
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | The Tsukimi Subspecies Hub
[center][img][/img] Intro | Tsukimi Lore | Variants | Items | Sales/Breeders | Pinglists | Species Requirements | F2U Images | Sign Ups/Submissions [img][/img] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center]Welcome! [img][/img] This is the official hub and discussion for the Tsukimi Subspecies. All info of the dragons, their requirements, and other things connected to it are located here. Feel free to disscuss the subspecies, chat, ask questions, register your dragons, or show 'em off! As long as it's connected to the subspecies, of course. :D [img][/img] If you reconized the name, there was an older hub before that I also ran! I loved this subspecies, but I never felt the need to work on it, sadly. I decided to revamp it so that new people, and older people, can get a more interesting experience out of it! Plus, it really needed fleshing out... and some better graphics. You can find the old hub [url=]here![/url] Just know that it's currently closed, so please don't comment on it, thank you! <3 [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [size=5][font=Japanese Brush]Recent Updates[/font][/size] [size=2][b]6/6/17[/b] - FINALLY OPEN! Currently proofreading, adding items, and fixing things, but it's basically done! If you have any more items to suggest, or just found something I missed, please let me know! Thanks. ^^[/size] -----------

Intro | Tsukimi Lore | Variants | Items | Sales/Breeders | Pinglists | Species Requirements | F2U Images | Sign Ups/Submissions

This is the official hub and discussion for the Tsukimi Subspecies. All info of the dragons, their requirements, and other things connected to it are located here. Feel free to disscuss the subspecies, chat, ask questions, register your dragons, or show 'em off! As long as it's connected to the subspecies, of course. :D
If you reconized the name, there was an older hub before that I also ran! I loved this subspecies, but I never felt the need to work on it, sadly. I decided to revamp it so that new people, and older people, can get a more interesting experience out of it! Plus, it really needed fleshing out... and some better graphics.

You can find the old hub here!
Just know that it's currently closed, so please don't comment on it, thank you! <3

Recent Updates

6/6/17 - FINALLY OPEN! Currently proofreading, adding items, and fixing things, but it's basically done! If you have any more items to suggest, or just found something I missed, please let me know! Thanks. ^^

[center][img][/img][img][/img] [size=6][font=Viner Hand ITC]Origins[/font][/size] [columns]The Tsukimi were first created very shortly after the first Imperials. It was when a dragon, [I]Fujin[/I], as some call him, was born underneath a full moon. He shone pure white, and a indigo marking was scattered across his scales. They say all his offspring were wise as he, and they, too, emerged underneath the night sky. His parents, unlike the majority of Imperials, practiced the Wind Flight's traditions and culture within the Lightweaver's favor. Fujin had also practiced this, teaching all who would listen. This dragon's legacy was passed down from generations, perceiving him as a great honor. Many stories were told of how he fought demons and saved entire villages, and this was strong in the minds of young hatchlings, whether they thought it true or not. Fujin, many decades later, had brought Nocturnes into the group, seeing that their offspring had the same effect as the Imperials had underneath the moon. Some were angry at this (and many are still today), but overall they could agree that they weren't ordinary. Nocturnes also picked up how the groups lived and thrived quite quickly, mostly because of their ability to mimic other dragons. At this time also, Fujin dubbed the large groups a 'subspecies', - being more of a type of dragon, rather than a few getting powers. They had their own unique traditions, lifestyles, and beliefs, not to mention their own reputation. He decided called them all, 'Tsukimi', meaning, "Moon viewing" - considering that they are born underneath a moon, and it is the first thing the newborn will see. [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Viner Hand ITC]Lore[/font][/size] [columns][img][/img][nextcol]The Tsukimi are a group founded upon the strange markings they were given at birth. When an Imperial is hatched underneath a full moon's light, its scales transform into a pure, glowing white, and unusual pattern appears on them. This pattern can vary, of course - sometimes the clouds determine the color, other times it is the time of night the dragon hatched. It is uncommon to find a new-turned Tsukimi, because pure-bred ones have a much higher chance of hatching a Tsukimi. However - that does not always mean it is the only way. Tsukimi have their own culture that is quite similar to Wind Flight's [size=1](Japanese)[/size] own. It is even sometimes referred to as a sub-culture of the flight. Regardless of the dragon's original Flight, however, the Tsukimi sticks closely to that mindset and way of living. Most live in large groups or villages with their own traditions, though some leave and live with other clans. Tsukimi stick closely to what they believe in, and their way of living is sometimes shared with others. Often times, when moving to other clans, they will bring items that become a reminder them of their origins. Tsukimi also are master creators. Some say they can turn just a scrap of paper into a graceful crane, or perhaps put a thousand words into one clay plot. Their works have influenced some of the greatest artists in all of Sorneith, with their unique views and beautiful creations. Although once a smaller group, in recent years their size has been growing steadily. There are many reasons for this, but most believe it is the BeastClans that influenced their growth. By becoming more friendly with them - they used their abilities to aid each other in architectural matters, sharing ways of agriculture, and much trade. With this news, others quickly took notice, and they are now a large part of the Imperial subculture. [/columns] -------------


