@Malliya sorry about the wait! this guy is so cool looking but agghhhh there are literally NO items that match that yellow colour and it's driving me crazy.. i wanted to do an edgy punk corrosive acid type look with a steam mask or something but nothing worked so i did a couple different ideas instead :( i hope they're helpful at least!
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/kOw6Vkl.png[/img][nextcol][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/skin/3096052]artist is taking unlimited print sign ups for 550g[/url][/center][/columns]
[gamedb item=41767]
one on AH[/center]
[center][skin=48439] [skin=46465] [skin=44218]
[gamedb item=48439] [gamedb item=46465] [gamedb item=44218][/center]
Malliya sorry about the wait! this guy is so cool looking but agghhhh there are literally NO items that match that yellow colour and it's driving me crazy.. i wanted to do an edgy punk corrosive acid type look with a steam mask or something but nothing worked so i did a couple different ideas instead :( i hope they're helpful at least!
idek what to call ths
@Pashinko so sorry about the wait! i really enjoyed dressing them, i hope it helps <3
[gamedb item=52655]
two on AH[/center][/columns]
[gamedb item=51057]
one on AH[/center][/columns]
[skin=52138] [skin=49213]
[gamedb item=52138] [gamedb item=49213]
Pashinko so sorry about the wait! i really enjoyed dressing them, i hope it helps <3
Skin: Sunlaced Accent: copper chimes
These are gorgeousss!! I love those skins so much <333 Thank you!
These are gorgeousss!! I love those skins so much <333 Thank you!
Don't worry about it, these results are lovely!!!
It really is a hard colour to find huh, oh well I love what you put together anyways.
Thank you so much! ^^
Don't worry about it, these results are lovely!!!
It really is a hard colour to find huh, oh well I love what you put together anyways.
Thank you so much! ^^
[center] [morphology=4343727] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/93495712][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/934958/93495712.png[/img][/url]
hello! on the 8th i received my first T shot! i've officially begun my medical transition and bought a dragon hatched the same day (i actually bought two) to celebrate and have a reminder of the time that passes, but i'm coming short on outfit ideas :(
[b]request type:[/b] any apparel (i'm open to an accent if you find any)
[b]exclude:[/b] but if you could exclude as much as you can really rare and/or pricy items without blocking yourself creatively
[b]other info:[/b] i was thinking of mostly pastel colors to reflect the color palette of the trans flag (but it doesn't have to be just pink/blue/white, since their genes have yellow accents)
this is the other dragon that i got, if you want to dress him too. you can choose to dress him instead of the other or not dress this one at all. just showing off my trans pride babies :)
have a good day/night!
Genes/skin/apparel :3!
And modern breeds please (cuz you can't dress an ancient XD) + idm any breed besides faes, nocs, snaps, and bogs (just find them a lil harder to connect to!)
High budget though for outfits and geneing
I have all apparel slots!!!
I have three choices you can choose one from so if you find more inspo for one then yeh choose that one!! (not all lol)
ALSO how much would it be for you to scry something (no specific dragon) for a skin and then dress it? Might switch this out if you do and don't find any inspo for any of these dragons!!!
Genes/skin/apparel :3!
And modern breeds please (cuz you can't dress an ancient XD) + idm any breed besides faes, nocs, snaps, and bogs (just find them a lil harder to connect to!)
High budget though for outfits and geneing
I have all apparel slots!!!
I have three choices you can choose one from so if you find more inspo for one then yeh choose that one!! (not all lol)

ALSO how much would it be for you to scry something (no specific dragon) for a skin and then dress it? Might switch this out if you do and don't find any inspo for any of these dragons!!!
I'm Toucanda! Check out my stuff
ToucandaToucan these guys all look super fun honestly, i'd love to dress the first two especially! i've scried+dressed a morphology to match a skin before just through regular posts in the thread, but if you wanted me to do it asap i would price that at 75g! PWYW is also totally fine, i find it a super fun way of doing things ;w;
ToucandaToucan these guys all look super fun honestly, i'd love to dress the first two especially! i've scried+dressed a morphology to match a skin before just through regular posts in the thread, but if you wanted me to do it asap i would price that at 75g! PWYW is also totally fine, i find it a super fun way of doing things ;w;
Silks Ohh okay! Yup I can totally keep that in mind for later then yeyeye since you're only taking one at a time so just choose which of those gen1s you want to do :D! The amount paid is no problem! If you'd like to do multiples then go ahead! Just not sure since you said only one req at a time!
Silks Ohh okay! Yup I can totally keep that in mind for later then yeyeye since you're only taking one at a time so just choose which of those gen1s you want to do :D! The amount paid is no problem! If you'd like to do multiples then go ahead! Just not sure since you said only one req at a time!
I'm Toucanda! Check out my stuff
oh just realized this service was free lolololol but Idga f I was going to pay anyways XD I'll just smack an appropriate amount for whatever you want to do! (Can also show you some skins I'd like scries for so I know whenever you're up to take which one or ones you want to do!)
oh just realized this service was free lolololol but Idga f I was going to pay anyways XD I'll just smack an appropriate amount for whatever you want to do! (Can also show you some skins I'd like scries for so I know whenever you're up to take which one or ones you want to do!)
I'm Toucanda! Check out my stuff