
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Fae dragons!
I really don't have as many Faes as I should, but I do love the ones I have. My progen, Beatrix, is a Fae, and I still love her as much today as the day I created her! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Next is Agnes, who rides around on her Imperial sister's head, and is always bundled up in sweaters and scarves. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Finally, probably my favorite Fae of them all, is Korra - looking super gorgeous in her apparel and accent! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I really don't have as many Faes as I should, but I do love the ones I have.

My progen, Beatrix, is a Fae, and I still love her as much today as the day I created her!


Next is Agnes, who rides around on her Imperial sister's head, and is always bundled up in sweaters and scarves.


Finally, probably my favorite Fae of them all, is Korra - looking super gorgeous in her apparel and accent!

Ooooooooooh Faes, I love Faes ... lemme introduce you to my favourite faes of my lair [b]DeepBlueSea[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] DeepBlueSea is a typical healer. She can't see the wounded and feels personal pain if another dragon is in need. So it's her duty to do everything she can to help others. Her power is drawn out of the wide ocean, so despite she's an ice dragon, she actually belongs to the water. It is her source of power and what makes her strong. If she's not in charge of helping others she loves to fly over the egdes of the Zephyr Steppes, near the shore. She needs to hear the waves and the wants to catch the sun shimmering on the sea. Sometimes she just dives into the water to feel the cold around her body. It makes her feel alive. Even though her soul belongs to the water, her heritage is the ice and because of it the Frostbite Hummingbird is her friend and love. In the evening hours she tends to talk with it about the frost and the snowflakes. She never gets an answer, only some soft wingtugs, but she's fine with it. She remembers well that ice wouldn't exist without her beloved water. Her soulmate is Kalaidosky, because he shimmers in her favourite color - the colour of a thousend waterdrops. But also because he is bond with the sky and everyone knows that the sky and the ocean are in deep love. [b]Favourite Song:[/b] Can anybody hear her - Casting Crowns [b]Flamesinger[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Born in the icy regions of The Fortress of Ends, Flamesinger is a spark in the cold, winter night. He lit up his surroundings, his parents outcasts, as he was in the winter land. He never felt home in those regions of snow and ice. He hated the cold and the winter but longed for a softer world. It did take long for him to take the courage and move, but when he finally did, he was glad and promised himself to never look back. What kept Flamesinger sane in those nights full of snow was his love for music and his wonderful voice. There is a rough edge in his warm tone, sometimes like water melting, sometimes like ice cracking next to something warm. He enjoys singing and loves when the whole lair makes music. To find a place in a warm, soft region, with a full lair of brothers and sisters whose hearts burn for music was his safe haven in an icestorm. He never had been happier when Lavandula asked him to stay for good. What adds up his happy end is that he found love. GreenFire - the daughter of two of the spirals in the Songs-of-the-Wind-Clan, is what Flamesinger has always looking for. She makes him happy to no end, they felt a deep connection for each other the moment they saw the other the first time and when they sing, heaven burns with bliss. GreenFire had nearly been moving out of the lair, but stayed when Flamesinger promised to stay as well. Maybe it was one of the many reasons Lavandula asked him to make the lair his new home.
Ooooooooooh Faes, I love Faes ... lemme introduce you to my favourite faes of my lair



DeepBlueSea is a typical healer. She can't see the wounded and feels personal pain if another dragon is in need. So it's her duty to do everything she can to help others.
Her power is drawn out of the wide ocean, so despite she's an ice dragon, she actually belongs to the water. It is her source of power and what makes her strong. If she's not in charge of helping others she loves to fly over the egdes of the Zephyr Steppes, near the shore. She needs to hear the waves and the wants to catch the sun shimmering on the sea. Sometimes she just dives into the water to feel the cold around her body. It makes her feel alive.

Even though her soul belongs to the water, her heritage is the ice and because of it the Frostbite Hummingbird is her friend and love. In the evening hours she tends to talk with it about the frost and the snowflakes. She never gets an answer, only some soft wingtugs, but she's fine with it. She remembers well that ice wouldn't exist without her beloved water.

Her soulmate is Kalaidosky, because he shimmers in her favourite color - the colour of a thousend waterdrops. But also because he is bond with the sky and everyone knows that the sky and the ocean are in deep love.

Favourite Song: Can anybody hear her - Casting Crowns



Born in the icy regions of The Fortress of Ends, Flamesinger is a spark in the cold, winter night. He lit up his surroundings, his parents outcasts, as he was in the winter land. He never felt home in those regions of snow and ice. He hated the cold and the winter but longed for a softer world. It did take long for him to take the courage and move, but when he finally did, he was glad and promised himself to never look back.

What kept Flamesinger sane in those nights full of snow was his love for music and his wonderful voice. There is a rough edge in his warm tone, sometimes like water melting, sometimes like ice cracking next to something warm. He enjoys singing and loves when the whole lair makes music. To find a place in a warm, soft region, with a full lair of brothers and sisters whose hearts burn for music was his safe haven in an icestorm. He never had been happier when Lavandula asked him to stay for good.

