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TOPIC | [Subspecies] Mermfae! [-OLD-]
[center][img][/img] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7][b][u]The Merfae[/u][/b][/size][/font] ----- [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Monotype Corsiva][size=5]We have a discord! Come join the pod with us![/size][/font] [url=]Click me! :D[/url] [i][/i] [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=6]--+{GENERAL INFORMATION}+--[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=5]--[Origins]--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]It all started just as any other fairy tale: Once upon a time, there was a fae. This fae, by the name of Conlectus, loved the sea very much. He wanted to swim, breathe, and live under the surface of the ocean, to join the schools of fish and guardians that lie below. He was not able to breathe water, nor was he a strong swimmer; although Conlectus was a very cunning, charismatic fae. And so, he concocted a plan. Conlectus would spend his days along the shore, collecting only the most perfect seashells and the most expensive pearls, creating rows upon rows of idols of the Tidelord with these pristine oceanic baubles, leaving treasure and priceless works of art in the center of every one. Every day on which the sun set, Conlectus would hum a long, eerie tune into the horizon before retiring for the day. He thought that, if he could get the deity's attention, he could finally get his wish, to be one with the sea. Five hundred and seventy-four days and countless idols later, word had spread, and many had come to visit this peculiar landmark Conlectus had created. No one dared to join, aside from the creation of a few extra idols from a few sympathetic and creatively inclined fellows. Everyone had thought that this project had been hopeless, that the deities only spoke to a select few, the destined and heroes of old. No one had dared interfered, either, scared that they would be cursed by harming one of the many creations Conlectus had made, believing him to secretely be a powerful sorcerer. That is, until a particularly bold group of troublemakers came along. The raiders were swift and powerful, stealing most idols, and smashing the rest open to steal what treasures lay inside. Some had tried to stop them, and Conlectus had been badly hurt while trying to defend the creations of which he had dedicated his life to. Alas, at the end of the day, there was nothing left but shattered shells and stained sands. Conlectus lay wounded at the shore, defeated and too hurt to go on. There, he finished one last idol from the shattered remains of all that had fallen from around him, a broken, disfigured creature splatter-stained red. As the sun sank below the tide, he closed his eyes and sang one last tune as his scales fell cold. But then, to his surprise, they opened once more. Conlectus was not where he once was, either, and his body had changed. His wings and sails were larger, his scales smoother, his claws webbed, and his hindlegs were now two large fins. His prayers had been answered at last. Conlectus was finally one with the sea. Now Conlectus and merfae as a whole are all but a myth. Sightings had turned to superstition, and tales had turned to legend. Those that had supposedly seen Conlectus have said that he now travels with three new companions, mysterious figures who change from myth to myth.[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]--[How to become a Merfae]--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]While most merfae are hatched to merfae parent(s), some take the route of Conlectus. The dragon must wander to the shore of shattered shells, Conlectus' final resting place, and create their own idol to the Tidelord. Then, they must sing a tune as the sun sets, and sleep at the foot of their creation. The Tidelord will decide upon who awakens anew into a pod of merfae and who never wakes at all. Of course, with the Tidelord's recent absence, this ritual now ends with failure; those who perform it now simply wake up once more at the foot of their idol.[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]--[Clan Life]--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Merfae cannot survive very long on land, as they would dry up and die if not in water for too long, and cannot walk on their hindflippers. However, they do quite enjoy living in ornamental ponds and nearby lakes, even if it's not quite as salty as they'd like. Merfae tend to get along well with their clanmates no matter the differences between them, especially those shunned because of those differences. Unfortunately, there's also those who would rather capture a merfae from the wild and sell it as an exotic aquarium feature for profit.[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]--[Roles]--[/size][/font] -[u]HUNTERS[/u]- [font=Gabriola][size=5]Hunters hunt for the clan, and are often the highest level, and of the more aggressive subtypes.[/size][/font] -[u]GATHERERS[/u]- [font=Gabriola][size=5]Gatherers are often members who do not fit any other role, or prefer the quiet, easy life. They gather food and valuables for their pod, and also tend to do a lot of the trading and raising of hatchlings.[/size][/font] -[u]BEAST-TAMERS[/u]- [font=Gabriola][size=5]Beast-tamers are the merfae who tame, raise, and care for whatever oceanic creatures the pod may have available, such as abyssal strikers, mottled sea serpents, mamertees, and even sometimes deeprealm hunters or spiney whales.[/size][/font] -[u]SENTINELS[/u]- [font=Gabriola][size=5]Sentinels are often hunters who have gotten too old or are too young to chase down prey, and guard their pod through day and night. They are often found accompanying elders, hatchlings, gatherers, and leaders.[/size][/font] -[u]ELDERS[/u]- [font=Gabriola][size=5]Elders are the merfae who have gotten too old to fill any roles, Or have been disabled in some way. They often care for the hatchlings of the clan or do minor tasks for their pod, or become lore-keepers and story-tellers.[/size][/font] -[u]MEMBERS[/u]- [font=Gabriola][size=5]Members are simply members of the pod who have just exited hatchlinghood, but have not found their role yet, or those that have taken up other jobs unusual for merfae like jewelry-making or lore-keeping. Members tend to do the same jobs as elders and then some, doing most of their pod's work.[/size][/font] -[u]LEADERS[/u]- [font=Gabriola][size=5]Leaders are the merfae chosen by the ocean to lead their pod. Upon one leader's death, one will suddenly grow one, large sail on the top of their head. It is unknown how the new leader is chosen, but what is known is that the decision always works out for best of the pod, even if indirectly. The leaders hold the highest rank, and have the most powerful magic of their pod. Leaders manage and assign roles as best fit, and oversee most trading done with their pod. They will make large decisions final, and are the ones to turn to when in need.[/size][/font]