The Tsukimi were first created very shortly after the first Imperials. It was when a dragon, Fujin, as some call him, was born underneath a full moon. He shone pure white, and a indigo marking was scattered across his scales. They say all his offspring were wise as he, and they, too, emerged underneath the night sky. His parents, unlike the majority of Imperials, practiced the Wind Flight's traditions and culture within the Lightweaver's favor. Fujin had also practiced this, teaching all who would listen.

This dragon's legacy was passed down from generations, perceiving him as a great honor. Many stories were told of how he fought demons and saved entire villages, and this was strong in the minds of young hatchlings, whether they thought it true or not.

Fujin, many decades later, had brought Nocturnes into the group, seeing that their offspring had the same effect as the Imperials had underneath the moon. Some were angry at this (and many are still today), but overall they could agree that they weren't ordinary. Nocturnes also picked up how the groups lived and thrived quite quickly, mostly because of their ability to mimic other dragons.

At this time also, Fujin dubbed the large groups a 'subspecies', - being more of a type of dragon, rather than a few getting powers. They had their own unique traditions, lifestyles, and beliefs, not to mention their own reputation. He decided called them all, 'Tsukimi', meaning, "Moon viewing" - considering that they are born underneath a moon, and it is the first thing the newborn will see.

COd7h7u.png The Tsukimi are a group founded upon the strange markings they were given at birth.

When an Imperial is hatched underneath a full moon's light, its scales transform into a pure, glowing white, and unusual pattern appears on them. This pattern can vary, of course - sometimes the clouds determine the color, other times it is the time of night the dragon hatched. It is uncommon to find a new-turned Tsukimi, because pure-bred ones have a much higher chance of hatching a Tsukimi. However - that does not always mean it is the only way.

Tsukimi have their own culture that is quite similar to Wind Flight's (Japanese) own. It is even sometimes referred to as a sub-culture of the flight. Regardless of the dragon's original Flight, however, the Tsukimi sticks closely to that mindset and way of living.

Most live in large groups or villages with their own traditions, though some leave and live with other clans. Tsukimi stick closely to what they believe in, and their way of living is sometimes shared with others. Often times, when moving to other clans, they will bring items that become a reminder them of their origins.

Tsukimi also are master creators. Some say they can turn just a scrap of paper into a graceful crane, or perhaps put a thousand words into one clay plot. Their works have influenced some of the greatest artists in all of Sorneith, with their unique views and beautiful creations.

Although once a smaller group, in recent years their size has been growing steadily. There are many reasons for this, but most believe it is the BeastClans that influenced their growth. By becoming more friendly with them - they used their abilities to aid each other in architectural matters, sharing ways of agriculture, and much trade. With this news, others quickly took notice, and they are now a large part of the Imperial subculture.

