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TOPIC | Let me give your dragons personality~
[center][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] I'd like to help give your dragons some personality. I'll write a few sentences detailing what I think your dragon is like, perhaps their job or hobbies, and anything else that might come to mind. I ask that you give one to two dragons at a time, and wait until at least three other people have gotten a personality before asking for more. I am prone to burnout, so I cannot guarantee I'll get to everyone, but I'll try my best. I also can't guarantee when I'll get to everyone, I'll try to do it within a few days, but again, burnout orz. If some of you long time forum lurkers think this sounds familiar, it is! My username used to be HearthDragons, and I've done this before a few years ago. Here's an example of what I'm talking about: [quote]Roial seems to me like a warrior scholar, someone who isn't afraid to go out into the field and get his claws dirty to find whatever it is he's studying at the moment. Work focused to the point of not really noticing anything else, it could become a running gag that he's studying something and muttering to himself as he takes notes while something completely insane is happening in the background. Sticks to himself mostly, himself and his studies. He'll never admit it but he's lonely, but he tries to push people away because he doesn't need anyone else in his life. He surprises people with how athletic he is, and he's damn good in a fight too. [/quote] Once I'm done with the blurb, you're more than welcome to put it in the dragon's bio with credit. You're also more than welcome to edit it, change things, disregard it completely! These are just my thoughts on what your dragons feel like personality wise. I am subscribed to this thread, no need to ping. Also, tips are appreciated but not required!
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I'd like to help give your dragons some personality. I'll write a few sentences detailing what I think your dragon is like, perhaps their job or hobbies, and anything else that might come to mind.

I ask that you give one to two dragons at a time, and wait until at least three other people have gotten a personality before asking for more. I am prone to burnout, so I cannot guarantee I'll get to everyone, but I'll try my best. I also can't guarantee when I'll get to everyone, I'll try to do it within a few days, but again, burnout orz.

If some of you long time forum lurkers think this sounds familiar, it is! My username used to be HearthDragons, and I've done this before a few years ago.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
Roial seems to me like a warrior scholar, someone who isn't afraid to go out into the field and get his claws dirty to find whatever it is he's studying at the moment. Work focused to the point of not really noticing anything else, it could become a running gag that he's studying something and muttering to himself as he takes notes while something completely insane is happening in the background. Sticks to himself mostly, himself and his studies. He'll never admit it but he's lonely, but he tries to push people away because he doesn't need anyone else in his life. He surprises people with how athletic he is, and he's damn good in a fight too.

Once I'm done with the blurb, you're more than welcome to put it in the dragon's bio with credit. You're also more than welcome to edit it, change things, disregard it completely! These are just my thoughts on what your dragons feel like personality wise.

I am subscribed to this thread, no need to ping. Also, tips are appreciated but not required!
[color=#223366]thank you for the opportunity! i would love to know your thoughts on this dragon, who is currently unnamed. [url=][img][/img][/url] Needs a breed change to Ridgeback and a silhouette scroll. All i know is that he is going to be my Lightning rep + a very powerful Lightning mage.
thank you for the opportunity! i would love to know your thoughts on this dragon, who is currently unnamed.


Needs a breed change to Ridgeback and a silhouette scroll. All i know is that he is going to be my Lightning rep + a very powerful Lightning mage.
Slight-Eyewing.png __
they / he +2hr

__ __ TVPeCAO.png __ Enchanted-Libra.png
@Bailysis Good lord, he's gorgeous! That glowtail fits so well! [emoji=ridgeback love size=2] To me, he looks kind of cocky, boastful almost. He loves flying high and fast, especially in storms. Maybe he spends his time tinkering with machines, or even making little automatons that he'd power with his magic. I see him with a soft spot for kids, often telling them stories, all of himself and his achievements, but he embellishes a great deal to make it more fun for the kids. He doesn't get along well with authority at all.

Good lord, he's gorgeous! That glowtail fits so well!

To me, he looks kind of cocky, boastful almost. He loves flying high and fast, especially in storms. Maybe he spends his time tinkering with machines, or even making little automatons that he'd power with his magic. I see him with a soft spot for kids, often telling them stories, all of himself and his achievements, but he embellishes a great deal to make it more fun for the kids. He doesn't get along well with authority at all.
is this only for lore-less dragons or can i drop a dragon who already has lore as well?
is this only for lore-less dragons or can i drop a dragon who already has lore as well?

I can take a shot at dragons with lore. Let me know what you're looking for and I'll do my best! Add in links or info that I need to know too, such as mates and whatnot.

I can take a shot at dragons with lore. Let me know what you're looking for and I'll do my best! Add in links or info that I need to know too, such as mates and whatnot.
ahh nvm i don't wanna make this too complicated. here's premislav, he guards the entrance to my clan's lair with magic runes that disorient intruders [url=][img][/img][/url]
ahh nvm i don't wanna make this too complicated. here's premislav, he guards the entrance to my clan's lair with magic runes that disorient intruders


If you change your mind about the lore dragon, swing back in later!

So Premislav to me looks quiet and dutiful. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, it's clipped and to the point. He's focused entirely on his work, spending his time tending to the runes and trying to fine tune them or invent new ones. He's serious and not one to play games or join in on fun. Not to say he doesn't have a sense of humor, but his is very dry and people don't always get it.

If you change your mind about the lore dragon, swing back in later!

So Premislav to me looks quiet and dutiful. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, it's clipped and to the point. He's focused entirely on his work, spending his time tending to the runes and trying to fine tune them or invent new ones. He's serious and not one to play games or join in on fun. Not to say he doesn't have a sense of humor, but his is very dry and people don't always get it.
i've got a few dragons in need of inspiration, feel free to take a crack at any of 'em. obviously i don't expect you to do all of them at once, feel free to pick whoever you want to do. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
i've got a few dragons in need of inspiration, feel free to take a crack at any of 'em. obviously i don't expect you to do all of them at once, feel free to pick whoever you want to do.
they/them & any neos. debatably active lore clan.

ohh you got him almost spot on, tysm! i think i'll actually take a swing at writing his lore now ahahah
ohh you got him almost spot on, tysm! i think i'll actually take a swing at writing his lore now ahahah

Pelionn is boisterous, loud, and always laughing. He loves telling tall tales to anyone who will listen, and has penned a great deal of books on his stories. Specializing in adventure and fantasy, he doesn't do romance very well. This is because he's easily flustered when flirted with, so he has very little experience in that department. His dream is to travel, but he's a homebody and scardy cat. He has a bad habit of avoiding his problems.

Hemlock looks to be focused, to the point of neglecting her needs and other dragons. She studies gems and rocks, documenting their properties, where they can be found, and their uses. The best gems she finds, she sells to the highest bidder, or commissions jewelry for herself. Easily distractible by her work, she often finds herself trailing off into thoughts of her most resent studies in the middle of conversations. Some call her an airhead, but she's fiercely intelligent.

Pelionn is boisterous, loud, and always laughing. He loves telling tall tales to anyone who will listen, and has penned a great deal of books on his stories. Specializing in adventure and fantasy, he doesn't do romance very well. This is because he's easily flustered when flirted with, so he has very little experience in that department. His dream is to travel, but he's a homebody and scardy cat. He has a bad habit of avoiding his problems.

Hemlock looks to be focused, to the point of neglecting her needs and other dragons. She studies gems and rocks, documenting their properties, where they can be found, and their uses. The best gems she finds, she sells to the highest bidder, or commissions jewelry for herself. Easily distractible by her work, she often finds herself trailing off into thoughts of her most resent studies in the middle of conversations. Some call her an airhead, but she's fiercely intelligent.