The Merfae

We have a discord! Come join the pod with us!
Click me! :D


It all started just as any other fairy tale: Once upon a time, there was a fae. This fae, by the name of Conlectus, loved the sea very much. He wanted to swim, breathe, and live under the surface of the ocean, to join the schools of fish and guardians that lie below. He was not able to breathe water, nor was he a strong swimmer; although Conlectus was a very cunning, charismatic fae. And so, he concocted a plan.

Conlectus would spend his days along the shore, collecting only the most perfect seashells and the most expensive pearls, creating rows upon rows of idols of the Tidelord with these pristine oceanic baubles, leaving treasure and priceless works of art in the center of every one. Every day on which the sun set, Conlectus would hum a long, eerie tune into the horizon before retiring for the day. He thought that, if he could get the deity's attention, he could finally get his wish, to be one with the sea.

Five hundred and seventy-four days and countless idols later, word had spread, and many had come to visit this peculiar landmark Conlectus had created. No one dared to join, aside from the creation of a few extra idols from a few sympathetic and creatively inclined fellows. Everyone had thought that this project had been hopeless, that the deities only spoke to a select few, the destined and heroes of old. No one had dared interfered, either, scared that they would be cursed by harming one of the many creations Conlectus had made, believing him to secretely be a powerful sorcerer. That is, until a particularly bold group of troublemakers came along.

The raiders were swift and powerful, stealing most idols, and smashing the rest open to steal what treasures lay inside. Some had tried to stop them, and Conlectus had been badly hurt while trying to defend the creations of which he had dedicated his life to. Alas, at the end of the day, there was nothing left but shattered shells and stained sands. Conlectus lay wounded at the shore, defeated and too hurt to go on. There, he finished one last idol from the shattered remains of all that had fallen from around him, a broken, disfigured creature splatter-stained red. As the sun sank below the tide, he closed his eyes and sang one last tune as his scales fell cold.

But then, to his surprise, they opened once more. Conlectus was not where he once was, either, and his body had changed. His wings and sails were larger, his scales smoother, his claws webbed, and his hindlegs were now two large fins. His prayers had been answered at last. Conlectus was finally one with the sea.

Now Conlectus and merfae as a whole are all but a myth. Sightings had turned to superstition, and tales had turned to legend. Those that had supposedly seen Conlectus have said that he now travels with three new companions, mysterious figures who change from myth to myth.


--[How to become a Merfae]--
While most merfae are hatched to merfae parent(s), some take the route of Conlectus. The dragon must wander to the shore of shattered shells, Conlectus' final resting place, and create their own idol to the Tidelord. Then, they must sing a tune as the sun sets, and sleep at the foot of their creation. The Tidelord will decide upon who awakens anew into a pod of merfae and who never wakes at all. Of course, with the Tidelord's recent absence, this ritual now ends with failure; those who perform it now simply wake up once more at the foot of their idol.

--[Clan Life]--
Merfae cannot survive very long on land, as they would dry up and die if not in water for too long, and cannot walk on their hindflippers. However, they do quite enjoy living in ornamental ponds and nearby lakes, even if it's not quite as salty as they'd like. Merfae tend to get along well with their clanmates no matter the differences between them, especially those shunned because of those differences. Unfortunately, there's also those who would rather capture a merfae from the wild and sell it as an exotic aquarium feature for profit.