[center][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [size=5][b][font=Viner Hand ITC]Jugoya[/size][/b][/font][columns][img][/img][color=transparent]]aaaa[/color] [size=5][font=Viner Hand ITC]Jugoya[/font][/size][nextcol] Jugoya are a rare form of Tsukimi. When they emerged from their eggs as hatchlings, their scales were shiny and reflective, and the pattern that was marked upon them was the color of the night sky. Some Dragons believed at the time that they were a blessing from the Deities. Those Dragons who believed this was true, respected and honored them, giving them high positions and rankings within their Clan. In those times, Jugoya would sing with beautiful voices, attracting many Dragons and animals. However, after generations of singing, and only singing, they eventually lost the ability to speak. They can only sing and hum - but lack the ability to speak without a sing-song voice. They are normally calm, but are more cheerful and happier than their Tsukimi cousins. Jugoya are somehow even stricter on following their Ancestor's ways. They often are born with a large supply of magic, and are very skilled at it. Commonly are Clan leaders, Healers, and Mages.[/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][b][font=Viner Hand ITC]Shoku[/size][/b][/font][columns][img][/img] [size=5][font=Viner Hand ITC]Nisshoku[/font][/size][nextcol][center] Sometime after the Jugoya and Tsukimi were formed, some Dragons wanted to "experiment" with the Jugoya. They were curious as of what would happen if they hatched under an eclipse. This, unfortunately did not go well. The egg turned black and red under the light radiating from the sky, and emerged with scales as pure black as the moon itself. Flecks of color from the sun marked the newborn - almost the complete opposite of the Jugoya's colors. The Dragons who created them casted them out - for fear of bad luck. Yet some Dragons are still foolish enough to recreate them to this day. As Tsukimi nor Jugoya should be born at this time, because of the darkened moon, the hatchlings that come from the eggs are cursed. Not just with bad luck, but each Dragon has its own curse. Some have increased anger, others become completely still when around other species. It may vary from Shoku to Shoku, depending on their parent's curse, or the places were they were hatched. Shoku also have two forms. Gesshoku and Nisshoku, meaning lunar eclipse and solar eclipse respectively. These often differ in personality and curses. [img][/img] Gesshoku are quiet and reserved, and accept the fate they have. They often feel as if someone is always greater than them, casting a shadow upon them. They are also calm and very speak softly. Curses can differ, but they commonly have something to do with not speaking, not moving, and being burned by the sun. They enjoy shady or dark places, and are commonly Scouts, Night Guards, and Librarians. [img][/img] Nisshoku are the complete opposite of Gesshoku. They are fiery and passionate, and are extremely hardworking. Nisshoku will do anything to complete their goals, be it good or bad. They are also very good fighters, and have great strength. Curses normally have to do with anger and pain without the sun or heat. They are commonly Fighters, Warriors, and Knights. [nextcol][img][/img] [size=5][font=Viner Hand ITC]Gesshoku[/font][/size][/columns] --------------------


Jugoya are a rare form of Tsukimi. When they emerged from their eggs as hatchlings, their scales were shiny and reflective, and the pattern that was marked upon them was the color of the night sky. Some Dragons believed at the time that they were a blessing from the Deities. Those Dragons who believed this was true, respected and honored them, giving them high positions and rankings within their Clan.

In those times, Jugoya would sing with beautiful voices, attracting many Dragons and animals. However, after generations of singing, and only singing, they eventually lost the ability to speak. They can only sing and hum - but lack the ability to speak without a sing-song voice.

They are normally calm, but are more cheerful and happier than their Tsukimi cousins. Jugoya are somehow even stricter on following their Ancestor's ways. They often are born with a large supply of magic, and are very skilled at it. Commonly are Clan leaders, Healers, and Mages.



Sometime after the Jugoya and Tsukimi were formed, some Dragons wanted to "experiment" with the Jugoya. They were curious as of what would happen if they hatched under an eclipse. This, unfortunately did not go well. The egg turned black and red under the light radiating from the sky, and emerged with scales as pure black as the moon itself. Flecks of color from the sun marked the newborn - almost the complete opposite of the Jugoya's colors. The Dragons who created them casted them out - for fear of bad luck. Yet some Dragons are still foolish enough to recreate them to this day.

As Tsukimi nor Jugoya should be born at this time, because of the darkened moon, the hatchlings that come from the eggs are cursed. Not just with bad luck, but each Dragon has its own curse. Some have increased anger, others become completely still when around other species. It may vary from Shoku to Shoku, depending on their parent's curse, or the places were they were hatched. Shoku also have two forms. Gesshoku and Nisshoku, meaning lunar eclipse and solar eclipse respectively. These often differ in personality and curses.
Gesshoku are quiet and reserved, and accept the fate they have. They often feel as if someone is always greater than them, casting a shadow upon them. They are also calm and very speak softly. Curses can differ, but they commonly have something to do with not speaking, not moving, and being burned by the sun. They enjoy shady or dark places, and are commonly Scouts, Night Guards, and Librarians.
Nisshoku are the complete opposite of Gesshoku. They are fiery and passionate, and are extremely hardworking. Nisshoku will do anything to complete their goals, be it good or bad. They are also very good fighters, and have great strength.
Curses normally have to do with anger and pain without the sun or heat. They are commonly Fighters, Warriors, and Knights.


