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I literially named this girl to bug most of you, if your wondering why, look at her name [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I literially named this girl to bug most of you, if your wondering why, look at her name


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Where's the pickle and Super Saiyan Donkey Kong tho


Where's the pickle and Super Saiyan Donkey Kong tho

I'm still working on it! (I think we all remember back in the day when jho was a total jerk....that day is everyday)

I'm still working on it! (I think we all remember back in the day when jho was a total jerk....that day is everyday)
larvesta.gifvolcarona.giflarvesta.gifvolcarona.gif -
*war flashbacks*
*war flashbacks*
@Purpleater13 God no please no

(although tigrex isn't that far back either)
(god i hate tigrex)
@Purpleater13 God no please no

(although tigrex isn't that far back either)
(god i hate tigrex)

Art by draconoblade

To me normal is terrible, the frenzied one was okay, apex was nope, but molten? ;^;

To me normal is terrible, the frenzied one was okay, apex was nope, but molten? ;^;
larvesta.gifvolcarona.giflarvesta.gifvolcarona.gif -
@Purpleater13 Very Nice! So disappointed that Gigginox is not in MH Gen, though Khezu is enough for me. I've already got a Rathalos/Rathian Pair as well as Fatalis and Crimson Fatalis myself and have been trying to decide my next Monster Hunter dragon undertaking :3 I'm thinking either something from the Tigrex line or doing Azure and Pink Los/Ian. Here are the pairs that I have so far: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Very Nice! So disappointed that Gigginox is not in MH Gen, though Khezu is enough for me.

I've already got a Rathalos/Rathian Pair as well as Fatalis and Crimson Fatalis myself and have been trying to decide my next Monster Hunter dragon undertaking :3 I'm thinking either something from the Tigrex line or doing Azure and Pink Los/Ian. Here are the pairs that I have so far:




Frankly I'd rather have Gigginox over Khezu... At least it had a proper battle music (no Khezu, your constant ear-bleedingly bad screaming dosen't count) and besides, I've had my share with 4U.

But by god, thoses dromes... I honestly don't know why they exist. The Velocidrome and its clones are so "bouncy" it gives me headaches, and the Cephadrome dosen't even have good materials you can carve from it!

.... Wow, I really went out of my way, didn't I? Guess I've been playing too much...

@Atherin no problem, have fun recreacting theses little atrocities x') Personally I could go for the "great ggis" Wroggy could be a lot of fun with how colorfull it is.
Frankly I'd rather have Gigginox over Khezu... At least it had a proper battle music (no Khezu, your constant ear-bleedingly bad screaming dosen't count) and besides, I've had my share with 4U.

But by god, thoses dromes... I honestly don't know why they exist. The Velocidrome and its clones are so "bouncy" it gives me headaches, and the Cephadrome dosen't even have good materials you can carve from it!

.... Wow, I really went out of my way, didn't I? Guess I've been playing too much...

@Atherin no problem, have fun recreacting theses little atrocities x') Personally I could go for the "great ggis" Wroggy could be a lot of fun with how colorfull it is.

Oh, now there's an idea! I haven't thought about doing any of the dromes before. That'd be an interesting undertaking! Thanks for the idea!


Also something to consider, but there's only 3 -ggis so I'd have one that was by itself, unless I paired the Great Wroggi with the Great Maccao? That's something to consider. Hmm, this will take some definite planning.

Oh, now there's an idea! I haven't thought about doing any of the dromes before. That'd be an interesting undertaking! Thanks for the idea!


Also something to consider, but there's only 3 -ggis so I'd have one that was by itself, unless I paired the Great Wroggi with the Great Maccao? That's something to consider. Hmm, this will take some definite planning.

Yeah, I was upset that the "ggi" trio didn't make a return in Generations. I haven't been able to get the game at the moment, but I was able to see the list of monsters returning in Monster Hunter Gen but still even more upset that they didn't bring by the Nercylla

Yeah, I was upset that the "ggi" trio didn't make a return in Generations. I haven't been able to get the game at the moment, but I was able to see the list of monsters returning in Monster Hunter Gen but still even more upset that they didn't bring by the Nercylla
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