Hunters hunt for the clan, and are often the highest level, and of the more aggressive subtypes.

Gatherers are often members who do not fit any other role, or prefer the quiet, easy life. They gather food and valuables for their pod, and also tend to do a lot of the trading and raising of hatchlings.

Beast-tamers are the merfae who tame, raise, and care for whatever oceanic creatures the pod may have available, such as abyssal strikers, mottled sea serpents, mamertees, and even sometimes deeprealm hunters or spiney whales.

Sentinels are often hunters who have gotten too old or are too young to chase down prey, and guard their pod through day and night. They are often found accompanying elders, hatchlings, gatherers, and leaders.

Elders are the merfae who have gotten too old to fill any roles, Or have been disabled in some way. They often care for the hatchlings of the clan or do minor tasks for their pod, or become lore-keepers and story-tellers.

Members are simply members of the pod who have just exited hatchlinghood, but have not found their role yet, or those that have taken up other jobs unusual for merfae like jewelry-making or lore-keeping. Members tend to do the same jobs as elders and then some, doing most of their pod's work.

Leaders are the merfae chosen by the ocean to lead their pod. Upon one leader's death, one will suddenly grow one, large sail on the top of their head. It is unknown how the new leader is chosen, but what is known is that the decision always works out for best of the pod, even if indirectly. The leaders hold the highest rank, and have the most powerful magic of their pod. Leaders manage and assign roles as best fit, and oversee most trading done with their pod. They will make large decisions final, and are the ones to turn to when in need.
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Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!
[center][font=Optima][size=7][b][u]Gene Requirements[/u][/b][/size][/font] ----- [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Merfae}+--[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Bar, Cherub, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Lionfish, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Slime, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Secondary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any blue from storm to spruce[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[SecondaryColors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any blue from storm to spruce[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any blue/green from storm to chartreuse (no radioactive)[/size][/font] - [font=Gabriola][size=5]Merfae travel in groups widely known as pods, or shoals. Their communities are tight-knit and talkative, and several types of merfae are often present in any one group. Merfae will spend their days in their role of either hunter, gatherer, beast-tamer, sentinel, elder, member, or leader as assigned. Pods of merfae will often sing together to bond, most often at sunset or under the full moon, and can also be attracted by music in general. Merfae are very friendly, curious, and playful, albeit timid and shy at first around non-merfae dragons.[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Variants}+--[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=6]--+{Syren}+--[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Bar, Cherub, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Secondary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any blue from storm to spruce[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[SecondaryColors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any purple/blue from plum to spruce[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any purple/blue/green from plum to chartreuse (no radioactive/hunter-swamp) - [b]Cerulean wasp/bee strongly recommended[/b][/size][/font] **[b]Must be female[/b]** - [font=Gabriola][size=5]Syrens rarely travel with merfae of any subtype, and would rather stick to their own kind. Syrens are very vain and self-centered on average, but those very few who aren't tend to be quiet and withdrawn. The shoals they travel in tend to be [i]very[/i] large, with its own complex dominance system that changes from school-to-school, but always revolves around the queen, the strongest syren of the school. Syrens cannot be male, and so they rely solely on crossbreeding (often with regular merfae) to continue their bloodlines. They hunt by gathering near shorelines and luring in unsuspecting dragons, or whatever else comes, via hypnotic songs. Those who approach never return.[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=6]--+{Markfae}+--[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Bar, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Secondary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any gray from grey to charcoal[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[SecondaryColors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any blue from storm to spruce[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any blue/green from storm to chartreuse (no radioactive) Blood and sanguine[/size][/font] - [b]Level 20+ required[/b] - [font=Gabriola][size=5]Markfae often travel with merfae and syrens, in shivers rather than pods, and often even alone. Markfae strictly train their young until adulthood, reaching level 25 once fully mature. Markfae are usually bigger, faster, and stronger than mermfaes, have much longer, sharper teeth and claws, and do most, if not all, of their pod's hunting. Although their tough, cold, indifferent outer shell and their strict ways may lead you to believe that's how they'd treat anybody, they are quite friendly, gentle, and caring once well known. They get along especially well with kraitfae. That said, markfae also have a blood-deep hatred for rixarfae due to their clashing natures.