[center][img][/img][img][/img] [size=2]There are many things that relate to a Tsukimi's way of life. Since it is so close to the Wind Flight, there are a plethora of that items are in, and unique to, their own culture. Here is a complied list, full of information for those who are seeking to know more about the Tsukimi's lifestyle. [size=1]Please note that this these are just suggestions for your dragon. It's in no way forcing you to ONLY wear/use these items on your dragon, it's just for inspiration. And yes, you can put other things on your dragon besides these, don't worry about it.[/size] [img][/img] -------------------------- |[font=Viner Hand ITC][size=5]Common Apparel[/font][/size]| --------------- [columns][img][/img][nextcol]"Of course, no Tsukimi is complete without lovely apparel, yes? Perhaps some silks, jewelry, or if you're looking for something more traditional, we have that too! Take a look." [item=Night Sky Arm Silks][item=Night Sky Legs Silks][item=Night Sky Silk Sash][item=Night Sky Wing Silks][item=Night Sky Silk Scarf][item=Night Sky Tail Bangle][item=Night Sky Fillet][item=Night Sky Silk Veil][item=Winter Cape][item=Diamond Talonclasp Pendant][item=Glowing Blue Claw Tips][item=Butterfly's Helmet][item=Butterfly's Breastplate][item=Butterfly's Leg Armor][item=Butterfly's Arm Guards][item=Butterfly's Tail Guard][item=Butterfly's Shoulder Pads][item=Butterfly's Wing Fans][item=Simple Harp][item=Wooden Pipeflute][item=Finely Crafted Lute ][item=Katana][item=Bamboo Sedge Hat][item=Sakura Corsage][item=Sakura Flower Crown][item=Sakura Lei][item=Sakura Flowerfall][item=Ornate Iron Necklace][item=Ornate Iron Bracelet][item=Forestsong Haori][/columns] ----------------- |[font=Viner Hand ITC][size=5]Common Familiars[/font][/size]| --------- [columns]"Ahh, yes - a Tsukimi's companion is as important as his own sensei. A good teacher will make you learn, but a horrible companion will surely make you forget it!" [item=Baku][item=Dreameater][item=Hati][item=Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse][item=Etheral Trickster][item=Tigerblood Foo][item=Apatite Fisher][item=Rosy Peryton][item=Wispwillow Peryton][item=Mantled Foo][item=Trick of the Light][item=Petalwing Peryton][item=Anomalous Skink][item=Hainu][item=Red-breasted Hainu][item=Salve Kamaitachi][item=Sickle Kamaitachi][item=Scythe Kamaitachi][item=Tengu][item=Sakura Owl][item=Anomalous Nekomata][item=Vulpine Lamp][item=Living Luminance][item=Gusting Goblin][item=Budwing Morpho][item=Painted Marionette][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] ------------- |[font=Viner Hand ITC][size=5]Items[/font][/size]| --------- [columns][img][/img][nextcol]"Perhaps trinkets and food are more of your craft? Or maybe you wish to view the common objects and cuisine of an average Tsukimi's day? Well, either way - here's the list!" [item=Bamboo Cluster][item=Phytocat Toy][item=Windsinger Painted Vase][item=Historical Text][item=Long Form Poetry][item=Cheerful Chime][item=Dancer's Bell][item=Intact Parchment][item=Dreameater Tusk][item=Baku Tusk][item=Ceremonial Sash][item=Ornamental Sash][item=Messengers Scroll][item=Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting][item=Fishing Net][item=Sinew Net][item=Azure Yuccarope][item=Scarlet Yuccaweave][item=Cicada][item=Green Shoots][item=Water Lilies][item=Red Delicious Apple][item=Bamboo Leaves][item=Jungle Pith][item=Swordfish][/columns] -------------

There are many things that relate to a Tsukimi's way of life. Since it is so close to the Wind Flight, there are a plethora of that items are in, and unique to, their own culture. Here is a complied list, full of information for those who are seeking to know more about the Tsukimi's lifestyle.

Please note that this these are just suggestions for your dragon. It's in no way forcing you to ONLY wear/use these items on your dragon, it's just for inspiration. And yes, you can put other things on your dragon besides these, don't worry about it.

|Common Apparel|
9rSDDFn.png "Of course, no Tsukimi is complete without lovely apparel, yes? Perhaps some silks, jewelry, or if you're looking for something more traditional, we have that too! Take a look."

