[color=indigo] @Ningyo
(I love purple imperials)

(I love purple imperials)
@DoomsdayDragon I'm a sucker for circuits.
DoomsdayDragon I'm a sucker for circuits.

::Currently Offline::
I like this dude.
I like this dude.

@Nimue, I regret to inform you that Alkonost is now mine, xD.
Nimue, I regret to inform you that Alkonost is now mine, xD.

This beauty *v*

This beauty *v*
@Marceline I'd steal this guy
Marceline I'd steal this guy

*tiptoes past @Lathyria with Prismatic bundled up in her arms*
*tiptoes past @
Lathyria with Prismatic bundled up in her arms*

-casually stuffs Yarrow in a burlap sack and prances away-
[i](I actually misread the first post my first go lol)[/i]
-casually stuffs Yarrow in a burlap sack and prances away-

(I actually misread the first post my first go lol)
@marceline frick frack. perf dragon. *can't unstick her fingers from Banane's feathers*
marceline frick frack. perf dragon. *can't unstick her fingers from Banane's feathers*

Omg she's so bright and adorable. *v*
-Casually puts in pocket-[/center]

Omg she's so bright and adorable. *v*
-Casually puts in pocket-