[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=6]--+{Cryofaes}+--[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Bar, Cherub, Crystal, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Slime, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Secondary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Facet, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Opal, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any white/gray from cream to smoke Sky and robin[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[SecondaryColors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any white/gray from cream to smoke Sky and robin[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any white/gray from cream to smoke Any blue from storm to spruce - [b]Must be of the ice flight[/b][/size][/font] - [font=Gabriola][size=5]Cryofae specialize in inhabiting even the coldest of seas. They are much like other merfaes, but tend to be much more relaxed and even lethargic. While merfae are typically nomadic, cryofae rarely move, and cultivate much of their food instead of seeking it out and hunting or gathering it. Cryofaes will sometimes burrow caves in the underside of large glaciers, forming large drifting communities where few would ever dare venture. Cryofae are also unfortunately prone to melting in warmer temperatures, and what is lost or disfigured as they melt is a painful, permanent change.[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=6]--+{Kraitfae}+--[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Bar, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Poison, Python, Skink, Tapir, Vipera[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Secondary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Facet, Hex, Hypnotic, Morph, Noxtide, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Capsule, Contour, Ghost, Glimmer, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smoke, Spines, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Obsidian[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[SecondaryColors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any blue from storm to spruce[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any purple from heather to amethyst Any blue from storm to spruce Any yellow from honey to yellow Any orange from sunshine to sunset Any red from ruby to crimson Any pink from pink to rose[/size][/font] - [font=Gabriola][size=5]Kraitfae have no arms or legs; unlike all other merfae subtypes, who have arms, but no hindlegs. Kraitfae also have the largest average wingspan of any merfae subtype, if not fae in general. This makes them quite the oddity, especially so towards landfae. On top of this is the kraitfae's venomous fangs and fin spines and ability to venture onto land via slithering or flight, as their scales are more equipped for retaining hydration on land; although they still must return at least every other day to water as to not dry out. Kraitfae hold many similarities to the markfae socially and habitually, preferring to be alone, with markfae groups, or in massive groups of other kraitfae, and tend to be very quiet.[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=6]--+{Axolfae}+--[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Bar, Leopard, Iridescent[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Secondary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Alloy, Clouded, Shimmer, Striation[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Filigree, Ghost, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smoke, Spines, Thylacine, Underbelly[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]White, oilslick, black, auburn, and rust[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[SecondaryColors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any purple from orchid to grape Any blue from periwinkle to splash Any orange from sunshine to sunset Any pink from mauve to rose[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Any purple from orchid to grape Any blue from periwinkle to splash Any orange from sunshine to sunset Any pink from mauve to rose[/size][/font] - [font=Gabriola][size=5]Although they appear to merely be a shyer color variation of the merfae on the surface, axolfae are expert healers. With regenerative properties so fast-working that they could regrow an arm in a day, and frills that can pick up the slightest movement of the water or the emotions of those around them, they are an extremely rare and valued type of merfae. On top of this, they have all four limbs, just like a landfae, and get along with every other subtype. Axolfae are very compassionate, empathetic creatures, and can even be found among landfae populations.[/size][/font] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=6]--+{Rixarfae}+--[/size][/font] [img][/img] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Bar, Giraffe, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Lionfish, Metallic, Piebald, Poison, Ripple, Skink, Tiger, Vipera, Wasp[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Secondary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Alloy, Bee, Butterfly, Clouded, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Noxtide, Paint, Peregrine, Shimmer, Spinner, Striation, Toxin[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Genes]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]Capsule, Contour, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Primary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]White Any color from blackberry to stonewash, azure to turquoise, mint to shamrock, avocado to leaf, amber to grapefruit, marigold to fire, vermilion to cerise, cottoncandy to pearl[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[SecondaryColors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]White Any color from blackberry to stonewash, azure to turquoise, mint to shamrock, avocado to leaf, amber to grapefruit, marigold to fire, vermilion to cerise, cottoncandy to pearl[/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=5]-[Tertiary Colors]-[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=5]White Any color from blackberry to stonewash, azure to turquoise, mint to shamrock, avocado to leaf, amber to grapefruit, marigold to fire, vermilion to cerise, cottoncandy to pearl[/size][/font] - [font=Gabriola][size=5]Rixarfae are the most battle-oriented, aggressive merfae. This reputation, however, was the result of the males of the species. Female rixarfae are tiny, quiet, and withdrawn, preferring flight over fight. Females also gather in small groups from 2-6 rixarfae, while males are the only merfae subtype to be completely solitary. Rixarfae came into being as merfae became captured and imprisoned like decorations, and eventually bred for their beautiful, vibrant colors and tough, survival-of-the-fittest nature. This very nature causes them to clash with the markfae especially, creating a species-wide fissure between the two subtypes. Although very strong and bold, rixarfae are not adapted for surviving the wild bodies of water in sorineth, forever bound to depend on others, or live behind small glass walls.[/size][/font]
Gene Requirements