Night Sky Arm Silks Night Sky Silk Sash Night Sky Wing Silks Night Sky Silk Scarf Night Sky Tail Bangle Night Sky Fillet Night Sky Silk Veil Winter Cape Diamond Talonclasp Pendant Butterfly's Helmet Butterfly's Breastplate Butterfly's Leg Armor Butterfly's Arm Guards Butterfly's Tail Guard Butterfly's Shoulder Pads Butterfly's Wing Fans Simple Harp Wooden Pipeflute Finely Crafted Lute Katana Bamboo Sedge Hat Sakura Corsage Sakura Flower Crown Sakura Lei Sakura Flowerfall Ornate Iron Necklace Ornate Iron Bracelet Forestsong Haori

|Common Familiars|
"Ahh, yes - a Tsukimi's companion is as important as his own sensei. A good teacher will make you learn, but a horrible companion will surely make you forget it!"

Baku Dreameater Hati Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse Tigerblood Foo Apatite Fisher Rosy Peryton Wispwillow Peryton Mantled Foo Trick of the Light Petalwing Peryton Anomalous Skink Hainu Red-Breasted Hainu Salve Kamaitachi Sickle Kamaitachi Scythe Kamaitachi Tengu Sakura Owl Anomalous Nekomata Vulpine Lamp Living Luminance Gusting Goblin Budwing Morpho Painted Marionette

5atVTHQ.png "Perhaps trinkets and food are more of your craft? Or maybe you wish to view the common objects and cuisine of an average Tsukimi's day? Well, either way - here's the list!"

Bamboo Cluster Phytocat Toy Windsinger Painted Vase Historical Text Long Form Poetry Cheerful Chime Dancer's Bell Intact Parchment Dreameater Tusk Baku Tusk Ceremonial Sash Ornamental Sash Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting Fishing Net Sinew Net Azure Yuccarope Scarlet Yuccaweave Cicada Green Shoots Water Lilies Red Delicious Apple Bamboo Leaves Jungle Pith Swordfish

[center][img][/img][img][/img] Oh! I'm sorry, but there's nothing for sale here! ...Fortunately, there [I]is[/I] a sales thread just for this Subspecies! Check it out, yeah? [font=Viner Hand ITC][size=5][url=]Tsukimi & Variants Sales Hub[/url][/font][/size] --------------- [font=Viner Hand ITC][b][size=6]Breeding Pairs[/font][/size][/b] Here's the pairs that are officially registered! If you are looking for a flight specific breeder, please check out the google spreadsheet in the below post. ^^ [img][/img] [b]@ SakuraOkami7[/b]'s Breeding Pair(s) [img][/img] [size=4][b]Tsukimi[/b][/size] [b]Note:[/b] Nests Requests are open. :3 [img][/img] [b]@ Sonora[/b]'s Breeding Pair(s) [img][/img] [size=4][b]Tsukimi[/b][/size] [b]Note:[/b] On a nest! [img][/img] [b]@ Wingto[/b]'s Breeding Pair(s) [img][/img] [size=4][b]Tsukimi[/b][/size] [size=2](Both dragons currently have iri/shim; card error.)[/size] [b]Note:[/b] --- [img][/img] [b] @ ToTheArk[/b]'s Breeding Pair(s) [img][/img] [size=4][b]Gesshoku Variant[/b][/size] [b]Note:[/b] --- ------------

Oh! I'm sorry, but there's nothing for sale here! ...Fortunately, there is a sales thread just for this Subspecies! Check it out, yeah?

Tsukimi & Variants Sales Hub

Breeding Pairs

Here's the pairs that are officially registered! If you are looking for a flight specific breeder, please check out the google spreadsheet in the below post. ^^


@ SakuraOkami7's Breeding Pair(s)
Note: Nests Requests are open. :3


@ Sonora's Breeding Pair(s)
Note: On a nest!


@ Wingto's Breeding Pair(s)
(Both dragons currently have iri/shim; card error.)
Note: ---


@ ToTheArk's Breeding Pair(s)
Gesshoku Variant
Note: ---

[columns][img][/img][color=transparent]]]]]]]]]]][/color][nextcol][center][img][/img][img][/img] [size=4][url=]Breeder Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [I]View the breeding pairs of other users![/I] [center][img][/img][img][/img] [url=]Pinglist Spreadsheet[/url] [I]Add or remove yourself to any pinglist![/I] [img][/img][img][/img] [Currently a work in progress. Thank you for your patience!] [I]View all the registered Tsukimi or add your own![/I][/columns] -------------------

Breeder Spreadsheet
View the breeding pairs of other users!
Pinglist Spreadsheet
Add or remove yourself to any pinglist!


