TOPIC | Outclass the dragon above

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@Feeshie and @Bard563 this is tough! Like super tough. Given that it is February and that I really do enjoy pink and green together, I'm going to say that the fabulous Ruusu just barely nudged past the lovely Celadon here!
I wonder how my own pink and green lad, Verde, will do!
This was a tough choice, but I love the simplicity here!
Everything matches and nothing looks too cluttered ^^
Keeping with the theme, I bring forth Springdreamer!
This was a tough choice, but I love the simplicity here!
Everything matches and nothing looks too cluttered ^^

Keeping with the theme, I bring forth Springdreamer!
This was a tough choice, but I love the simplicity here!
Everything matches and nothing looks too cluttered ^^

Keeping with the theme, I bring forth Springdreamer!

[center]@lukagiou @StarrySunrise
Oof a toughie, but I really love the honeydew/blush combo on Verde. Such a sweet looking fella <
(I do appreciate Springdreamer’s pretty pink petals tho.)
Continuing the February theme trend with my Valentines Day-esque dragon, Prem! All pink and no green.
@lukagiou @StarrySunrise
Oof a toughie, but I really love the honeydew/blush combo on Verde. Such a sweet looking fella <
(I do appreciate Springdreamer’s pretty pink petals tho.)

Continuing the February theme trend with my Valentines Day-esque dragon, Prem! All pink and no green.
Oof a toughie, but I really love the honeydew/blush combo on Verde. Such a sweet looking fella <
(I do appreciate Springdreamer’s pretty pink petals tho.)

Continuing the February theme trend with my Valentines Day-esque dragon, Prem! All pink and no green.

Looking to buy or trade for these skins:

[center]@StarrySunrise @SecretSelkie
I do love the colors of both of these dragons, but the pink skeleton deer look of Prem is so cute and appealing to me.
I'll throw my vaguely romantic looking dragon Violet in the ring:
@StarrySunrise @SecretSelkie
I do love the colors of both of these dragons, but the pink skeleton deer look of Prem is so cute and appealing to me.

I'll throw my vaguely romantic looking dragon Violet in the ring:
I do love the colors of both of these dragons, but the pink skeleton deer look of Prem is so cute and appealing to me.

I'll throw my vaguely romantic looking dragon Violet in the ring:

[center]@SecretSelkie @Juanita
I enjoy Violet and Prem a lot. Violet's colors match so well together with a variety of items. Unfortunately, I like Prem's ice cream palette more so I'll need to choose Prem!
@SecretSelkie @Juanita
I enjoy Violet and Prem a lot. Violet's colors match so well together with a variety of items. Unfortunately, I like Prem's ice cream palette more so I'll need to choose Prem!

I enjoy Violet and Prem a lot. Violet's colors match so well together with a variety of items. Unfortunately, I like Prem's ice cream palette more so I'll need to choose Prem!


[center]@SecretSelkie @Nooodle
I'm going with Prem! I love the soft pink on him! His design works great for valentines! [/center]
my dragon Rex!
@SecretSelkie @Nooodle
I'm going with Prem! I love the soft pink on him! His design works great for valentines!
I'm going with Prem! I love the soft pink on him! His design works great for valentines!
[center] @SecretSelkie / @AroaceOfHearts
Sorry, Prem continues on! While Rex has really nice cyans, golds, and blacks, Prem is just so perfect! The soft, occasionally dull pinks and whites itch my brain very well.
@SecretSelkie / @AroaceOfHearts
Sorry, Prem continues on! While Rex has really nice cyans, golds, and blacks, Prem is just so perfect! The soft, occasionally dull pinks and whites itch my brain very well.

Sorry, Prem continues on! While Rex has really nice cyans, golds, and blacks, Prem is just so perfect! The soft, occasionally dull pinks and whites itch my brain very well.


If i take over half an hour in a forum game, skip me
@SecretSelkie / @CattLovesCats
man, two entirely different vibes here. i'm going to go with[b] aemben[/b] here - i just lean more towards darker, more muted aesthetics. and that skin is gorgeous on her!
@SecretSelkie / @CattLovesCats
man, two entirely different vibes here. i'm going to go with aemben here - i just lean more towards darker, more muted aesthetics. and that skin is gorgeous on her!
man, two entirely different vibes here. i'm going to go with aemben here - i just lean more towards darker, more muted aesthetics. and that skin is gorgeous on her!
I am [s]very trying[/s] outclassing your fire destructive dragon with mine
@Galaheart @Feratina desolation wins!! now try polaris, my newest fancy boy!

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