-[Primary Genes]-
Bar, Cherub, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Lionfish, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Slime, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp
-[Secondary Genes]-
Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation
-[Tertiary Genes]-
Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined
-[Primary Colors]-
Any blue from storm to spruce
Any blue from storm to spruce
-[Tertiary Colors]-
Any blue/green from storm to chartreuse (no radioactive)
Merfae travel in groups widely known as pods, or shoals. Their communities are tight-knit and talkative, and several types of merfae are often present in any one group. Merfae will spend their days in their role of either hunter, gatherer, beast-tamer, sentinel, elder, member, or leader as assigned. Pods of merfae will often sing together to bond, most often at sunset or under the full moon, and can also be attracted by music in general. Merfae are very friendly, curious, and playful, albeit timid and shy at first around non-merfae dragons.


-[Primary Genes]-
Bar, Cherub, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp
-[Secondary Genes]-
Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation
-[Tertiary Genes]-
Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined
-[Primary Colors]-
Any blue from storm to spruce
Any purple/blue from plum to spruce
-[Tertiary Colors]-
Any purple/blue/green from plum to chartreuse (no radioactive/hunter-swamp)
Cerulean wasp/bee strongly recommended

**Must be female**
Syrens rarely travel with merfae of any subtype, and would rather stick to their own kind. Syrens are very vain and self-centered on average, but those very few who aren't tend to be quiet and withdrawn. The shoals they travel in tend to be very large, with its own complex dominance system that changes from school-to-school, but always revolves around the queen, the strongest syren of the school. Syrens cannot be male, and so they rely solely on crossbreeding (often with regular merfae) to continue their bloodlines. They hunt by gathering near shorelines and luring in unsuspecting dragons, or whatever else comes, via hypnotic songs. Those who approach never return.

-[Primary Genes]-
Bar, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp
-[Secondary Genes]-
Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation
-[Tertiary Genes]-
Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined
-[Primary Colors]-
Any gray from grey to charcoal
Any blue from storm to spruce
-[Tertiary Colors]-
Any blue/green from storm to chartreuse (no radioactive)
Blood and sanguine

Level 20+ required
Markfae often travel with merfae and syrens, in shivers rather than pods, and often even alone. Markfae strictly train their young until adulthood, reaching level 25 once fully mature. Markfae are usually bigger, faster, and stronger than mermfaes, have much longer, sharper teeth and claws, and do most, if not all, of their pod's hunting.
Although their tough, cold, indifferent outer shell and their strict ways may lead you to believe that's how they'd treat anybody, they are quite friendly, gentle, and caring once well known. They get along especially well with kraitfae.
That said, markfae also have a blood-deep hatred for rixarfae due to their clashing natures.

-[Primary Genes]-
Bar, Cherub, Crystal, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Ripple, Skink, Slime, Starmap, Tapir, Wasp
-[Secondary Genes]-
Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Facet, Hex, Hypnotic, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation
-[Tertiary Genes]-
Capsule, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Opal, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Stained, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined
-[Primary Colors]-
Any white/gray from cream to smoke
Sky and robin

Any white/gray from cream to smoke
Sky and robin

-[Tertiary Colors]-
Any white/gray from cream to smoke
Any blue from storm to spruce
Must be of the ice flight

Cryofae specialize in inhabiting even the coldest of seas. They are much like other merfaes, but tend to be much more relaxed and even lethargic. While merfae are typically nomadic, cryofae rarely move, and cultivate much of their food instead of seeking it out and hunting or gathering it. Cryofaes will sometimes burrow caves in the underside of large glaciers, forming large drifting communities where few would ever dare venture. Cryofae are also unfortunately prone to melting in warmer temperatures, and what is lost or disfigured as they melt is a painful, permanent change.

-[Primary Genes]-
Bar, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Metallic, Poison, Python, Skink, Tapir, Vipera
-[Secondary Genes]-
Alloy, Bee, Clouded, Constellation, Current, Daub, Edged, Facet, Hex, Hypnotic, Morph, Noxtide, Peregrine, Shimmer, Sludge, Striation
-[Tertiary Genes]-
Capsule, Contour, Ghost, Glimmer, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smoke, Spines, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined
-[Primary Colors]-
Any blue from storm to spruce
-[Tertiary Colors]-
Any purple from heather to amethyst
Any blue from storm to spruce
Any yellow from honey to yellow
Any orange from sunshine to sunset
Any red from ruby to crimson
Any pink from pink to rose

Kraitfae have no arms or legs; unlike all other merfae subtypes, who have arms, but no hindlegs. Kraitfae also have the largest average wingspan of any merfae subtype, if not fae in general. This makes them quite the oddity, especially so towards landfae. On top of this is the kraitfae's venomous fangs and fin spines and ability to venture onto land via slithering or flight, as their scales are more equipped for retaining hydration on land; although they still must return at least every other day to water as to not dry out. Kraitfae hold many similarities to the markfae socially and habitually, preferring to be alone, with markfae groups, or in massive groups of other kraitfae, and tend to be very quiet.

