
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Winter
What about colorful dragons that love the snow [url=] [img][/img] [/url] But then again she does remind me or the aurora [url=] [img][/img] [/url] My little frozen lake [url=] [img][/img] [/url] then there is jin the ice queen
What about colorful dragons that love the snow


But then again she does remind me or the aurora


My little frozen lake


then there is jin the ice queen
[color=indigo] I think these are my most wintery dragons. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I think these are my most wintery dragons.


Solsno [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Translation: Sunsnow Isig [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Translation: Icy Their names are literally cold, frozen, winter-themed names. AND bonus, they're in Swedish! Can't get much more wintry than Scandinavia.


Translation: Sunsnow



Translation: Icy

Their names are literally cold, frozen, winter-themed names. AND bonus, they're in Swedish! Can't get much more wintry than Scandinavia.
With the exception of fodder dragons, I try to ensure all my prices are competitive with prices on the AH. I try to keep on top of AH prices so as not to over-charge.
I have a few winter like dragons. My first is one of my first dragons, my elected matriarch (since I exhaled my proven dragon ono) Toxicatli named after the Mayan god of smoke. She however has been a winter dragon at heart despite the name. She even has a Tourmaline Vulstal who is loyal to her, given to her by a neighboring clan by the name of @Montey [url=] [img][/img] [/url] My next dragon of course is my favorite Deerkin who is going to have a nest with her mate Audrey (you should see their babies) if any one wants a baby you should message me. She is a dragon but she associates more with the elk and deer she fawns over, hince the name. She is wearing the cloak of an enemy who tried to eat her familiar an elk named Comet. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And last but not least we have my favorite tundra (what would this be without the dragon who lives for the cold) Patronous and her snowsquall floracat by her side, striving for the cold winters that are upon us. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Plus this baby I just hatched is pretty wintery, maybe even a bit rosey for a valentines sweetheart. Him and his brother are like yin and yang [img][/img]
I have a few winter like dragons.

My first is one of my first dragons, my elected matriarch (since I exhaled my proven dragon ono) Toxicatli named after the Mayan god of smoke. She however has been a winter dragon at heart despite the name. She even has a Tourmaline Vulstal who is loyal to her, given to her by a neighboring clan by the name of @Montey


My next dragon of course is my favorite Deerkin who is going to have a nest with her mate Audrey (you should see their babies) if any one wants a baby you should message me. She is a dragon but she associates more with the elk and deer she fawns over, hince the name. She is wearing the cloak of an enemy who tried to eat her familiar an elk named Comet.


And last but not least we have my favorite tundra (what would this be without the dragon who lives for the cold) Patronous and her snowsquall floracat by her side, striving for the cold winters that are upon us.


Plus this baby I just hatched is pretty wintery, maybe even a bit rosey for a valentines sweetheart. Him and his brother are like yin and yang

Noone messes with the Ice King [b]HELKE![/b] [i]btw that is a slain Tundra he is wearing...[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And for an older fellow with a warmer heart, the criminal gentleman, [b]Void[/b]. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Noone messes with the Ice King HELKE!
btw that is a slain Tundra he is wearing...


And for an older fellow with a warmer heart, the criminal gentleman, Void.

Cloud-Tumblers and Dust-Devils
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Unelma is my most wintery kittysnake. : 3 (Unelma means "a dream" in Finnish, but I actually named her that after a confectionary called "dream cake" that has a white filling that the pale colours reminded me of. Yum. On that note maybe I should have used an ice cream related name? Ah well.) So are Mint [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and his yet unnamed son even more so... (name ideas welcome) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]


Unelma is my most wintery kittysnake. : 3 (Unelma means "a dream" in Finnish, but I actually named her that after a confectionary called "dream cake" that has a white filling that the pale colours reminded me of. Yum. On that note maybe I should have used an ice cream related name? Ah well.)

So are Mint


and his yet unnamed son even more so... (name ideas welcome)

43_by_xapsh-d8s1ltm_smaller.png arcane_zps910ae348.pngan_by_xapsh-d8ucw2a_1.png
My *three lovely winter-ish girls: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Decided to add the third one last minute after I thought about it for a while. :) She too fits into the winter theme very well! I hope to find her just the right accent eventually!
My *three lovely winter-ish girls:




Decided to add the third one last minute after I thought about it for a while. :) She too fits into the winter theme very well! I hope to find her just the right accent eventually!
Dusting is still looking festive even though Christmas has come and gone already! She just really enjoys that outfit. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Meanwhile Muddle looks like frozen muddy puddles and long, cold winter nights. The slightly uglier side of winter, I guess. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Dusting is still looking festive even though Christmas has come and gone already! She just really enjoys that outfit.


Meanwhile Muddle looks like frozen muddy puddles and long, cold winter nights. The slightly uglier side of winter, I guess.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Fluff, interesting name, I know, is obsessed with winter and snow. Mostly snow. So naturally, as soon as he heard the words 'winter festival', he begged to come along... And how can you say no to those eyes? ^-^


Fluff, interesting name, I know, is obsessed with winter and snow. Mostly snow. So naturally, as soon as he heard the words 'winter festival', he begged to come along...
And how can you say no to those eyes? ^-^
Cloud, my male Tundra - he only wears snowflakes! [img][/img] Zesiro, my male Wildclaw - something about him is so icy! [img][/img]
Cloud, my male Tundra - he only wears snowflakes!


Zesiro, my male Wildclaw - something about him is so icy!
