blueberyl Gemstone." She also has blue hair, just like my dragon. Because dusthides originate from the Earth flight, I had to go with something gem-like inspired, and thus I named her after my favorite DnD character.
To pair with Mithril, I had to find a dragon that would match his color combo. Hate to admit it, but I'm not very adventurous with crazy breeding colors and generally tend to stick to pairs that have close colors to breed with--as they scale based on how far away they are to each other on FR's color wheel. So I ended up going with midnight/carribean/cyan (kinda had my heart set on Stonewash or Cerulean as the secondary color, but I'm happy with this too).
I love that the accent from Wavecrest Saturnalia works with her too!
[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

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