-[Primary Genes]-
Bar, Leopard, Iridescent
-[Secondary Genes]-
Alloy, Clouded, Shimmer, Striation
-[Tertiary Genes]-
Filigree, Ghost, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smoke, Spines, Thylacine, Underbelly
-[Primary Colors]-
White, oilslick, black, auburn, and rust
Any purple from orchid to grape
Any blue from periwinkle to splash
Any orange from sunshine to sunset
Any pink from mauve to rose

-[Tertiary Colors]-
Any purple from orchid to grape
Any blue from periwinkle to splash
Any orange from sunshine to sunset
Any pink from mauve to rose

Although they appear to merely be a shyer color variation of the merfae on the surface, axolfae are expert healers. With regenerative properties so fast-working that they could regrow an arm in a day, and frills that can pick up the slightest movement of the water or the emotions of those around them, they are an extremely rare and valued type of merfae. On top of this, they have all four limbs, just like a landfae, and get along with every other subtype. Axolfae are very compassionate, empathetic creatures, and can even be found among landfae populations.

-[Primary Genes]-
Bar, Giraffe, Iridescent, Laced, Leopard, Lionfish, Metallic, Piebald, Poison, Ripple, Skink, Tiger, Vipera, Wasp
-[Secondary Genes]-
Alloy, Bee, Butterfly, Clouded, Current, Daub, Edged, Hex, Hypnotic, Noxtide, Paint, Peregrine, Shimmer, Spinner, Striation, Toxin
-[Tertiary Genes]-
Capsule, Contour, Crackle, Filigree, Ghost, Glimmer, Lace, Peacock, Ringlets, Runes, Scales, Smirch, Smoke, Spines, Thylacine, Underbelly, Veined
-[Primary Colors]-
Any color from blackberry to stonewash,
azure to turquoise,
mint to shamrock,
avocado to leaf,
amber to grapefruit,
marigold to fire,
vermilion to cerise,
cottoncandy to pearl

Any color from blackberry to stonewash,
azure to turquoise,
mint to shamrock,
avocado to leaf,
amber to grapefruit,
marigold to fire,
vermilion to cerise,
cottoncandy to pearl

-[Tertiary Colors]-
Any color from blackberry to stonewash,
azure to turquoise,
mint to shamrock,
avocado to leaf,
amber to grapefruit,
marigold to fire,
vermilion to cerise,
cottoncandy to pearl

Rixarfae are the most battle-oriented, aggressive merfae. This reputation, however, was the result of the males of the species. Female rixarfae are tiny, quiet, and withdrawn, preferring flight over fight. Females also gather in small groups from 2-6 rixarfae, while males are the only merfae subtype to be completely solitary. Rixarfae came into being as merfae became captured and imprisoned like decorations, and eventually bred for their beautiful, vibrant colors and tough, survival-of-the-fittest nature. This very nature causes them to clash with the markfae especially, creating a species-wide fissure between the two subtypes. Although very strong and bold, rixarfae are not adapted for surviving the wild bodies of water in sorineth, forever bound to depend on others, or live behind small glass walls.
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Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!
[center][font=Optima][size=7][b][u]Eye Lore[/u][/b][/size][/font] ----- [i][/i] [i][/i] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Common-Rare[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Any plague merfae would just be glad they didn't get primal eyes.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Faceted[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Cryofae find these eyes especially beautiful, and markfae prize facet-eyed members for their improved vision.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Dark Sclera[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Syrens and cryofae find these eyes beautiful; markfae, kraitfae, and rixarfae automatically become the coolest fae in the ocean just by having these. Merfae with dark sclera, however, just get angsty.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Glowing[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Merfae claim these are a blessing, markfae claim these are a curse. Syrens claim they're pretty but annoying to look at.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Goat[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Merfae with these eyes tend to grow actual, webbed limbs with age, making them the only merfae able to walk on land (for a short amount of time before they dry up, that is). Merfae with these eyes also tend to have diminished intelligence and eat primarily plants, however.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Multi-Gaze[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]All merfae subtypes prize members with these eyes as masterful sentinels and gatherers. Syrens, however, find them hideous.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Primal[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Merfae and markfae favor water primals and shadow primals. Syrens favor arcane and earth primals. Cryofae favor ice primals. Fire primals almost never survive past hatching and lightning primals often have to be cast away due to the danger of their presence.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Swirl[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Merfae and axolfae love the whirpool-look these eyes give. Syrens, markfae, and kraitfae (kraitfae especially) love the hypnotic abilities these eyes give. Rixarfae fear these eyes, for they quite simply don't understand.[/size][/font][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [font=Optima][size=6]Innocent[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6]Merfae, syrens, and cryofae find these eyes quite cute. Markfae, kraitfae, and rixarfae despise them, although fighting fae with these eyes tend to become frighteningly strong due to the battling of this hate.[/size][/font][/columns]
Eye Lore

dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=0&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=0525d663016dc57b7fb77a3baf2e1db787c13c11&dummyext=prev.png Common-Rare
Any plague merfae would just be glad they didn't get primal eyes.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=4&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=e4059cc55f95e7b5ffec33d1d7decc50e1e88345&dummyext=prev.png Faceted
Cryofae find these eyes especially beautiful, and markfae prize facet-eyed members for their improved vision.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=8&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=47e0c0e60457f5cda799d962c8c5c5ac0df234aa&dummyext=prev.png Dark Sclera
Syrens and cryofae find these eyes beautiful; markfae, kraitfae, and rixarfae automatically become the coolest fae in the ocean just by having these. Merfae with dark sclera, however, just get angsty.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=7&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=ad747cdc50b8092cb21e8af6a7fdd78c19c0083b&dummyext=prev.png Glowing
Merfae claim these are a blessing, markfae claim these are a curse. Syrens claim they're pretty but annoying to look at.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=9&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=cac40f95de2fb66259f9f665e052deb043a457bc&dummyext=prev.png Goat
Merfae with these eyes tend to grow actual, webbed limbs with age, making them the only merfae able to walk on land (for a short amount of time before they dry up, that is). Merfae with these eyes also tend to have diminished intelligence and eat primarily plants, however.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=5&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=06ea9d91fbad65e80a4ebfbd881ede992f8d4d1f&dummyext=prev.png Multi-Gaze
All merfae subtypes prize members with these eyes as masterful sentinels and gatherers. Syrens, however, find them hideous.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=6&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=cd308125c5711c21e2870bcf745260d03004d9cf&dummyext=prev.png Primal
Merfae and markfae favor water primals and shadow primals. Syrens favor arcane and earth primals. Cryofae favor ice primals. Fire primals almost never survive past hatching and lightning primals often have to be cast away due to the danger of their presence.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=10&gender=1&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=76888e8de9f87f30ff7e6a1f7dc1202e71424f5b&dummyext=prev.png Swirl
Merfae and axolfae love the whirpool-look these eyes give. Syrens, markfae, and kraitfae (kraitfae especially) love the hypnotic abilities these eyes give. Rixarfae fear these eyes, for they quite simply don't understand.
dragon?age=0&body=28&bodygene=1&breed=1&element=4&eyetype=11&gender=0&tert=30&tertgene=18&winggene=1&wings=22&auth=fb37210e41f90b249151a335d66bbcc23cab110e&dummyext=prev.png Innocent
Merfae, syrens, and cryofae find these eyes quite cute. Markfae, kraitfae, and rixarfae despise them, although fighting fae with these eyes tend to become frighteningly strong due to the battling of this hate.
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!
[center][font=Optima][size=7][b][u]Other Subspecies Relations[/u][/b][/size][/font] [font=Optima][size=2]--[If you'd like to be affiliated here and connect your subspecies to this one, just ping me and ask! :D]--[/size][/font] ----- [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{The Sharks}+--[/size][/font] [center][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Mermfae must be very cautious of sharks, many pods becoming either rivals, allies, or stowaways in the face of such large, powerful adversaries. Aside from markfae and illumifae, that is. Markfae get along very well with their counterparts, and can often be seen pulling their own weight in shark shivers. Illumifae make great snacks to most sharks, but many more have found safety alongside lantern sharks, following their glow everywhere, resulting in an even more powerful, enchanting lantern shark glow. Very appealing. [font=Optima][size=7]--+{The Crystal Bottles(?)}+--[/size][/font] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] W.I.P.
Other Subspecies Relations
--[If you'd like to be affiliated here and connect your subspecies to this one, just ping me and ask! :D]--

--+{The Sharks}+--
Mermfae must be very cautious of sharks, many pods becoming either rivals, allies, or stowaways in the face of such large, powerful adversaries. Aside from markfae and illumifae, that is. Markfae get along very well with their counterparts, and can often be seen pulling their own weight in shark shivers. Illumifae make great snacks to most sharks, but many more have found safety alongside lantern sharks, following their glow everywhere, resulting in an even more powerful, enchanting lantern shark glow. Very appealing.