[Currently a work in progress. Thank you for your patience!]

View all the registered Tsukimi or add your own!

[center][img][/img] [b][font=Viner Hand ITC][size=5]What makes a Tsukimi, a Tsukimi...?[/size][/font][/b] [img][/img] [b]So you've finally taken interest in this Subspecies, and you may even love the idea. And hey, perhape even [I]your[/I] dragon qualifies as one! Wouldn't that be awesome? And to answer that - here's the chart, and the detailed color ranges! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.^^[/b] [font=Viner Hand ITC][size=5][b]Chart of Genes/colors/etc.:[/b][/size] [/font][size=2](open in a new tab to make bigger)[/size] [img][/img] [font=Viner Hand ITC][b][size=5]Detailed Tertiary Range List:[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] --------------

What makes a Tsukimi, a Tsukimi...?


So you've finally taken interest in this Subspecies, and you may even love the idea. And hey, perhape even your dragon qualifies as one! Wouldn't that be awesome?

And to answer that - here's the chart, and the detailed color ranges! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.^^

Chart of Genes/colors/etc.:
(open in a new tab to make bigger)

Detailed Tertiary Range List:



[center][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Feel free to use these in bios, clan profiles or signatures. Just copy and paste it, put inside [img][/img], and you will have your image! [size=2](if you can't do that on your device, let me know and I'll give you the code for it^^)[/size] [font=Viner Hand ITC][size=5]Banners: * * * [img][/img] * * * [img][/img] * * * [img][/img] *** [img][/img] *** [img][/img] *** [img][/img] *** Buttons: [img][/img] * * * [img][/img] * * * [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] * * * Breeder Badges: * * * [img][/img] Misc: [img][/img] -------

Feel free to use these in bios, clan profiles or signatures. Just copy and paste it, put inside [img][/img], and you will have your image!
(if you can't do that on your device, let me know and I'll give you the code for it^^)


* * *

* * *

* * *





* * *

* * *

* * *
Breeder Badges:

* * *



[center][b][size=4]Sign Ups and Submissions![/b][/size] Are you itching to become a breeder? We currently [b]are accepting breeders[/b], so fill in this form if you're interested! Just copy/paste when you're done, then - post! You'll be reviewed in due time. [quote=Breeder Sign Up Form]@SakuraOkami7[b] Username: User ID: Flight: What are you breeding?: Pair (please include links and names): Any additional notes, comments or questions?: [/quote] Do you have some more buttons and banners to share? We're always in need of them, so feel free to make any! If you'd like to submit one, please fill out the form below, post it, and your graphic will be reviewed to be put on the list. [quote=Graphic Fill-Out Form]@SakuraOkami7 [b]Creator:[/b] [b]Banner, Button, or Other?:[/b] [b]Dimensions:[/b] [b]Purpose? (bio/sig/etc.):[/b] [b]Note (not required):[/b][/quote] Got a suggestion for the subspecies? Maybe a new breed, gene, or lore idea? Or just wanna add another item to the list? Go ahead and fill out this form, and a review of it will come very shortly! :D [quote=Suggestion Form]@SakuraOkami7[b] User: Lore Idea: x Genes/Colors: x Item(s): x Other: x Notes/Comments/Questions: x[/quote] --------------
Sign Ups and Submissions!

Are you itching to become a breeder? We currently are accepting breeders, so fill in this form if you're interested! Just copy/paste when you're done, then - post! You'll be reviewed in due time.
Breeder Sign Up Form wrote:
User ID:
What are you breeding?:
Pair (please include links and names):
Any additional notes, comments or questions?:

Do you have some more buttons and banners to share? We're always in need of them, so feel free to make any! If you'd like to submit one, please fill out the form below, post it, and your graphic will be reviewed to be put on the list.
Graphic Fill-Out Form wrote:
Banner, Button, or Other?:
Purpose? (bio/sig/etc.):
Note (not required):

Got a suggestion for the subspecies? Maybe a new breed, gene, or lore idea? Or just wanna add another item to the list? Go ahead and fill out this form, and a review of it will come very shortly! :D
Suggestion Form wrote:
Lore Idea: x
Genes/Colors: x
Item(s): x
Other: x
Notes/Comments/Questions: x