What adds up his happy end is that he found love. GreenFire - the daughter of two of the spirals in the Songs-of-the-Wind-Clan, is what Flamesinger has always looking for. She makes him happy to no end, they felt a deep connection for each other the moment they saw the other the first time and when they sing, heaven burns with bliss. GreenFire had nearly been moving out of the lair, but stayed when Flamesinger promised to stay as well. Maybe it was one of the many reasons Lavandula asked him to make the lair his new home.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Laurel is my Nature Representative. I adore her and the way she turned out. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And Rune is my Arcane Representative. He's gorgeous.


Laurel is my Nature Representative. I adore her and the way she turned out.


And Rune is my Arcane Representative. He's gorgeous.
[center]This is my only Fae, Empress. She kind of my non-appointed snow queen. :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
This is my only Fae, Empress.
She kind of my non-appointed snow queen. :)


Well, let's see here... There's pretty little [b]Fern[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The adorable [b]Canna[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And the beautiful, mysterious [b]Cosmos[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Well, let's see here...

There's pretty little Fern:


The adorable Canna:


And the beautiful, mysterious Cosmos:

[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b] My first dragon, Vera. I plan on giving her poison.[/b][/center]


My first dragon, Vera.
I plan on giving her poison.
[center][img][/img][/center] This is Lavender! I hatched her from a Nature Egg as a victory baby for Nature's dominance against the Light Flight during that last week in August. She has such beautiful colors! She's one of only two faes in my lair. [columns][center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center][nextcol]Lavender was hatched of an egg found in the Evergloom Gardens by [url=]Banana[/url]. The egg was brought to [url=]Pan[/url], who in turn kept it safe, then proceeded to raise the little fae that hatched out of it. Parenting by both dragons caused her to be the peaceful, warm-hearted, and excitable little fae she is today. Lavender enjoys spending time with Banana and learning about the various flower and herbs. She isn't very vocal (though capable of speaking), and typically attempts communication in the natural fae way- to move her frills and such. Though quiet, everyone usually understands what she is trying to get across[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]art above by user shilly![/center] [center][img][/img][/center]

This is Lavender! I hatched her from a Nature Egg as a victory baby for Nature's dominance against the Light Flight during that last week in August. She has such beautiful colors! She's one of only two faes in my lair.
Lavender was hatched of an egg found in the Evergloom Gardens by Banana. The egg was brought to Pan, who in turn kept it safe, then proceeded to raise the little fae that hatched out of it. Parenting by both dragons caused her to be the peaceful, warm-hearted, and excitable little fae she is today.

Lavender enjoys spending time with Banana and learning about the various flower and herbs. She isn't very vocal (though capable of speaking), and typically attempts communication in the natural fae way- to move her frills and such. Though quiet, everyone usually understands what she is trying to get across
art above by user shilly!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] my only fae! the child of my progens from their first nest. cute girl. lotsa babies. sweet style.


my only fae! the child of my progens from their first nest. cute girl. lotsa babies. sweet style.
[center]I present Surgis! Mysterious Fae of the full moon nights. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Also presenting Idoloni! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Her name, [i]Idoloni Tenebris[/i] means: "[i]Wraith of Darkness[/i]" in Latin.[/b] Deep in the dark forests of the Shadow realm, a dense, unending mist hides a treacherous creature. So elusive and ghostly, this being is known as the "Wraith" to the indigenous population. Often times one can hear an eerie screeching, emanating from the darker parts of the forest. Younglings are forbidden to wander the woods alone, and even many adults tread with care. Stories tell of the Wraith's desire for blood. Like the cunning Nightwing bat, the Wraith can feast upon the larger dragons in secret. Her stealth betrayed only by a glowing red lure, she carries on the tip of her tail. Her true name is forbidden in all tongues; for it is thought she can be summoned forth, simply by whispering it. While no one knows what drove such a social creature to a life of bitter darkness, it is rumored that she bore witness to a crime so evil, it corrupted her very soul. Now she wanders the forest alone, a mere shell of her former self. [/center]
I present Surgis! Mysterious Fae of the full moon nights.


Also presenting Idoloni!


Her name, Idoloni Tenebris means: "Wraith of Darkness" in Latin.

Deep in the dark forests of the Shadow realm, a dense, unending mist hides a treacherous creature. So elusive and ghostly, this being is known as the "Wraith" to the indigenous population. Often times one can hear an eerie screeching, emanating from the darker parts of the forest. Younglings are forbidden to wander the woods alone, and even many adults tread with care. Stories tell of the Wraith's desire for blood. Like the cunning Nightwing bat, the Wraith can feast upon the larger dragons in secret. Her stealth betrayed only by a glowing red lure, she carries on the tip of her tail. Her true name is forbidden in all tongues; for it is thought she can be summoned forth, simply by whispering it. While no one knows what drove such a social creature to a life of bitter darkness, it is rumored that she bore witness to a crime so evil, it corrupted her very soul. Now she wanders the forest alone, a mere shell of her former self.

It's Prism's time to shine! [url=][img][/img][/url] I am incredibly attached to this little guy. He's the grandson of one of my other permanent residents. The owner of one of her hatchlings hatched Prism and gave him to me for free, knowing I was searching for these colours on a male fae ;u; He's now part of my rainbow coliseum team, along with his grandma.
It's Prism's time to shine!


I am incredibly attached to this little guy. He's the grandson of one of my other permanent residents. The owner of one of her hatchlings hatched Prism and gave him to me for free, knowing I was searching for these colours on a male fae ;u;

He's now part of my rainbow coliseum team, along with his grandma.