--+{The Crystal Bottles(?)}+--
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
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to being future projects! Stay tuned!
[center][font=Optima][size=7][b][u]Registered[/u][/b][/size][/font] [size=4][font=Gabriola](Please ping me if you'd like to register your mermfae! I'm not subscribed!)[/font][/size][/center] ----- [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Mermfae}+--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]LunaTenebrisFlos' pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]mermaidlorelei's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]LadyParagon's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]DemonKid's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]schmaltz's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Decaffeinated's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]onemessyperson's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]HenryJekyll's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Gormanghaste's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]EmeraldJubilee's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]idesofjuly's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]RadientAngel's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]SandBoa's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]HeavenBeetle's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]TheStar's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]dragonfairy1034's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]freudiancascade's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Drifting Mermfae[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Markfae}+--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Decaffeinated's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Drifting Markfae[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Syrens}+--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]LunaTenebrisFlos' pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]WolfandCrow's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]LuneLight's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]dinolover519's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Decaffeinated's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]mermaidlorelei's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Artemis34's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]GingerBeans' pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]HeavenBeetle's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Argentdayl's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]EmeraldJubilee's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Drifting Syrens[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Cryofae}+--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]LunaTenebrisFlos' pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Decaffeinated's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]WolfandCrow's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Nebbi's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]FelinaeFatale's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Drifting Cryofae[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Kraitfae}+--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Decaffeinated's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]mermaidlorelei's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Drifting Kraitfae[/u][/size][/font] [i][/i] [i][/i] [font=Optima][size=7]--+{Axolfae}+--[/size][/font] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Decaffeinated's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]EmeraldJubilee's pod[/u][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Gabriola][size=6][u]Drifting Axolfae[/u][/size][/font]
(Please ping me if you'd like to register your mermfae! I'm not subscribed!)


LunaTenebrisFlos' pod

mermaidlorelei's pod

LadyParagon's pod

DemonKid's pod

schmaltz's pod

Decaffeinated's pod

onemessyperson's pod

HenryJekyll's pod

Gormanghaste's pod

EmeraldJubilee's pod

idesofjuly's pod

RadientAngel's pod

SandBoa's pod

HeavenBeetle's pod

TheStar's pod

dragonfairy1034's pod

freudiancascade's pod

Drifting Mermfae


Decaffeinated's pod

Drifting Markfae


LunaTenebrisFlos' pod

WolfandCrow's pod

LuneLight's pod

dinolover519's pod

Decaffeinated's pod

mermaidlorelei's pod

Artemis34's pod

GingerBeans' pod

HeavenBeetle's pod

Argentdayl's pod

EmeraldJubilee's pod

Drifting Syrens


LunaTenebrisFlos' pod

Decaffeinated's pod

WolfandCrow's pod

Nebbi's pod

FelinaeFatale's pod

Drifting Cryofae


Decaffeinated's pod

mermaidlorelei's pod

Drifting Kraitfae


Decaffeinated's pod

EmeraldJubilee's pod

Drifting Axolfae
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
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to being future projects! Stay tuned!

--+{General News & Updates Pinglist}+--

@Decaffeinated | @mermaidlorelei | @Silence | @Snowki | @Jaspernoir | @Asra9

--+{General News & Updates Pinglist}+--

@Decaffeinated | @mermaidlorelei | @Silence | @Snowki | @Jaspernoir | @Asra9
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
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to being future projects! Stay tuned!

--+{Sales Thread}+--
Click here to be taken to the sales thread!

--+{Buttons & Banners}+--

--+{Sales Thread}+--
Click here to be taken to the sales thread!

--+{Buttons & Banners}+--
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to being future projects! Stay tuned!
And we're open, folks! ;D
And we're open, folks! ;D
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!
@LunaTenebrisFlos Hello! Could you please register Perlick as a Markfae, please? He's all levelled up to 20 ^-^ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'd also like to be added to the General pinglist as well, please!
@LunaTenebrisFlos Hello! Could you please register Perlick as a Markfae, please? He's all levelled up to 20 ^-^


I'd also like to be added to the General pinglist as well, please!
@Decaffeinated Added & added! :P
@Decaffeinated Added & added! :P
15587.png szLFrpq.pngGjf5omr.png
Some links above aren't working yet due
to being future projects! Stay tuned!